

Mileena is a princess forced to get married by her parents, she is not ready for that and she still wants to know what love really is. In the middle of a running she founds a flower and a really mysterious guy with it, he has a lot of answers and a lot to explain. Mileena is gonna find not only love, but also magic, and even herself. This is a romance, mysterious story. Love is part of it, but there are a lot of things to be happen in the future.

Panfipoop · 奇幻言情
34 Chs

Is It Love?

Today is gonna be the second game, and I just hope everything goes well. My father and mother are watching, they both like Jasper, my father for power, and my mother, um.. well, she is just superficial.

This game is gonna be taste in hunting, my father prepared a special animal for each of them, and the first three people to bring it back are gonna stay.

Winny got an elephant, as one of my father's favorites, he gotta show a lot of strength. Ester got a hyena, maybe because both of them are creepy. James got a whale, that gonna be hard. Blake got a wolf, but not a regular one, a white wolf. And Jasper, he got a cheetah, he gotta be really fast to catch one.

I waited with my family until everyone gets back, and Jasper was the first one to show up. He was all sweaty, and he did not only hunted the cheetah, but he also brought it alive because he is against animal cruelty, so he said "I thought it was unnecessary to kill such innocent animal, so, after this, I might take it back to its home. Of course, if there is no problem, our majesty."

My father was really impressed, and he did not care about the animal and just replied "Haha, it is good for me. Does not matter." Those were the best words I have never heard from my father.

The second place was given to Winny, and he was all mad since he was not the first. I just felt bad for that elephant. Winny got a really competitive instinct, so just right after that, he started being so mean with Jasper.

The third place and last place was given to Blake, he was just him and offered the wolf's head to my father, he also mentioned that the wolf could be used for anything else. I guess, he is trying to be polite and nice to my father.

James did the last place, so he just went home back again with his father. My father got upset because he did not kill the whale, he preferred to let it go, so I asked before he went home "Why?" He smiled and said "I cannot do such a thing, I could do the same as Jasper, take it without killing it, but is just too big and it needs water to survive. I had to decide between my wants and life. I am so sorry, princess. But I cannot kill an innocent soul in exchange for love and power."

My mother decided to do a dance the next day, she announced it just after everything was done. She said is gonna be a mask dancing. The most interesting about this dance is the anonymity, I can see myself dancing with him. Jasper is already so mysterious with a mask it would increase and make him look so fantastic.

I had too much to study, so I just decided to spent the rest of the day in the library. After a couple of hours, I just started looking for magic books in the library and lucky me, I found a couple of them. I thought that maybe I could be able to use magic, Jasper said it was able to teach anyone, so I will teach myself. After reading all those books, I decided to ask the moon for permission to use such power, but when I came outside there was no moon. I did not understand, but I remember the book called it "new moon" when the moon is cover in shadow. So, I decided it would be still good to go over my favorite lake since it is a new moon, it is important to reborn or to get a clean into nature.

I was walking into the forest and I could felt someone followed me, but I decided to keep walking. When I got to the lake, Jasper appeared behind me and said "It is dangerous for a little princess, just to go for a walk into the forest, especially in new moon."

I laughed "Do you think I am still a little princess?"

He looked at me "You are still young, princess."

I took off my dress "I read in a book that new moons are good to get purify."

He blushed and tried to avoid eye contact "You should not remove your dress, princess"

I removed my brooch and let go my hair "I just want to swim a bit, would you like to swim with me?"

He just grabbed his hair "I think you do not give me any other option, it would be a torture if I only watch."

So I took off my clothes and walk really slowly into the lake "I guess, I will be waiting for you."

He started taking his clothes off and I was just swimming around, feeling the cold water in all the sensitive parts of my body, just being myself with no shame.

He suddenly hugged me, grabbing me by the back and slowly touching my waist. "You have been always seemed to be so beautiful to me, you are so cruel for doing this. But I would not do anything if you do not want me, I would respe..."

And I just shut him with a kiss, I grabbed his cheek "do anything to me." I could feel his chest against mine, touching me, and even in the middle of the cold water, it was all warm. He started kissing my neck, stop a bit, and said: "This is not a place for the first time, we should wait."

He swims away from me and said: "Let's go back to the palace, princess." He helped me to dress back, gave me a kiss in my forehead, grabbed my hand, and said: "do not let go of me, these places can be dangerous."

I was just so happy but pissed at the same time. But still, he showed respect to me and that is what matters to me.

I got into my room and he just decided to stay overnight, "tomorrow is the dance, I do not have to rest too much, so I might stay with you." Of course, I wanted him in my bed, but I decided to wait just like he asked me. I just took off my clothes and leave them with the dirt bunch of clothes, princes Jasper was just watching me naked, so I decided to kill the intensity vibe saying "What? Did you just changed your mind?"

It was a clear "yes" when he got closer and took off his shirt "Do you want me?" I have been watching him and having dreams, but I thought that maybe I should wait. My mind said "No, I think we should wait as you said before" but my mouth changed completely everything that my mind was trying to say "So, I should say yes. I should admit you have been making me wishing you overnight, making me want you and get wet between my thoughts and..."

When I realized what I was saying, I put my hands on my mouth. He took off his pants "Hahahaha."

I felt ashamed "Wha... What are you laughing for?"

He kissed me, grabbed me, and pulled me over the bed, I could not imagine everything would feel even warmer outside the cold water. He kissed me everywhere, my chest, my nipples, my belly when I felt he was going down I shrink a bit, he grabbed me and put me upside down, he grabbed me by the hair and kissed me in the neck, he started going down, I started to get really wet and moaning, so he shut me up and whispered in my ear "shhh, be a good princess" when he was kissing my back and realized about my birthmark "this birthmark" in my mind I was still being kissed around, but when I reacted "Oh, yep. I still do not know what it means" he kissed me again and said "Should I explain to you now or later?" of course "Please, let's do it later." He started kissing me again, and when he put himself inside, I was able to feel all the pressure in my hips. I could feel him all inside of me, he looked at me "I am sorry if it hurts" for some reason it did not hurt, and I was just feeling all good "it does not hurt" but he insisted "then is just gonna bleed a bit" I did not know and when I looked down is was surely bleeding "is it normal?" he smiled a bit "it is pretty normal, I have been studying a bit of everything, do not worry" he started moving and pushing his waist against me, it was something really new to me, but this feeling was amazing and I did not want to stop. He grabbed me everywhere, he made me felt really good.

I grabbed him by the waist, I touched his back, I bite his lips, everything felt really new and really pleasant to me, even if I slightly touched his soft skin. I accidentally scratch him and said sorry, but he just said "no, keep doing it." I thought that I just hurt him, but he liked it, so I scratched him everywhere. Even biting his neck was a pleasure, his skin was really sweet, really soft.

I did not know how much did it lasted, but he pulled me in different positions, we were almost caught when I accidentally moaned really loud and my knights asked me if I was alright, so I just said "I am sorry, I woke up to the restroom and accidentally hit myself, but everything is fine" he was still pushing against me and it made it hard to talk, he laughed and said "is it hard to talk?" my knights insisted "Do you want us to call Ofelia?" so I just tried to talk and said "no, it is completely fi.." but my knights still insisted "your voice seems to be kind of different, princess. Are you sure you are fine?" so I just deep breathe and kept it "I am sorry, I was in need of water. I just drank some. Good night." Jasper was laughing and when he finished I just felt something coming even deep inside of me, so he shut me up to keep the moan inside of my mouth.

I felt really good just right after, every muscle of my body was deeply relax and really tired. He watched me and kissed me on the forehead, it was amazing. He grabbed my hand "I promise that I would protect you from everything and anything. I will win this fool game, just to make you free, and we will free together" it was like a real fairy tale.

Before to fell asleep, he hugged me and whispered "I love you, princess." I blushed and stay up in the night, I could not stop thinking about how good I felt, and how badly I wanted everything to get done and just marry him.

But I just suddenly fell asleep and when I woke up he was already gone, of course, he was not supposed to be in my room, and I could not stop thinking about the blood in my sheets, so when Ofelia got in my room I just said that I was in my period, Ofelia just sighed and said "Ok, I am glad that it is just that" so, she prepared my bed when I was taking a shower and when I went out she got everything in my bed and said "Princess, you need to get ready, and I should leave you, there are a lot of preparations for this noon's dance" so I just said "It is fine, Ofelia. I will just get ready and I will help just a bit in the kitchen."

When I got ready and went out of my room prince Winny was waiting for me "Hi, princess. I just wanted to say 'Hi'" I just kept walking but he insisted, "I thought we could spend the rest of the day together, just while the dance is not ready" it annoyed me, but I was still a princess "I am sorry, I should help a bit too prepared everything, also I need to see my mother, the queen. So, pardon me?"

When I got in the kitchen, I realized Jasper was already helping everyone "What are you doing here?" he turned to me and said "My father allowed me to help, and also he is helping, we could be royal but still humble, princess" I was surprised but I just felt good about everything "Ok, I guess you can help us" he smiled and

asked "Help us? Do your father at least know that you help in the kitchen? I do not think he might know" so I just replied, "He does not know that I help, it is my decision."

I realized that Ofelia did not collect yet the strawberries and the berries, so I just decided to go into the forest, of course, Jasper came with me. We were there, I saw the moon's flower and just gave some water, it was still the first time. I got worried for a second knowing the flower is out in the forest without protection "Do you think we should build a little keeper for the flower?" he stared at me "Why?" so I just replied "I do not want it to get damaged" he hugged me and said, "That is not gonna happen."

After got everything ready, I went back to my room to get ready back again for the dance, and Jasper did the same. Everyone was excited and everything was perfect, or at least at the moment...