
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · 奇幻
36 Chs

Tenth Wave [2]

Blue-blazing embers started to clad Shin, as Yamato was gradually enveloped in the blue smokelike-wisp.

With wind currents and the effects of Assimilation, Shin swung his sword at a breakneck speed, as he swiftly maneuvered around.

The speedy Demon he'd fought with during the Fifth Wave would look like a turtle compared to the current Shin.

It would be ridiculous to compare them now.


Shin swung a vertical slash at the Viscount.

However, the Viscount managed to narrowly dodge in time at the expense of its right arm.

Splurt! Thud.


With its arm on the ground, the Viscount was enraged as it let out a roar.

Paying no heed to the Viscount, Shin relentlessly swung his sword as the Viscount had no time to react due to the sheer speed of Shin's attacks.


As Shin swung his sword to strike, the Viscount managed to stop the sword mid air, catching Shin's sword with his hand.

Shin remained calm the whole time, he already knew this might happen since whenever Shin striked his blade, the Viscount's eyes would dart and try to follow the direction of Shin's sword.

It was adapting to Shin.

With Yamato clenched tightly in Shin's hand, the wind currents that enveloped the sword forcefully pushed the Viscount back.


Shin switched to a battle stance, placing Yamato back in its scabbard which was strapped on Shin's waist.

As the colony of Demons tried to surround Shin, their claws making its way toward him, in just the nick of time, Shin burst forth.

Shockwaves propagated from where Shin was standing just a few seconds ago. The sheer force of the shockwaves sent the colony of Demons hurling away.


At breakneck speed, Shin swung a horizontal slash at the Viscount.

It was way too fast for the human eye to comprehend, as Shin suddenly reappeared behind the Viscount who was just in front of him a few seconds ago.


With just that one slash, the Viscount's head rolled on the ground.

"Haa.. haa…"

Shin took a knee, panting as he tried to grasp for air, placing Yamato back in its scabbard.

[That was way too fucking cool…]

This was the first time Shin had tested that move on a live target.

Over the two weeks, Shin had been practicing, trying to swing and returning the sword back its scabbard as fast as he could.

While Shin was down on one knee, the Demons managed to surround him once again, their claws trying to slash at him.

Indifferently, Shin turned his head around, narrowing his eyes at the Demons.

Slash! Splurt!

Before the Demons could even react to what had just happened, their head had already begun rolling on the floor as Shin speedily swung a horizontal slash.


Shin was way too fast.

And to his advantage, he had barely exhausted his mana core. His reserves were still enough to wipe out the entire colony.


Bursting forth once again, the ground cracked as wind currents and blue embers propagated shockwaves around the space from where Shin once stood.

In the blink of an eye, Demon heads continued to roll on the ground.

Shin barely had any injuries. But the fatigue started to take a toll on his body. Due to being in the flow state, Shin couldn't actively feel the burden at the moment.

Slash! Thud!





With all his focus on killing the Demons, Shin had managed to obliterate thirty Demons in under twenty seconds.

This would usually take time, but Shin was under Assimilation which greatly boosted his capabilities.

Shin's indifferent expression slowly contoured to a grin, then a smile, laughing, as the Demons continued to fall in Shin's path.

He was having fun.

Too much fun.

Shin had managed to wipe out almost all of the Demons. There were only two left in front of him.

The wave was finally ending.

After he kills the two, the Exit Portal would materialize. All Shin needed to do next was to quickly escape with Selena.

As Shin was about to strike down and kill the last two Demons, he noticed something.


The mental link between him and Selena had been severed.


There were only two plausible theories.

Either Selena cut off the link herself, or…

'She can't have lost.'

Selena had already died.

'No, no, no, NO, NO, NO! SELENA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!'

She couldn't, and Shin already knew that. But he he couldn't accept the reality.

'Calm down, Artorius… She might have severed it herself.'

Shin could only tell himself that.

He now had two choices.

Either kill the last two Demons and finally escape this hellhole, or go back to check on what happened to Selena.

It was a tough decision for Shin.

If he was wrong and Selena had already died. Then he would have gone back for naught and faced the Marquess himself.

Shin gritted his teeth as he pondered on what to do.

'But I can't just leave her behind.'

Selena was one of the only people who had shown him kindness in this life.

He was unsure of his feelings since he had only met her for two weeks.

But if he went ahead and left, and Selena was actually alive…

The guilt would weigh on him as long as he was alive.

He'd rather die than abandon Selena.

After deciding, Shin turned around and conjured as much wind currents as he possibly could.

Crackle! Boom!

Blue-blazing embers followed Shin like a trail as he burst forth, shockwaves propagated from where once stood.

Heading towards where he'd left Selena with the Marquess, Shin clenched his teeth and gritted his teeth.

'Please, be alive…'

His mental state was already bad enough after the traumatizing experiences he suffered in the Abyss.

If he arrives only to find Selena dead, Shin wouldn't know what to do anymore.


Continuously bursting at breakneck speed, Shin managed to finally arrive, he could see the Marquess just up ahead.
