
The Might Of A True Uchiha {Completed}

A weeb, the best of the best regarding Naruto, dies when he goes to watch The Last: Naruto the Movie for the 697th time. On his way to this friends house, he crosses the steet and by the time he is in the middle part of the road, a truck materialised right infront of the Weeb and kills him. He is given a 3 wishes and a 2 perks from god for making his son drop his toy truck, and he is then reincarnated into the world of Naruto. What awaits the master of Naruto IN Naruto? But, is he really who he seems to be? The Cover is not mine, so if it belongs to you and you dont want it up, I will take it down. It is completed, if you haven’t read the title.

SomeSpookyGuy · 漫画同人
125 Chs

Chapter 102

*3rd Pov*

[The cultivation rooms are just rooms that can gather Nen from the surroundings, which people can use to attain a better understanding of certain aspects of Nen, or increasing their Nen capacity. Either way, there is so much energy that even if I stayed in there for 100 years, not even half of the energy would be depleted. This is mainly because the cultivation rooms here are connected to places that usually have Nen ruptures every 5 years.

So, not to mention 100 years to absorb not even a half of it, while it is not gaining energy, but every 5 years, it recovers more than I can absorb. Thus, it could be said to have limitless energy. Of course, if somehow it ran out of energy, we have a backup supply. If that runs out... the cultivation rooms will go out for 20 years.] said Nam

[Alright then. But is this all the humans in the village? I doubt that there are even 50.] said Frey

[There is an underground city, as the barrier's real power is underground. Its space is about the size of 100 soccer fields, as you call it in Lake Mobius.] said Nam

[Alright. How did you get this information?] questioned Frey

[Well, there are 3 sources. Don, Ging, Dons Son, and Maha. He should be your Great-Grandfather or the grandfather of your father. Maha has died some years ago, but Ging and Don remain. Ah, that reminds me. Maha came once here, saying that eventually, his Grandsons's 4th son will eventually come here, so he left an inheritance. What sibling are you?] questioned Nam

[Isnt it obvious? If they come here, it's obviously me.] said Frey

[Not necessarily. Another one of the Zoldycks may come in the future.] said Nam

[Well, if you are wondering, there are 6 children produced from my father. I am the fourth male, as well as the fourth offspring.] said Frey

(A/N: Ill explain, as it took me some time to understand it as well. It goes, Illumi, Milluki, Killua, MC, Alluka (since she's actually a he, but I'm calling her a she), and then Kalluto. So, he is the fourth offspring, and also the fourth male, going by order of age. Since Kalluto is a girl, and Alluka was born after MC. Also, Maha is Zeno's (MC's great-Grandfather) father. Or grandfather. Apparently, Maha is Zeno's father or grandfather, it's a bit confusing.)

[Then this is for you. Maha is... what you would describe as a genius. A super genius. Obviously, not on par with you, but he surpasses me. That's for sure. As for that Netero, it is impressive that he could make a strong Hatsu with only 3 years, however, if he trained it for several more years, then he would have certainly surpassed my 300 years. Such a waste of talent... now he is old, he doesn't have any more talent.

On the other hand, you already have more strength than me, and you have yet to even reach the double digits in age. I recall that Maha learned Nen at 7, the same age as you, and developed his Hatsu at age 15. Yet you are already stronger than him when he began Nen, when you are at the same age.

Anyways, we are getting sidetracked. The inheritance that Maha has left you is an item that he forged with his Hatsu. His original Hatsu was merely a Space-Time Control, but he sacrificed that, along with all his lifespan, to produce a weapon for you. I remember that from the previous Village Chief, who had Future Sight, sent him a glimpse of the future. That's what changed his actions. In the end, with all his energy from his Space-Time ability, he created a new Hatsu, "Smiths Overdrive," and developed a sword that cant be used by anyone but the Zoldyck family. If someone else tries to use it, its attack power will be lower than a stick.

Using his lifespan as a sacrifice, he finally forged the sword. Here it is.] said Nam while handing the sword. Frey took it, and its charcoal-like appearance instantly disintegrated and turned into a pitch-black color. Not even light reflected on it.

Frey pulled up his crafting menu and fused the black sword with the sword he had created himself, after comparing them, of course.

'The quality is lower, but the overall battle power is equal... and I had seals to aid me, I wonder what will happen if I fuse them...' thought Frey. He quickly fused the two swords. Its appearance remained pitch-black. Of course, it is customizable now, making it able to change to a different color. Frey decided to keep it the same, and he swung it a little bit.

The crafting process happened at a speed that no one there could react to.

As Frey swung the sword, Frey could have sworn that he saw a crack appear, and in it, several figures appeared. Frey couldn't see them, even with Gyo. There were like the shadows Deku saw when he was facing Hitoshi, the guy that had the mind-controlling quirk. It was a space, with just black and stars, with about 13 figures, all staring at him. Frey immediately halted his sword and looked at it. The space crack immediately repaired itself.

Frey took another swing, and the space crack opened again. This time, the shadows inched closer. Now, Frey and they were separated at a distance of 50 meters. Frey immediately stopped swinging his sword, and gently put it into his inventory, while replacing it with his sword that he made in the Naruto world, except mimicking the strange black sword.

[It's pretty good. I'll keep it. Is it fine if I use the cultivation rooms?] questioned Frey while holding the sword at his size. It had reverted into a size his body could handle easily.

[Sure.] said Nam, not even being surprised anymore at how the sword adjusted sizes.

Frey simply scanned the surroundings with his En and went to the cultivation rooms.

[He's... mastered En? Already?] questioned Don with surprise

[What do you expect from a genius?] questioned Nam

[Ma name Jeff.] said Jeff

(A/N: That didn't happen.)

Frey heads to the cultivation realms hastily and is allowed access immediately. He enters one of the cultivation rooms and is astonished.

'I can see that what Nam said isn't an exaggeration. I would probably need a full month to absorb this. Compared to Nams infinite, it's not that much, but it will be sufficient to form at least 3 new Hatsu's. Firstly, I'll work on my Emperors Realm. I've made the custom ability on the way here, all I need to do is make the Stand Hatsu, and I will be able to activate its abilities. Oh, I should also infuse the requiem metal into it as well. Well, better get to work. I'll leave the back up running, so it is fine for the others. I'm not too greedy. I think.' Thought Frey as he lied down on the bed with a blanket, and started meditating.

Frey wasn't restrained like those cultivators in Wuxia's, he could meditate in any form or shape.

In 10 days, he had consumed a third of the energy and formed his Stand; Emperors Realm, along with its Requiem version. After another 10 days, he made a unique Hatsu called "Infinite Physique". With this, he can exchange his Nen limit, meaning a permanent loss, for his physique. This had the limitation of the permanent loss, meaning he could never recover that lost Nen and would have to replace it. Frey decided to make this for future worlds, where he would need to strengthen his physique to continue. Like in those manga's where the MC "needs to strengthen his body to handle the power". None of that BS is happening with Frey.

Lastly, Frey developed his last Hatsu with his remaining 10 days. He made...



Name: Frey Zoldyck

Age: 7

(New!) (Alright, no more 69's) Nen: 107,352,198

(New!) Hatsu: 4

Ark: P̷̳̓̅̔̈́̓͝r̵̠̼͈̟͍̥̦͒̈́̽̕̕e̴̫̒̓̅͘͘-̷̘̭̬͊̔̉Ḩ̶̡͙͉͓͈͕́͠ě̵̡̥̬̘͓͉̻̯͒͌̀̎͘ͅa̵̋͋̑ͅv̶͚͖͕͖̞̦͌͑͂̈́̈́̃̕͠͝e̷̛̱̮͌̾n̶̢̅̓͌̂̚̕'̷̨̭̮́͂s̵͚̍̀͑ͅͅ ̶̱̄͌A̷͕̝̔̑͗̋ṛ̶̤̞͉̭̀̐̉̇̆̿̚͝͠e̶̢̛͈̲̓̀̀̐̔̐͜ń̵̟̬̹��̝͚̅̆̎͂̉ȃ̷̙̫̳̳̲͇̘̈́͜?̷̤̙̻̰̑͗̐̍?̸̢̯̣̈́̀̑̉̽̃͌̏͝

Nanika Wishes: 2

Stand: Emperors Realm

(New!) Physique: 1000 units

(A/N: Explanation of the Physique. Frey's physique is from his "Infinite Physique" Hatsu. He had 157 units before unlocking his Nen. After 20 days in the cultivation room, he reached 1000 units by sacrificing 1686 Nen. It's not a random number, he started with 157 units, gained 1000 units. 1000 minus 157, and the answer would be 843 units, and I doubled that.

Meaning, 2 Nen is equal to 1 Physique point.

As for a measurement system, let's take Meruem's body strength. Even after thousands of hits from Netero, he only felt minor dull pain. Meruem's body strength would be ranked at 57,000. Obviously, if Frey strengthened his body with Nen, like using Ken, but with Frey's Nen capacity, then it would be near Meruems 57,000 Meruem's. But if Meruem used Ken, then it would add another 0. Meaning, if Meruem used Ken, his 57,000 will go to 570,000, which is simply overkill.

Ken = Protecting all body parts with Nen evenly.

By using Ken, a person's Physique would increase by a 0, which isn't fixed. It is fixed until 1,000,000, where it will only add 500,000.

In simple terms:

Meruem Physique = 57,000

Frey Physique while using Ken = 10,000

Meruem Physique while using Ken = 570,000

Frey physique while using Ken and his much larger Nen = 50,000

If Meruem's Physique is = 1,000,000

Meruem's Physique at 1M while using Ken = 1,500,000

That's literally all. Now leave me alone, I'm tired. Emperor Realm's abilities revealed next chapter, all self-made.

1370 words without the huge AN

1616 words with the huge AN

SomeSpookyGuycreators' thoughts