
The Miracle Clinic

[NEW CHAPTER EVERY THURSDAY!] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · 都市
113 Chs

Chapter 75 - The Meeting Between The Heads

"And yeah, after that, CPS has temporary custody, what comes next I'm not so sure," Marcus admits before smiling and saying, "But I'm pretty optimistic!"

In the middle of Starlight City Northern Park is Marcus Veridan at a park table. Sitting on the other side of the table are the stunned Alex Smith & Elizabeth Moore. Next to the two is an empty bucket of popcorn.

"Dude, I just asked what grade you got on Monday's math test, how the fuck did all of this happen to you in the span of like two weeks?!" Alex shouts.

"Oh well, I wasn't there for the test because of well- all of that," Marcus explains.

"I'm glad you're doing okay now but if you're ever in that sort of trouble you can always reach out to us," Elizabeth remarks.

"Yeah, you're never a burden to us man," Alex admits.

"Thanks, guys," Marcus admits, "How has Ronnie been doing?"

Their slightly cheerful banter lessens at the mention of Ronnie, Alex sighs as he explains, "Doctors say he's doing much better but he hasn't really woken up yet."

"Sally's been at the hospital pretty much every day, though she's also been worried sick about you, hell we all have," Elizabeth remarks.

"I'm sorry guys," Marcus begins to say but Alex shushes him.

"Marcus, if I hear you apologize one more time I swear I'll!-" Alex remarks as he tries to think of a threat before landing on, "I'll do something, ya hear!"

"Okay, sorry, I'm working on that," Marcus remarks before realizing he just apologized in the sentence.

"But seriously, none of that was your fault man," Elizabeth says, "And hey, before we head over to check up on Ronnie is there anything you'd like to do?"

"I mean, I'd like to maybe get some new clothes since this is the only pair I have but we don't have to-" Marcus starts to say but Elizabeth & Alex pick him up.

"Alright thrift store here we come!" Alex shouts.

"But guys! We don't need to-" Marcus begins to but Elizabeth cuts him off.

"First off, you've been wearing those same clothes since you got kicked out and it shows. Second, I thought you told me that people should do what they want to do from time to time."

Hearing his words be used against him, Marcus admits defeat as the two drag him out of the park and towards a shopping mall. Though as that happens, he can't help but wonder what Hunter is up to now.


"Oh my god, you suck at this!" Ray Ramirez scolds Hunter Huntingson.

"Don't blame the student, blame the teacher!" Hunter remarks.

"I'm an assistant, not a teacher dipshit," Ray groans.

The two are in The Crescent Cafe, now its own business, and Ray is currently in the process of trying (and failing) to catch Hunter up on most of the school work he's missed out on over the school year. With them are fellow faculty & Ray's roommates; biology teacher Sam Penningberg and culinary teacher Zesti Champion.

"Hey, teaching him like that won't get him anywhere Ray," Penningberg remarks.

"Pennies is right, besides why'd you even tag along to this?" Zesti Champion questions.

Ray's silent for a bit before saying, "Hey Hunter, I better not see this on school grounds, okay?"

Hunter is confused for a bit before Ray Ramirez pulls out something and hands it to him.

It's a metal baseball bat.

The one he thought was burned up with the rest of the old high school.

The one his mother owned.

"Where did you-" Hunter begins to ask.

"When the school had to be renovated they found this bat under all the rubble," Ray begins to explain, "They handed it off to the principal who decided to wait until you got done with the school year to give it back. But I figured he probably forgot so I just 'took it' from his office."

"So you stole it?" Penningberg says shocked.

"Stealing from our boss? How unprofessional of you Ray-Ray!" Zesti Champion teases.

"Yeah yeah, I'd agree with you if I didn't have to instruct all of this kid's detention hours," Ray begins to say, "But it just didn't sit right having him without it."

The three teachers look at Hunter who's trying to hide the fact that he's crying as he looks at his metal bat. It looks shinier than when he last had it and carved into the handle of the bat is the initials 'K.H.'

Seeing Hunter's reaction, Ray 'I hate all children' Ramirez can't help but crack a small smile. Something his long-time friends Penningberg & Zesti make sure to discreetly take a photo of in case of any future arguments.


Though at the same time as that, there was a much more pressing matter going on. Something that would massively affect the future of the city. In a dark conference room located inside the Moon Shadow Affiliate's corporate building, there were six people all gathered there. Five of them being the representatives of the five remaining gangs associated with the MSA while the other was a spokesperson for the MSA.

"Glad to see you all could make it on such short notice," Logan Stewart, the presenter of today's meeting between the heads, states, "Now usually the president of the MSA, Ryan Everst, would be hosting this but due to a family emergency, I'm in his place. Any questions?"

Tim-Tom, leader of The Three Ts, raises his hand. He has his legs up on the table and is reclined back as he says, "Yeah I got two questions, First weren't you that bartender at Club Azure?"

"I was just there to check in on how well they were doing and reporting what I saw over to corporate," Logan remarks.

"But can't the MSA just do that by itself?"

"Tim-Tom please you're killing me," Logan sighs, "I'm not working for this affiliate, I'm working for the parent company of the MSA, The Enterprise."

Hearing those words, Tim-Tom's curiosity grows. The Enterprise? For his entire time associated with the MSA, he never once saw someone from the parent company. And yet, now they're here. Despite wanting to gain more info out of that, he turns his attention to someone else.

"And as for my second question," Tim-Tom says as he glances at someone, "I'm curious to see why you're here Miss Murphy."

He is, of course, talking to Marcy Murphy. She's here as the representative of The Carmine Manifesto and yet she's the only one here who isn't the head of a gang.

"As you know our head likes to keep a low profile so he asked me to go in his place," Marcy remarks matter-of-factly before adding, "I don't think you any of you have properly met him, so why are you so curious about him now Tim-Tom?"

"I was impressed at how quickly you guys got the word out about Club Azure, so I wanted to learn how he managed to pull that off," Tim-Tom mentions before adding, "Though by the way you speak of him, he just sounds like one massive scaredy cat to me."

"Do you want me to let him know you said that?" Marcy threatens.

"Enough bickering you two," The head of Dirty Fang, Mason Makinsley, exudes, "We're here to have a meeting. Not a fight. Though if you're so inclined to do so, I'm more than willing to bury you all today."

Hearing those words causes a shiver to run down Tim-Tom's spine, despite the chance encounters he's had with Makinsley throughout the years, his presence as The Most Feared Man in Starlight City still holds tall. Knowing full well all he would be willing to do to them, Marcy & Tim-Tom quiet down. However despite his intimidating presence, there was one man who didn't have an ounce of fear to the man.

"What kind of flowers would you place on my grave?" The head of The Massachusetts Boys, Jackson 'Boston' Cavendish, questions, "And if you do bury me, make sure you get me a sandalwood coffin."

Boston is roughly the same height as Mason Makinsley and he's got white skin, blonde hair in a mullet, green eyes, and a charming smile. But despite his cheery demeanor, he has his own coldness to him, similar yet vastly different to Makinsley's. Currently Boston's wearing a simple long-sleeved white shirt with a red sleeve and blue jeans. The two heads glare at each other from across the table.

"Can you do that for me, Mason?" Boston asks.

"Do you want to find out?" Mason Makinsley replies.

Not wanting to see a fight break out, the final person at the table speaks up, "Come on you two, save the fighting for outside."

The person who said that is a short scrawny person by the name of Joel Cooper, he's the head of a group known as The Vignette. He's got white skin, round glasses, brown fringy hair, and black eyes. He's also wearing a white t-shirt underneath a green and red jacket, black sweatpants, and white air forces.

Makinsley & Boston glance at each other before complying with Joel's wishes, much to the relief of Tim-Tom.

"So with all of that settled with," Logan remarks as he leans forward, "We need to address the elephant in the room. I'm of course talking about the fall of Club Azure."

Logan walks across the room as he continues, "And with it, your numbers have dwindled from 6 gangs to 5, so you will all need to pick up the slack."

"Since Club Azure was around the border of the north side & the west side of the city I think I should take their territory," Boston suggests, "There's not much expansion left for us in the west side of town anyways."

"The Massachusetts Boys and Dirty Fang already have enough territory," Joel groans, "Since my crew has the smallest territory, I think expanding into the north could greatly benefit us."

Tim-Tom is about to suggest his group takes the territory but he feels like he'd just get laughed at by the others so he keeps his mouth shut.

"Well then it's decided," Logan remarks, "If you're all okay with it, The Massachusetts Boys & The Vignette will both expand their territory into parts of the North side."

Since nobody objects, Logan smiles, "Then it's decided. Thank you all for coming, but I do have one thing left to tell you…"

The heads are all confused as Logan clears his throat.

"My job at The Enterprise is to handle and supervise the talent they provide, and it is one of those talents that wanted me to tell you all that they say hello," Logan remarks as he sighs, "You may not know their real name but I'm all sure you're all too familiar with their alias; The Phantom of Starlight City."

After hearing that name, each person in the room has a different reaction. A twisted smile creeps onto the otherwise seemingly innocent Boston, Joel Cooper has a stunned look on his face, Mason Makinsley's eyes are filled with shame, Marcy Murphy's mouth is agape in shock, and as for Tim-Tom…

A rage that festered inside him is now bubbling up as he recalls his past. He thinks about the person who sent him down this path to begin with. The person who left a mark on him that can never be taken away. The murderer that he's determined to defeat. He thinks about The Phantom of Starlight City.

In what could only be described as a pure unfiltered wrath, Tim-Tom gets up and lunges at Logan Stewart, The Phantom's Handler. He goes to attack him yet before he can even land a single hit on the man, Logan hand chops into Tim-Tom's neck, knocking him out in just one blow.

"I see you all have issues with the man we all call 'The Phantom', do you all want to take it up with me right now?" Logan Stewart asks.

Seeing nobody respond, Logan remarks, "Well then, our meeting is adjourned."


Late at night, when most would be asleep, a faint beeping noise was the only sound coming from a hospital room. In it was a young teen who's been comatose for over 2 weeks.

And a young teen you're all familiar with.

Ronnie Everst.

Though it was during this time, when nothing of interest was happening, when nobody was around to say anything, did something happen.

Ronnie finally woke up.

"Urgh my head," Ronnie says as he lifts his aching arm to discover his forehead is wrapped in bandages.

Confused, Ronnie looks around to see he's in a hospital gown, hooked up to an IV, lying in a hospital bed, and it's the middle of the night.

Ronnie, now a bit panicked, begins to remember all that happened. Fighting Club Azure, hanging out afterward, and pushing Marcus out of the way of the car, everything.

"Guess this is the result of all that," Ronnie mumbles to himself as he looks out the window.

Realizing he isn't tired, Ronnie decides to get out of his bed and go for a walk. After almost falling, he catches himself and walks with his IV down the hallways washed with blue moonlight. It's during this walk that he starts to hear two people talking from further down the hall. Ronnie squints but he can't see who it is.

"Listen, if you want to visit 'em you're going to need to be quiet," A nurse in pink scrubs explains.

"Relax, relax, you know me, I promise I won't make a huge shout when I see," The person begins to say before seeing Ronnie standing down the hall, "...Ronnie?!"

As the nurse scolds the person for yelling, Ronnie is perplexed to see that the first person he gets to see after waking up is…

"X Locke?!" Ronnie shouts, utterly befuddled to see him at the hospital.

See You Next Chapter!~