
The Monster I Love

Sophia Owens' life was so perfect. Having a warm family made her grow up to be a cheerful person and without problems. But all that perfect life had to change when she was about to go to Paris for a year-end vacation. A man named Daniel from the Terrion clan, the strongest werewolf clan kidnaps her and says that she is the man's mate. Sophia did not understand why Daniel had to kidnap her, until Sophia finally found out what the dark secret was that her father was trying to hide. Who should she choose?

DaoistqSfq0K · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

Chapter 8

Sophia sat awkwardly at the long black dining table in the dimly lit room. For the first time, Sophia could pay close attention to the room in the house or Sophia could say the mansion, which was filled with shades of black. Suited a monster like Daniel.

The man placed a bowl of corn soup in front of Sophia. Daniel had been silent until now, refusing to talk to her. And Sophia hoped that Lucas would come and join them.

"Where's Lucas?" Sophia asked.

Daniel, who was still in the kitchen, answered simply, "Going home."

Good. The only person Sophia had hoped for was not here. Then who will help her if Daniel messes with her?

"He.. doesn't live here?" Sophia asked again. She thought Lucas was some kind of brother or something who lived here with Daniel.

Daniel sat right in front of her with a glass of wine. He handed the wine to Sophia. While the girl was still waiting for an answer that came out of the lips of the man in front of her.


Daniel didn't answer and started to eat his soup.

Forget about the question. Because Sophia was sure the man was reluctant to answer.

"Lucas has a personal life that is far more important than taking care of me. Does that answer your question?"

Wow! Sophia had just heard the man speak in long sentences without any snapping in there. Sophia thought Daniel was not as terrible as she had thought.

Mouth after mouthful of corn soup entered her mouth and warmed her body. Sophia fell silent with new speculations popping up in her mind.

So.. Daniel lives alone? Where are his parents? Is he an only child? How old is he? Didn't he go to college or something? Didn't he join the other werewolf clans?

Also, did he make this corn soup with his own hands? Because the taste of this corn soup is just right on his tongue. This corn soup is similar to her mother's corn soup.

Sophia arranged the fork and spoon neatly once the food in her bowl had run aground. She grabbed a piece of tissue there to wipe her mouth. Sophia bit her lower lip nervously as she felt a question she couldn't contain anymore. Her eyes continued to observe the man who was busy eating his soup quietly. She would ask later if Daniel had finished his meal.

But perhaps the activity of observing him was so distracting that Daniel put down his spoon and returned his gaze quite sharply.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked in a deep voice that made her heart feel like it was falling to the bottom of her stomach.

"I..." Sophia hung her sentence. Her heart still hesitated to ask this, but her curiosity was far greater than her fear. So after swallowing her saliva one last time, Sophia continued her speech.

"..you said I would be your mate. Why should I? Don't you know that werewolves and humans can't be together, nor get married?"

Then a slamming sound was heard throughout the room.

Sophia closed her eyes tightly.

The fork that was originally still in Daniel's left hand was immediately put down by the man hard enough to make a loud noise in the silence between them.

Sophia's guts which were originally fully charged suddenly plummeted to zero.

"Go back to your room," Daniel ordered while looking away.

"But Daniel, at least say something-"


Sophia shook her head slowly. Sophia didn't realize that the man's screams made her tears ready to come out at any moment. Daniel has gone too far. She asked politely, but this was the kind of reply she got. Sophia retracted her words. Daniel is still a monster.

Sophia stood up from her seat causing the chair she was sitting on to push back.

Without turning or saying goodbye to the man, Sophia immediately took her feet quickly to her detention room. Fuck Daniel. Sophia hated him from the start. And maybe forever will stay like that.



Daniel returned to his room when he finished washing their utensils after dinner. His hand grabbed a pajama from the closet and was about to change his clothes before his cellphone rang.

Daniel picked up the call with a frown.


"They will destroy us," Said the person on the other end of the phone without further ado.

"What do you mean?"

"Mark and the rest of the Phoenix are plotting to destroy us. They already suspect that you brought Sophia."

Daniel was still silent for a long time, making the person talk to his growl.

"Daniel! They're threatening to destroy Terrion if Mark doesn't get her daughter back soon."

"That's none of my business. I'm not your boss. How many times have I told you not to involve me with the Terrion clan again! I'm not a part of you guys. Take all of Terrion's for you! I gave it up in my Father's name. I don't need it," Daniel sighed harshly at the end of a long sentence.

"But Daniel. Your father left the Terrion clan to you. Only you have the right to lead us. None of us will replace you while you are still alive as the son of the leader of Terrion."

"Then assume I'm dead," he said.

"No way. We can't betray your father like that."

Daniel walked over to his bedroom window as he listened to the Old Man's tweet which made him sick. The old man never got tired of persuading him to rejoin the damn werewolf clan his great-grandfather had formed. But Daniel didn't want to. He didn't want to belong to any werewolf clan. He didn't want to join the werewolves who like to wreak havoc and cost him his family, let alone his poor brother. For him, joining the werewolf clan who likes the dark world like that will only make the people closest to him risk their lives. And Daniel didn't want to feel the loss for the second time.

"Listen, Mr. Greg, there is one thing that I regret in my life, that I had to be born as a werewolf who couldn't live freely. And the fact that I was also born as the son of a werewolf clan leader always kept me in an endless black hole," Daniel immediately hung up their phone without wanting to hear Mr. Greg's voice again.