
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

Robs511 · 作品衍生
75 Chs

Chapter 15

I was lost.

I finally admitted that fact to myself, pushing down my wounded pride. It rankled me that I was as helpless as any child in navigating through a city. Though it wasn't completely my fault; Afterall, I was in a two decades younger New York and I didn't have the omnipotent help of Google maps.

I knew the camp was somewhere in long Island, which atleast gave me a point to start; but didn't help me in making my way through the city one bit. In the end, I had to eavesdrop on some drivers and sneak on top of a bus to reach the place.

Thankfully, My concealment magic came quite handy in here, and I reached long Island in less than an hour.

Unfortunately I was still lost, not knowing where to go next. I had been hoping for some sign to indicate any divine presence that pointed towards the camp half-blood, but my search bore no fruit.

So after roaming the streets for 3 days, while avoiding any curious mortals and some not so curious monsters, I finally settled on a simple course of action– Find a house, eat some food, slay some monsters, and rest. Rest until some random demigods or satyrs bumble in the city. Cause I was just too tired of sleeping under some half-assed makeshift shelter that I had to recreate every night, without any comfort or security.

Hopefully I won't be this clueless for long.


"...the floods have reached a critical point in these islands, drowning atleast 36 people and counting. The experts are stumped as to why the ocean is in such a disaaray without any presence of winds or storm. Some say it is an act of god itself..."

I absently gave the news some thought while quietly sipping my coffee. I was sitting alone in a local cafe, watching the news from the TV attached above whilst enjoying my drink. It was a cool night on long islands, cooler than usual. And some hot drink always went well with that. I'd have preferred hot chocolate but the cafe was relatively small, serving only a few popular beverages. Even in those it was just...meh, but it got the job done.

"Kid, you should go back home soon. The weather doesn't seem right." The owner of the cafe spoke out from behind the counter, peering outside the window with a worried frown.

I turned around to glance, and sure enough, it looked like it might start raining anytime now.

Sighing I stood up, gulping down the last bit quickly.

"That'll be two buc–"

I shut the man up with a wave of my hands, casting one of the only 3 demonic spells that I knew currently.

[Hypnosis Magic] (Lvl 3)

-50 Demonic Power

I left the cafe quickly, clutching my full coat tightly as wind whipped past them. It was the first time since I came here that such fierce winds blew, and for some reason I couldn't shake off the thought that it actually might be an act of god.

I looked around the dark road to see if anyone was watching, before casting concealment magic on myself.

[Concealment Magic] Lvl 3

-50 Demonic power

These spells were quickly becoming some of my most favourite skills. They didn't quite show their use in japan, what with me never needing to use them. But here? Let's just say living in mortal world has never been more easy. I could mind fuck them or stay completely out of their radar. It was amazing.

Especially since I didn't need to worry about anyone seeing me flying. So without hesitation, I dropped my coat and unleashed my wings. I still had a white undershirt which had two holes to let my wings out. I didn't really care for clothes, considering I could create whatever clothes I wanted, but it was still a chore to create a new one everytime I let my white fluffies out.

I was beginning to realise how much I took my mother for granted.

It made sense now on why her clothes transformed into that skimpy bikini whenever she let out her wings. If I'm having problems with a single pair, what would I do with 6 pairs? Probably create some custom magical clothes for myself.


I sped through the roads, flapping above the long Island while scanning the entire neighborhood for any monsters. My target was a small 2BHK flat towards the shadier region of the colony; I'd broken into the house after confirming it's abandoned status.

Weirdly, I couldn't quite find any monsters on my way back. A difficult feat, considering how much all the monsters just loved the smell of my godly blood, even when I kept it suppressed. Not a single day went that I wouldn't find atleast a couple of hellhounds stalking me even under concealment.

I skipped past a couple of house lanes, before reaching my dark and dreary house. It looked like a nightmare to live in from outside, but I'd done a good job of making it comfortable from inside, something of which I was very proud of.

I frowned as my eyes observed quite a few monsters surrounding the house. Were they waiting for me? How considerate.

My smell seemed to finally get their attention, making some skeletons start bumble towards me like zombies, while the hellhounds melted inside shadows.



Race: Monster

Tier: 3 (Inhuman)

Level: 227

Mana: 15000/15000

Stamina: 22900/22900

Health: 23300/23300


Strength: 258

Speed: 203

Dexterity: 210

Endurance: 229

Constitution: 233

Mental: 7

Spirit: 150

Grinning, I reached into my inventory and removed my weapon. The white 6 feet long spear shone in my hand as I laced it's edged with electricity, giving it a twirl. I felt the disturbance in the air under me as shadow seemed to melt in on itself, revealing an SUV sized hellhound. It was probably the dumber one of the group, to dare come after a flying opponent.

The ugly thing showed it's stupidity and jumped in the air to paw at me. Of course, air was my domain and with a gust of concentrated wind, I blasted the thing back down. With another blast of wind I sped after its falling body without a pause, and stabbed the giant hound with my spear before it can even straighten itself.

My spear felt resistance from its body, like I was hitting solid iron, but combined with my strength, the blade of my spear went in, electrocuting it's body inside out. The hound lay shocked for just a second, but it was enough time for me to create a holy spear and lodge it inside it's brain.

Weapons created from Holy light were my first choice in killing monsters. The monsters hide was usually too thick for my mundane spear to pierce through, and I had to use all my strength for it to atleast enter it's body. Soon though, I learned that those small stabs weren't that critical for them, and the monsters always kept fighting. But by adding electric current to its edges, I could shock them to the core.


Just for a couple of seconds, but that time was enough for me to directly stab their vitals with Holy weapons, which were much more effective in cutting into the monsters as they literally melted the dark creatures.

The best part? I could launch them from a distance. And I did just that as the rest of the hellhounds took my bait and shadow-travelled behind me now that I was on the ground. I threw a newly created holy spear with a speed and precision unmatched by a mortal. Thrown with 15 times the peak human strength, the spear flew like a rocket, visibly breaking the sound barrier with a crack as it struck one of the two hellhounds head, killing it instantly.

The second hellhound managed to pounce on me but with my already inhuman speed, further enhanced by my wings, I was able to soundly dodge underneath the thing without any effort, while my spear slit through the soft underbelly of the creature with all my strength, cutting atleast 3-4 inches deep. The creature froze in place as it's paws met the earth, and the next moment found a holy spear lodged inside it's head. All the dead monsters eventually disintegrated into dust and were sucked away in the earth.

The confrontation between me and the hellhounds barely lasted half-a-dozen seconds, so the slow skeletons were still stumbling towards me. I didn't wait for them, preferring to snipe them out by throwing my holy spears. A single direct headshot usually crushed these tier 2 monsters easily. Hell, even a solid body shot absolutely trashed them.


Race: Monster

Tier: 2 (Superhuman)

Level: 113

Mana: 1000/1000

Stamina: 5850/5850

Health: 6050/6050


Strength: 177

Speed: 20

Dexterity: 138

Endurance: 117

Constitution: 121

Mental: 4

Spirit: 20

The six skeletons were decimated before they could ever reach me.

[You Leveled Up] 269

Ooh nice, finally a level. About freakin time. My leveling speed has definitely gotten quite slow. Though japan didn't usually present me with good hunting grounds, I got permission from mum to go hunt any stray devils inside the city last year. I remember fighting a Mid-class stray devil but with his mental faculties intact. It had been one of my most troublesome opponents, second only to the water-dragon. The devils truly had hax magic, and I'm glad I was one of them, no matter how partially. The shiny little defensive shields were just my favourite.

I shook my head with a sigh, and started making my way to the flat. Just remembering those moments made me a little nostalgic, so I quickly cast them aside and focused ahead.

I passed by the stylish Bentley parked outside my house. I'd stolen it from a mega asshole proctologist, also one of the most condescending piece of shit I've ever seen. I'd watched the man in a Brooklyn cafe, harassing a worker like she was his slave. The bastard never talked to me, but the sheer arrogance and condescension in his gaze when he looked down at me had made me want to kill him right there and then. Honestly? If we'd been alone I might not have been able to control myself.

Still, the Bentley more than made up for it. I never usually drove it due to having to slide down while driving to reach the break and accelerator. Yeah, I was a little too short, not even 5 feets, so what? I'll drop people down just the same if they talk shit to me.

As I approached my front door, I became aware that I may have some...unwanted guests. The door was lock picked, and someone entered my house wearing dirty shoes. Frowning, I cast concealment Magic over myself, embracing the invisibility as I entered the house without a sound.

"...someone lives here..."

My ears picked up the furious whispers coming from deeper in the kitchen. I tip-toed inside, sheathing my spear back in the inventory and instead, creating a short sword and a knife using demonic power as I slowly entered to confront the thieves.

Using spear in a cramped space was the height of stupidity. Sword and knife will have to do for now, even though I wasn't proficient with either of them.

When I finally peeked through the door, I had to stifle my surprise. I've been excepting to confront a couple of thugs whispering to themselves like rats. What I was not expecting was a group of children– Two boys and two girls, huddled together around a few lit up candles, warming their hands under comfy blankets. Two of them were teenagers, and two were just...kids.

"I know, Luke! I'm not stupid." The teen girl whispered furiously to the boy, who seemed like the eldest out of all of them.

"G-guys, I think.. I s-smell something." A bleating voice broke their argument as the other young boy, around 10 or 11, nervously stuttered out, sniffing the air and growing even more nervous by the second.


Did he smell me? But I was hiding under magic, so how?... Only when I saw him closer did I realise the truth. He was sitting on his knees like a Japanese, which made his naked feets uncovered. Or more specifically...his hooves.

A satyr.

Finally. I had a way out of this boring hellhole. But I'll have to be cautious. They just broke into my house and were clearly armed.

My safety came first before anything.

"It smells...like..a god and..a monster?" The satyr asked uncertainly, his hands now shaking.

The other kids looked alarmed, reaching for their weapons.

Double shit. No time.

I didn't waste another moment as I burst forth with speed and clamped my hands around the youngest of them, also the only one here who didn't tower over me in height. Yes, i was salty about that.

I retreated before they could do anything, letting my concealing magic fade away.

"Stand down, and no one needs to get hurt." I said, holding my holy knife on her throat while the other pointed my sword towards them. 

Don't worry, Gabriel's gonna be alright. I have some really nice things planned for her. And no, it's not **** or.... whatever dark things you guys feared.

Robs511creators' thoughts