
The Mockery of Fate

"The Mockery of Fate" is an enthralling tale of two characters, who find themselves embarking on a mysterious journey. When they reunite after a long separation, they discover that they have been unwittingly drawn into a high-stakes competition with an elusive prize. However, it's just the very beginning of the adventure that awaits them.

Narashie · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Timmy and Lu

9 years ago

"I'm not scared, of course, but are you sure? It's THE Forest, outside the wall..." A red-haired boy with lots of freckles, in fact, looked very scared, yet excited.

"I know, but yours said that there were real bandits!", replied a chubby boy next to him, "What if we find real weapons?"

"Who are they?" Asked Rachel curiously.

Curiosity piqued, Rachel sat on their favorite wooden swing, Crystal by her side. They quietly enjoyed their lollipops, eavesdropping on the boys' conversation. The boys seemed oblivious to their presence.

Crystal appeared irritated.

"Timmy and Lu, a couple of troublemakers. My mom says they are a disgrace to the city," she explained.

Rachel sensed Crystal's distaste for the boys and decided not to probe further. However, her interest remained piqued.

Rachel enjoyed her time with Crystal. It was always pleasant and amusing. Crystal's mother, Mrs. Priscila, delighted them with incredible food and indulgent sweets. However, Crystal wasn't the most adventurous girl. Rachel knew that Crystal was the type of friend her father would approve of, but sometimes she yearned for more excitement. When she heard about the boys' plan to venture into the Forest, an idea took hold of her mind—an obsession. All she needed was to befriend them as well.

As the sun descended on the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the city of Eclaté, the atmosphere was imbued with a sense of enchantment. The sky transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues, painting strokes of crimson, orange, and pink across the expanse. Wisps of clouds danced gracefully, illuminated by the warm glow of the setting sun.

Unaware of the breathtaking spectacle, Rachel remained preoccupied with her own thoughts. She had meticulously planned her approach to impress Lu and Timmy, and the time had come to set her plan into motion.

"Didn't you say we'd have cherries soon?" Lu appeared relaxed, his hands nestled comfortably in the pockets of his checkered pants.

"Yes, Grandma promised there would be an abundance of them!" Timmy, less athletic than Lu, exerted extra effort to keep up. After all, Lu's mother belonged to the Three Kingdoms' security force, and Timmy found solace in knowing that his grandmother owned a bakery. He believed it perfectly explained the contrast between their strengths.

"Hey, you, troublemakers!"

Initially, the boys couldn't discern the source of the voice. They glanced around, but the street appeared devoid of any other individuals. Yet, Lu's intuition didn't fail him. He instinctively gazed upward and spotted the origin of the sound.

Rachel perched atop a street lamp, peering down at them. Both boys stood frozen in shock.

"Hi, can I join you on your trip to the Forest?" Rachel waved at them with a friendly smile.

"Why do YOU call US 'troublemakers' while YOU ARE the one breaking the law sitting ON TOP OF THE STREET LAMP?!" Lu's face displayed a blend of terror and admiration.

"And how did you even get up there..." Timmy interjected, more practically inclined.

"Oh my, I suppose you aren't genuine troublemakers if you don't even know how to climb a street lamp..."

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! But seriously, how..."

"Well then, how about a deal: I'll teach you how to climb street lamps, and you'll take me to the Forest with you. But it won't work if you're too weak..."

"WE ARE NOT WEAK! And you're just crazy."

"So, you're afraid of saying yes and then failing to learn..."


This time, Rachel's plan was executed flawlessly.

Of course, the deal Rachel made with Timmy and Lu, wasn't about street lights and the Forest. As it happened at their age, it was a friendship deal. Rachel was happy to find friends as active and risky as she was, and the boys were impressed by finding someone even more… Someone would say crazy, but Lu and Timmy called it "brave". They started spending most of their time together.

"I told you!! A stag beetle, it has actual antlers!"

Timmy knew a lot about biology, and recently he has been educating Rachel about all kinds of insects, but the girl couldn't believe that there was an actual bug with antlers. When he finally caught one and brought it to show her, Rachel couldn't stop laughing at how unusually it looked.

"Okay, nerds, it's time for practice"

Lu was still dedicated to his goal of climbing a street light, while Timmy preferred to stay on the ground and give advice. All three of them were having lots of fun together, and it took them some time to notice a small figure with long blond hair following them from the distance.

Lu was the first to notice Crystal. At first, he wasn't sure if telling the others was a good idea. In a way, he enjoyed that he was the only one to notice her. Moreover, he always felt a little anxious around Crystal: he wasn't very good in talking with girls, except, of course, Rachel. Rachel was like his mom, strong and independent, while Crystal and some other girls he knew were different, so he didn't know how to act around them.

At one moment, though, Rachel also noticed, that someone was watching them.

"Wait, is it?.." Her question got interrupted.

"Yeah, she's been following us for a while. I've noticed long-long time ago", Lu couldn't help bragging.

The whole Rachel had some hopes that Crystal would never know about her new friends. She knew, that Crystal didn't like them at all. Now, for the first time in Eclaté, she got really scared. What if it was the end of their friendship? She slowly approached the corner where Crystal was hiding from their direct stares.

"Hey…", Rachel found it hard to find appropriate words, "You don't want to be my friend anymore, do you? Now, when I'm friends with such troublemakers…"

"You're right", Crystal replied without any hesitation.

Rachel felt tears well up in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"However, not because of that", her voice was breaking. "It's b-because you wanted to hide it from me."

"I AM SO SORRY!" Rachel hugged Crystal, both of them crying, "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THE KINDEST PERSON IN THE WORLD…"

"Of course, I am very…Wait, what do you mean saying you didn't know?.."


"Well… Since you're going to the forest, bring me the prettiest flower from there, and I'll accept your apologies."


"Mm, don't, I really don't need that many."

"This is wild to me", Lu said watching the scene. Timmy just nodded silently.

3 days later


The backdrop of Crystal's picturesque backyard was a sight to behold: the neatly trimmed grass, the vibrant array of flowers and bushes lining the garden paths. However, the three children standing before Crystal were a stark contrast to the serene beauty of their surroundings.

"I can't even count how many flowers we've collected," Rachel exclaimed, her arm stretched out towards the bountiful heap before them. "But trust me, these are the most stunning ones!"

Crystal was taken aback, her eyes widening in astonishment. Rachel and her companions, Lu and Timmy, appeared as though they had just emerged from a grand adventure. Their clothes were tattered, adorned with dirt and grime, and their bodies bore the marks of their daring escapades.

Yet, despite their disheveled appearance, Rachel wore a radiant smile that spoke of triumph and joy. Her finger pointed proudly at the colossal mound of flowers that now adorned the middle of the garden path.

Crystal couldn't help but be captivated by Rachel's infectious enthusiasm. The mishmash of flowers, each with its unique shape, color, and fragrance, created a kaleidoscope of beauty that seemed to rival the most exquisite of bouquets. The garden was transformed into a living canvas, a testament to the children's wild exploration and their audacious quest to gather the most exquisite blossoms.

At that moment, Crystal's annoyance melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and admiration. Her lips curled into a smile as she surveyed the scene before her. The garden, once a pristine sanctuary, now embraced the wild beauty of untamed nature. She knew that her mom would be furious about this unorganized mess, but at the moment she couldn't care about it even a bit.

Rachel's transgressions were forgiven, but Crystal had no intentions of altering her stance toward Rachel's companions.

"And what about you two? Did anyone extend an invitation to you?" Crystal's smile faded as she turned her gaze toward the boys. "Leave immediately! Or I'll call Mom, and believe me, you don't want to know what she's capable of!"

Rachel, on the other hand, embraced Crystal. "Thank you for helping with the flowers! Goodbye!" She waved cheerfully at Lu and Timmy.

"Will we see you again, Rachel?" Timmy's voice quivered, fear evident in his eyes, anticipating the repercussions of Crystal's threats.

"Absolutely bonkers! The pair of them is completely bonkers!" Lu exclaimed, his face contorted with disbelief. "And after all we've been through!"

Crystal's stern demeanor remained unchanged. She had drawn a clear line between her and Rachel's other friends, unwilling to let their mischievous nature infiltrate her meticulously structured world. The boys had no other choice than to leave.

"Well, now let's enjoy the flowers!" She smiled at Rachel.