
The ML and his Villianess.

[MATURE CONTENT] How on earth this happened? Why am I inside a romance novel? Is this a joke? Eve was doomed to be a villainess. However, meeting him changed it all. He was gentle, interesting and handsome. The perfect man for her in every sense. However, he deceived her, he never told her his real name until... it was too late. "He... is he the ML? Oh no...!" --- Excerpt: DangerousCloud: Master, where did you go now? NewRHood: I am traveling around the world. You know me, I like to tour the unexpected. DangerousCloud: Then, can I go with you this time? NewRHood: You should explore by yourself the world once in your life, dear disciple. Now it's my turn. I will explore the world and all the delicacies in it. DangerousCloud: But Master, it could be dangerous. NewRHood: Of course, I am taking precautions. But I hope that the man I am going to eat tonight is someone decent… DangerousCloud: You dare! NewRHood: Oh My! Dear disciple, is that how you speak to your master? DangerousCloud: Stop it, Eve, you know it's me. NewRHood: who? DangerousCloud: your husband! ---- WARNING: HEAVY EDITING IN PROGRESS DISCLAIMER: The cover is not mine: the credit goes to the rightful original artist. Please contact me if you wish for me to take it down.

YawningBrain · 现代言情
200 Chs


"Crap! They are here! I have to buy more time. System show me all the surveillance cameras, and create a map of the people inside the building." 

He saw several men entering the facilities with lab coats and equipment. Some were carrying guns and were tossing the employees into the main auditorium. Meanwhile, a man in a black suit and other with glasses were arriving at the head's office.

"Tha... that"s him. What is he doing here? He doesn't know, right?" Then his eyes focused on the entrance to the main lab where the young and her parents were standing. "Wait! Why don't they come in? What are they waiting for?" he narrowed his eyes looking at them, especially the young woman. Then a message came to his phone and a smile appeared in his face.

"Great!, that gives us some time... System alert me every time someone approaches the doors of the inner lab."

Looking around the building's cameras, he fixed his eyes in one particular location.