
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · 青春言情
11 Chs

Saturday Surprise!

Hola! My name is Alicia Mendez. I am fourteen years old, and my birthday is in about a month. I am a Capricorn, born on New Year's Day. My mom (Mama), Florentina Mendez, is from Puerto Rico, and my dad (Papa), Antonio Mendez, is from Atlanta. We currently live in Panama City, Florida. I have three siblings. Andre, then eldest (18), and Felix and Felicia, the twins (10). We also have a family dog named Chico. I know, I know...we didn't put much thought into his name, but it kind of matched his behavior. It was a Saturday, and Papa had just come home from work. He works a night shift at a Vet Clinic about 20 minutes from home. Mama does not currently have a job, but she still works hard. She is the best cook I know. Once, I made a promise to her that when I grow up and earn a large amount of money, I would buy her restaurant, then she could cook and sell her delicious food. I enjoyed cooking, but not as much as I enjoyed caring for animals. Papa took me to his job one day, and let me look around the office, and see how the animals were taken care of at the clinic. I was so happy, and it was my dream to become a veterinarian, not to follow in my father's footsteps, but to make my legacy, and follow my passions. It was about noon, and mama just finished making her famous Arepas con Queso. They were my favorite, I could eat them any time of the day, whether it was for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The family sat at the table, and we ate lunch. After a while, I decided to wait until dinner to let them know the news. It was a few hours later, and time for dinner. We all sat at the table once again, fried chicken dinner with mac and cheese and Spanish rice. I decided it was time to let them know about the big surprise. It was exciting for me, most of all, but still, something everyone should know.

"Mama, Papa. Do you remember those ads about that nice private school in California?" I spoke.

"Ah, yes, the one for elite high school children, only the best of the best could get in?" said Mama.

"Yes, I believe it was called Oakley Hills Private Academy". said, Papa.

"Yes, that's the one. Well, I have been doing a little research on the school and want to attend."

"Honey, that school is highly expensive, only very rich kids go there."

"I know Papa, but there is a catch."

"What catch?"

"Well Mama, as I said before, I did some research and found out that there is a scholarship. So, I signed up for it, wrote an essay, and sent in my grades and current GPA."

"That's very nice sweetie!" said papa.

"What are your current grades, Ali?" said Mama.

"I have straight A's, and a 4.0 GPA."

"You go girl, my daughter is a genius!"

"Not only that but, the envelope from the school is here. It will tell me if I got the scholarship or not."

"Oh my! Well hurry and open it!" said Mama.

"Alright, here goes," I said while sliding the sheet of paper from the golden stamped envelope.

"Congratulations to Alicia Mendez, you have been selected for the Full Ride Scholarship to attend Oakley Hills, Private Academy. This scholarship covers all costs from room and board to meals and other school fees and supplies."

"Guys! I-I got in!" I said with excitement.

"Yay! Congrats Alicia!" Everyone gladly cheered.

It was like a dream come true. Everything is going my way. It is so unexpected, I guess hard work does pay off. I should do more research on the school, I know the tuition covers pretty much everything, but I feel like I should still pack things. It says it starts in a week. Goodness, it's all happening so soon.

"This calls for a celebration! I'll get some Ice-cream for dessert, then we can all have a family movie night!" said Mama.

"That sounds great Mama!"

After the movie, I went upstairs to my room, elated, ambitiously waiting for the day I walk into that Academy, and start my high school life! Was I nervous? Yes, but just a little. I was excited, too excited to be nervous. I walked over to my bed and picked up my mini notepad. I always jot down things in my notepad because I tend to forget stuff. Weird thing is, I seem to remember names, and numbers quite well. One look and I remember, but if it is told to me, I forget. I guess I'm a visual learner. I prefer learning that way because it helps me understand and remember what to do, and how to do things. Anyways, I grabbed my notepad and began a packing list. I should start early so I don't forget anything important. I also dragged my empty suitcase to my bed. I wrote on the notepad, "Things I Need to Pack": Seven outfits (Pants, Shorts, Skirts, and Dresses), Socks, Undergarments, Shoes, Jackets, Hair Products, Toiletries, Hygenic Products, Female Care Products, Skin Care Products, My glasses and contacts, and Jewelry. I know it seems like a lot, but I want to make a good impression. I don't know how it will be. Oh no, now I'm worrying. My nervousness has taken over. I zip up the packed suitcase and place it downstairs in a closet, then I return to my room. I lay down on my bed and began to drown in my thoughts. "What will people think of me?", "Isn't the school predominately white?", "Will I make any friends?", "What if I fall in love...?" Wait! Slow down, sister! When did I ever think of love? I don't need love...never had it, never needed it. Well, love from your family is different, but I'm talking about "love". I am stressing myself out! I turned over in my bed, looking out my frameless window. I could see the cars passing by in the street, hear the sound of dogs barking, and the ripple of a basketball as it bounces and hits the concrete. A group of kids is playing basketball outside, and the dog is barking at them. I turn away from the window and face my door, where I see Chico, sitting at the door. He almost gave me a heart attack. I smile and laugh out of relief and call him over. I pet his fluffy coat of fur and began to talk.

"Chico, do you ever get nervous?"

He tilts his head as if he had no idea what I said, and I said, "Probably not...you don't have much to worry about Chico."

I know he can't talk, but it made me feel better. Talking to someone, even though he is a dog. To be honest, I never really had friends. I was the smart one, but very antisocial. Every time I talk to someone, it feels like I'm drifting away, then my anxiety kicks in. My chest tightens, and I feel like I'm on the verge of death, not being able to breathe or catch my breath. I hate it, I hate it so much. So, I want to be different, myself. I want to be able to make friends and not be afraid to be myself. I'm tired of being called the innocent, quiet, and smart girl. Why can't I be the fun, outgoing, intelligent girl? The stereotypes always come to haunt me. They think I never do anything bad because I'm quiet, or I'm so smart that I never fail. That is so stupid. Just let me be me! Let me love myself! I'm done acting for others! I drift asleep, deciding to start loving myself.