
The Most Badass Woman in the Wars of Space

Nicola travelled into a book and become a paranoid heroine. Now she have to finish all the pervert tasks from her system towarding the male protagonist, Arthur, and the reward for mission accomplish is... making Arthur become more powerful? However, in the book's ending, Nicola's body: LIlith Noelle was killed by Arthur! In order to avoid the cruel ending, Nicola decided to be a good person.

Annanana21 · 科幻言情
45 Chs

Chapter 17 Dress to be a girl

   Although Nicola felt that her proposal was very sincere, the boy obviously didn't appreciate it.

   In this case, they can only fight with this alien beast.

   While the tree could resist for a while, Nicola quickly asked, "What is the weak point of the alien beast?"

   "You don't know such common sense?" Arthur looked confused.

   Bad student Nicola said that she only needs to eat, drink, have fun and be a pervert, and there is no need to study seriously.

   Arthur took a deep breath and began to explain the alien beasts to Nicola, "The skin of the alien beasts all over the body is very hard, and ordinary weapons cannot cut it, unless its weaknesses are found. Although there are many categories of alien beasts, they are not strong or weak. One, but their weaknesses are the same, that is, cutting off their heads will kill them."

   So just beheading is enough, right?

   Fighting powerful enemies, this kind of thing really requires a top student by your side.

   Nicola stretched out her hand toward Arthur, "Give me the capsule and I'll see if there's anything useful inside."

   Arthur hesitated for a moment, then handed the capsule he had stolen from Nicola back to her.

   Inside the capsule are the goodies that Nicola snatched from the pile of classmates.

   Nicola started to dig out something, and she touched a long and thin thing.

   This is probably an electric baton, right?

   Nicola's eyes lit up and she took out... a curling iron? Who the hell brings a curling iron for wilderness survival training? Be sick!

   Nicola threw away the curling iron and continued to dig out.

   A small touch-up kit? The mother of concave and convex man? Nutrient solution snack gift pack?

   Nicola was desperate

   Are these people here for vacation or to survive? Nicola angrily opened the snack gift bag and picked out a strawberry-flavored lollipop and stuffed it into her mouth. Then she continued to dig out angrily and took out a... wig?

   Nicola was silent for a while, then turned to look at Arthur, "You really don't want to consider my proposal?"



   Nicola casually hung the wig aside.

   Arthur sat very close to Nicola, and the wig was hung on a branch by her, blocking Arthur's view.

   Arthur casually said in annoyance, "What on earth is this woman doing at this critical moment of life and death?"

   "Hmm, perfume?" Nicola took out something else.

   At present, it seems that the female classmate with the doll bomb is actually a normal person. She is the only female classmate who works hard to survive in the wild.

   In fact, it is normal to think that these noble children are all pampered. Although they covet the eagle, they also know that their abilities are limited and understand that the academy will not make things difficult for them, so they all regard this wilderness survival training as a picnic trip.

   Suddenly, the alien beast that was frantically hitting the trees stopped.

   Nicola held the perfume hand for a moment.

   She lowered her head in surprise and made sure. The alien beast actually stopped attacking, and tried to raise its head at a 45-degree angle to look towards her. There was a lovely hazy feeling in its red eyes. .

   If Nicola had known that this alien beast could take a tiny human in its mouth, she would probably never use the word "cute" to describe it again.

   Nicola turned to look at Arthur beside her, and when she was about to discuss the matter with him, her expression paused.

   From Nicola's point of view, after the misalignment of the wig and Arthur, the fit was almost 100%. Arthur, who was holding a tree branch next to her, had completely transformed into a long, straight black beauty. When the boy lowered his eyes, his eyelashes were so long that they seemed to fly.


   Nicola lowered her head and took another look at the alien beast.

   Obviously, this misalignment also confused this single-celled beast.

   It tilted its head and moved its short legs for a while. When it came out of the shadow of the wig and saw Arthur's face clearly, its eyes immediately turned red and it continued to hit the tree crazily.

   Nicola felt that her clever little mind suddenly had an epiphany.

   She picked up the wig and put it on Arthur's head.

   The alien beast pressed the leaves on its head and made a movement.

   Nicola takes off the wig again.

   The alien beast roared and charged madly.

   Nicola put it back on.

   The alien beast tilted its head and paused.

   Nicola took it off again.

   The beast hits again.

   After such experiments, Nicola finally determined, "Look, it just doesn't like men."


   Arthur, who was in extremely complicated mood, held the wig on his head. He really couldn't believe such a ridiculous thing. He reached out tremblingly and took off the wig.

   Alien beast the man hater crushed down the big tree with a collision.

   Arthur quickly put the wig on as he and Nicola descended together.

   The alien beast paused in its sprinting motion, and its strong hind limbs made two hard braking marks on the ground.


   Actually...it's true.

   Arthur fell to the ground, his eyes blank.

   Nicola, who landed safely on the ground, said excitedly: "Don't worry, I'll find a skirt for you."


  Euro· Jacobs thought he had a chance to win, Arthur Otis would definitely die this time.

   But he never expected that things would turn out like this.

   Since the emergence of psychics, powerful psychics have gathered together and given birth to the next child with psychic powers through marriage.

   As long as there is a combination of psychics, 99% of the children born from them will be psychics.

   In this way, the cohesion and class solidification of psychic people are produced. Just like a rich and powerful person will marry an even richer and more powerful person, a person with psychic power will choose someone with the same power to marry in order to have a child with stronger power from birth.

   Naturally, some men with strongest power will spread their seeds widely, have relationships with powerful women or noble women, and give birth to children.

   The probability of a psychic person and an ordinary person giving birth to a child with psychic powers is 10%. The chance of an ordinary person combining with an ordinary person to give birth to a child with spiritual power is almost 0.

   After people discovered this rule, they became more determined to combine psychic power users with psychic power users to strengthen the group of power users.

   Therefore, after a hundred years of changes, the status of the four major families has become more and more stable. However, because of this incident, the power users living in the four major families have also been swallowed up by the corrupt wealth. Some women with power have even been forced to be a childbearing tool.

   Female heirs with SS level like Lilith and Doris are extremely rare. If they hadn't been of a high level, they would probably still be working for the birth of the fetus of a psychic.

   But not working now doesn't mean they won't work in the future.

   There are very few women with SS-level power. Lilith and Doris have long become the favorites among the four major families. Men at the SS level are out of luck, and the person who can match them should of course be the strongest psychic at the SS level.

   Euro· Jacobs likes Lilith, but he knows that he is not worthy of Lilith at all. The head of the Noelle family has already set his sights on Lilith as her fiancé, the heir to the Jacobs family, Colonel Vatair Jacobs, who has SSS-level spiritual power, and is also his biological brother.

   Euro· Jacobs hated that he only had S-level power, and there was anger in his heart that he couldn't vent. When he saw Arthur being treated differently by Lilith, the hatred in his heart became more obvious.

   And when he bullied Arthur for the first time, Euro Jacobs gained unprecedented pleasure from it.

   It was this pleasure of bullying that made him forget the pressure and grievances of being a waste. Euro· Jacobs released his pressure and pain on Arthur to his heart's content. It hurt him, and he wanted Arthur Otis to hurt more than him!

   However, this person who had been bullied by him actually fought back, which was tantamount to doubling the resentment that Euro Jacobs had accumulated for many years and releasing it to its climax.

   Euro· Jacobs has been planning for a long time, and finally started his careful plan on the day of wilderness survival training.

   His plan is to steal an alien beast from the Jacobs family's laboratory and use it to kill Arthur.

   In fact, Euro· Jacobs had a plan at the beginning not to use alien beasts. He planned to deal with Arthur himself, which would give him more pleasure.

   But he followed along and found that Arthur had been involved with Lilith. If he wanted to kill Arthur, he had to avoid Lilith.

   He had waited for a long time and had seen enough of Arthur and Lilith's entanglement. He couldn't bear it anymore, and since he couldn't avoid it, he had no choice but to use his trump card.

   Euro· Jacobs released the alien beast from the capsule.

   This alien beast has been in the Jacobs family's laboratory for a long time as an experiment psychic subject. It's IQ is pretty low, and after being implanted with a program, it has completely turned into a puppet beast.

   Euro· Jacobs forced the experimenter to modify the control program of the alien beast and input Arthur's information, whether it was front, back, side or back, anyway, as long as it looked like Arthur, it was all inserted into the program.

   Kill Arthur and become the only target of the alien beasts that appear here.

   As a single-brain cell creature, in the alien beast's brain system, Arthur has short black hair, black eyes, cold pale skin, and wears a cyan uniform.

   This is Euro's updated image of Arthur before entering the jungle.

   Nicola put a wig on Arthur's head. The long, smooth black hair stuck to his face. The bangs were styled in and made his face look smaller. He looked like a black-haired enchantress, a Barbie doll.

   The alien beast stopped moving, squatting there and tilting its head in confusion.

   Is he Arthur? Or not?

   Euro· Jacobs, who was hiding not far away and watching the whole process with a telescope, gritted his teeth.

   The alien seems unrecognizable...so damn stupid! What to do? Could he go out and kill Arthur himself now?

   No, if he could, he wouldn't have to release the alien beasts.

   If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have just set up Arthur's image, but should have entered Arthur's hair, breath, fingerprints, pupils and other things that could prove him into the program, so that he would have no way of escaping!

    Arthur didn't know whether to praise Lilith for being smart, or whether this alien beast was...too stupid.

   He just wears a wig, doesn't this alien beast not recognize him?

   Arthur didn't believe it. He stood up and tried to straighten his body. Step by step, he mustered up the courage to walk towards the alien beast.

   The alien beast squatted there, tilting its head and looking around, as if looking for prey.   Arthur walked up to it, and the beast looked down at him, ignoring it.

   Wow, this trick is really working.

   Arthur's breath suffocated, he clenched the dagger in his hand, and slowly approached the alien beast.

   The alien beast has a huge body and hard skin. But just cut off its head and it will die.

   This was Arthur's first real contact with alien beasts. In the past, he had only seen such things in books and movies.

   Although he only had a dagger in his hand, Arthur was very excited. He has always understood his true nature. He may seem innocent and frail on the outside, but deep down he has an uncontrollable bloodthirsty nature.

   "Hey, what are you doing?" Nicola saw the dagger in Arthur's hand, and a look of surprise appeared on her cold face.

   It's not what she thinks, is it?

   "I'm going to kill it." The excitement on Arthur's face was obvious.

   Nicola looked at the boy's thin arms and legs, and really didn't want to hurt his self-esteem, so she said kindly: "How about you put on your skirt first?"

   From the angle of Arthur's head, he could see that Nicola actually took out a crenolin skirt from the capsule.

   Are these aristocratic ladies really here for a picnic?

   It was impossible to wear a skirt, not for the rest of Arthur's life.

   Arthur raised his dagger and rushed towards the alien beast.

   Nicola shouted urgently, "Be careful with the wig!"

   Arthur stumbled and barely managed to steady himself.

   Although the alien beast has been programmed, when faced with the problem of life and death, it still has a desire for life in its heart.

   Arthur's attack was too impulsive and his intention was too obvious. Although "she" was not its target, it would not let "her" succeed just like that.

   The alien beast roared and flicked its long tail.

   Arthur's slender figure leaped high, barely avoiding the long tail. Unexpectedly, this alien beast looked stupid, but it actually had some agility. The long tail swept over, bringing a piece of dust with it, which blurred Arthur's eyes.

   At this moment, the long tail stretched out again, swept Arthur to the ground, and suppressed him hard.

   The alien beast has eaten countless people, one little human in one mouthful. When it saw Arthur being suppressed by it, its eyes gradually showed a clear appetite for food.

   It seemed to recall its own glorious past.

   The kind that fills up a little human in one mouthful.