Mark and I walked down the stairs of the abandoned building. Every floor was silent and eerie looking. The halls of every floors were devoid of life. No sound can be heard other than our footsteps. If you have a very active imagination, you could imagine that something will just pop out from the shadows.
I was starting to feel tired with the walking. We have just gone up the hospital and now we are going down the stairs. My legs are starting to feel numb, maybe because of the anxiety I was also feeling.
"Are you tired?" Mark asked.
I was startled when he stopped in front of me after landing on the second floor. I was so focused on my thoughts that I wasn't aware that he just stopped.
"Oh no… I am fine." I replied, but truthfully my legs are getting tired.
"We have climbed a flight of stairs a while ago. I am sure you are getting tired." Mark said. "Do you want to rest for a while?"