
The monster of Teiko (Kuroko No Basket)

i dont own kuroko no basket i only own my own oc

Aleksorks · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Reincarnation/Basketball Camp

Alarms ringing and a long BEEEEEEP noise can be heard in a hospital in a small country named Kosovo in Europe and that was also the day that a young boy the age of 15 died still with dreams he had not achieved.

(Mc Pov)

Seems like corona virus finally took my life huh, damn i still had so much to achieve and most of all i still wanted to play more basketball but seems like thats all i get.

God: Do not worry my young child, for i the supreme one have decided to give you another chance to life in a world of your choosing with 3 wishes of your choosing.

Mc:Woah so God really does exist! (So fan fictions are real wow) and thank you God i cant express how happy i am right now.

God: Yeah yeah on with it and dont worry about hell even if you smoked weed at an illegal age and alcohol aswell since i use them aswell since i got to keep myself high up here you know!( ya see what i did there 😏)

Mc: Allright well then i wish to be reincarnated in the world of Kuroko no Baskue and i wish to live in Japan at the same age as Kuroko and also for my wishes

● I wish to have Talent for Basketball as high as the generation of miracles if not higher!

●I wish to have The best Dribling skill there is as my own specific style that only i in the world can use and that it is like the Lightning Beast style but its not rigid and stiff but fluid and versatile and that it is a lot faster and stronger.

Also Called the Lightning God Dribble

●For my last wish i want to be able to enter a imperfect zone at will and the Full zone naturally like kagami or Aomine later on.

God:Allright my child, now go on into the world and leave your mark and i hope to not see you soon!

ps. Bring me some pot next time you come around.

Mc:Allright thank you!

(3rd Pov)

After our lovely Mc said that, he was engulfed by a portal and sent to the Kuroko No Baskue world.

-Time skip 9 Months-

Our Main Character was born into a japanese family in Tokyo, the family was not rich but it was not poor either, you could say it was a normal family.

Mom:Look dear! Look at our pretty boy doesn't he look cute.

Dad:Awww he looks adorable, but what are we going to name him?

Mom: I was thinking of Yun Sato (I do not know Japanese surnames so please forgive me and i just like the sound of Yun so yeah)

Dad:Great Name dear.

(Time skip 4 years)

(Mc Pov)

Mom: Yun!Come down we are going to the basketball camp today.

Yun:Haii! im comming.

'It has been 4 years since i have been born into this world and i have to say it has been so boring to live as a baby that i have considered suicide but then i remembered Basketball and i chose to go through it. I have not done much these years, i have just played with my father and mother and stayed home but i have tried to eat healthy food and keep my body in shape and now i am going to a Basketball camp here in Tokyo, and i just cant wait.'

Mom: Ok now that you are here lets get into the car.


Dad:Are you exited son? You have allways liked to watch Basketball so i think you will enjoy it a lot

Yun: Im very exited and cant wait to get my hand on the ball and win a game dad.

Dad:Hahhaha thats my boy.

(Time skip 1 hour)

Dad:Here we are lets go in.

'Said my dad while i was watching the building in awe knowing that my basketball career starts here'

We get inside and i see other kids playining a mini game of 3vs3 and the Coach correcting them as they go.

We go to the Coach and introduce ourselves and i get directed to the changing room to get on my Basketball outfit and shoes.

I get back to the Coach and see my parents gone and i know they have went to work and i will be here for a few hours now and i just cant wait to play.

Coach:Allright so firstly do you know the rules of Basketball?

Yun:Hai Coach, i do know all the rules.

Coach:Ok then why dont i put you in a game to see what you got first?


i say while cheering like the small child that i am ' not rly small but ok '

The coach smiles and gathers the other kids to introduce me and after that i get put into a game of 3vs3.

(Game Start)

The game starts and i get ready into a position.

The other team gets the ball first and the kid that has the ball is running towards me to pass me and score but at that moment as i was seeing the boy move to pass me, i get a feeling as this is too ezy or that the boy is just joking with me beacuse i can see him clearly and he is slow, so i extend a hand and on one swift motion i grab the ball and start running toward the basket and then a kid gets before me but before.

When the kid is before me defending, i feel another sensation as if the world stopped and some information pops up into my head about my Lightning God Dribble but i can see that i can only use its simplest form and even then it uses a lot of stamina and concentration.

The world goes back to normal and i extend my hand outwards and when it reaches the optimal distance, i swept it with my hand and do a crossover from my left to the right hand and then i pass him by going to the right side and when i am at the free throw line i do a jump shot and the ball goes into the basket( Baskets are smaller in heigh and court and overall everything is easier since its for kids)

The coach looks at me for a good second with wide eyes beacuse all of that happended in the span of 6 to 8 seconds from me getting the ball and them putting it in the Basket.


Thats all for Today and thanks for reading also im not good at writing basketball so please bear with me until i get better and also comment on what stuff i should change or what you liked about it and if you despise it then just dont read it and if you wanna be a douche then F*ck off .

Aleksorkscreators' thoughts