

Mileena is a princess forced to get married by her parents, she is not ready for that and she still wants to know what love really is. In the middle of a running she founds a flower and a really mysterious guy with it, he has a lot of answers and a lot to explain. Mileena is gonna find not only love, but also magic, and even herself. This is a romance, mysterious story. Love is part of it, but there are a lot of things to be happen in the future.

Panfipoop · 奇幻言情
34 Chs

Ban Kingdom

I decided to come to the town the bird talked about, so I used my teleportation. I was not worried about the guys since they were able to use my powers and also they had each other.

It took me a couple of minutes, I watched from distance and I saw them and for some reason, they were both forms in human, but also demons.

I got into the town in my human form and I watched them.

I just heard someone asking "Hey! you might be new, can I see your demon form?"

I did not know what to do and I changed into a demon female. Everyone stared at me and said, "Is it her?"

I changed back and told myself "That was closed"

Someone walked to me "What is your name?"

"Hi! I am... mmm..." I become confused about saying my real name or not.

But he interrupted "We know you, are you Mileena?"

I was surprised, took my blades out, and said "Yes."

He smiled "We have been waiting for you, come with us!"

I was confused, they showed a bubble "Lucifer sent us to you and said you were a demon, too."

I was confused "How is that?"

"You are a part of everyone, not an angel, but a demon and a goddess. It was meant to be you, who were coming and place a ritual to make us your pets!" he exclaimed.

"A bird told me what are you planning" I looked at him.

"We were planning to go during the night to Koku city and kill the impure people for you" he smiled.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"We decided to make a town for us, so we could be in any form we wanted and be free. We named is the Ban kingdom" he grabbed my hand "We also want to be free and be nice with everyone, but they only called us monsters."

"So, I might proceed to do the ritual" I stand up and walked.

In Koku city, the guys were pretty good and everything around the city was in a good environment.

"I do not know if we should continue this, there is nothing!!!" Nick started saying.

"Can you calm down and just keep walking. There might be something" Gabriel looked away "But it seems there is something really weird."

"In a place this calm there is always something really weird," Owin said "I think we just need to sleep or rest."

Remy laughed "If there is something we gotta kill it and that would be it!"

I started to prepared everything for the ritual and get ready.

When I came outside everyone started asking "How are we gonna do this? if you take too much blood from your body, you could die."

So, I cut myself and put my hand into a fountain "The water is my blood and my blood is the water, both are one" I whispered.

Everybody was looking "What is she doing?"

I took my hand out if the water, the water started to started turned pink and I said "Those that are willing to fight by my said and become my friend, drink the water!!!"

The night came and everyone already drank the water, so I said: "I need you to stay here if I have a mission I will send a bird to tell you."

Everyone was agreed.

"Tonight I might send my other friends to kill the impure people, then we will go to another city!" I said, then I disappeared.

I used teleportation to come back to the woods and get into the city. It was really dark and I felt someone grabbing me by the back, putting its hand in my mouth and pulling me.

It was Nick "Shhhh... They got Remy."

"Where's Gabriel?" I looked at him.

"He went inside to get Remy" his face was really worried.

"Where is Owin?" I asked.

"Uhm... They got him first, then Remy tried to save him and got into a trap, now Gabriel went down and..." he was explaining.

I interrupted "You're all so fucking dumbs!!!"

I grabbed him by the collar "Show me where they are?"

"The door goes underground" he points at the ground at 20 meters away.

"You wanna come with me?" I asked him.

He smiled "Of course."

I was real mad, open the door and we got inside. I asked Nick to changed into a snake, so they would not see him. We continue walking and saw Remy inside of a magic cage "What do you think are you doing?" I looked at him.

"They got me with magic" he looked down.

I wrote a sigil "This place stinks" I said and threw the paper, as soon as this touched the ground the air started to purified, I broke the spell "Remember you can use magic too and since you are able to get some of mine, they can increase."

We walked and Gabriel was fighting with another angel and Owin was transformed into a girl "Can you explain?" I asked Remy.

"Uhm, well.. it was Gabriel's idea to transformed Owin in a girl and see if there were impure people. They kidnapped Owin and tried to kill him in a ritual, but they saw his dick and realized he was not a girl. Then, I came down for him and closed me inside of a magic cage. We asked other people to help, but they only care about themselves and their own fears. Gabriel came after me and recognized the angel over there, called him a disrupted angel and now they are fighting" Remy explained.

"It was a good idea, but there was not an order. You should be careful" I smiled "Good job!"

I raised my hand and clap my fingers, both of them stopped moving in the air, fell on the ground "I am not the only angel in the earth!!!" he screamed and broke the spell "We came for you, Mileena" and even if his skin was bright, his eyes were dark "You are not worthy of your powers, and instead of doing a good. You decided to listen to them, you decided to become a demon!!!!"

"That is right, I decided to become a demon. However, I do not look like one just as you do" I grabbed my blades "You are disrupted angel, in the name is the gods, I shall take your soul" I threw the blades to him and he started avoiding them and moving really fast.

I threw my left blade and when he moved, I threw the right one and tangled him up, so I pulled him and hit him with my head.

Nick looked surprised "Nice!!! are we gonna take him as our prisoner and make him pay?"

"No" I cut my hand, open his mouth, and dropped the bleeding until he drank "Now, you are my pet" I smiled.

Remy grabbed my should "Where did you go? You smell so much as a demon!"

"Precisely I went in a town made by demons, they named it "Ban kingdom," a bird told me about it. They explained since they arrived have been waiting for me, they drank from my blood and become my pets" I looked at him.

"That sounds more like war if you involve them" Remy looked down.

"People do not care about anything, but themselves and only some people are just really nice, but at the end, some of them betrayed you" I looked at him "But I am not planning to kill all of them."

When the angel woke up I asked him "What's your name?"

He tried to attack, but could not "You cannot hurt me since I am your owner."

He looked at me, "My name is Alexiel, I am an angel."

I smiled, "That is a good starting. My name is Mileena."

"I know you are Mileena," he looked away.

"Nice, we are all friends now" I smiled. "The snake is Nick, the blonde guy is Remy, the bunny guy is Owin, and you already know Gabriel."

"There are more angels looking for you and own your powers, but now I am your pet and I will protect you. I promise," he kneels down and touched his chest.