
Catty Guards

Victor and his group of rogues had been watching in the darkness for a while as the trio set up camp. As Victor had predicted, the tired wolves would make camp at the exact spot most suitable to rest. Almost every other spot along the river was too narrow for them to set up a tent… let alone three.

There had never been a moment, except when Victor had seen the mountain pass come down on the Prince of Sirius, that he didn't feel as incredibly lucky as he felt right now.

Not only had he brought down one royal but he now had the chance to bring down another. He felt like the luckiest person on the planet at the moment. After bringing down the prince, his assumption that he'd be satisfied with his revenge had proved negative.

The hunger for revenge felt like it was only starting. He now wanted to take what the prince cared about just like the prince had done to him. He wanted to kill the princess as well.