
Ballad XII: Take A Break, Risotto!


RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. JJBA is property of Hiroki Araki and David Productions. All art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies

A/N: Doppio's nickname for Risotto is "Risi". (Ri-See or Ri-Si)...I don't know any easier way to spell out the pronunciation...sorry. But anyways, onto what really matters...Sorry I didn't upload a new chapter sooner. I got a promotion and have been readjusting to the new shift/responsibilities. But good news? This chapter will be setting up a few important things :) Yope you enjoy it. Once again, sorry for the delayed upload.


[LOCATION: Beacon Academy (Risotto's Dorm)]

[TIME: 3:30pm (The Next Day)]

Doppio: "Aaaaaand there! That makes it seven and three!" The boy exclaimed in triump at winning his seventh match.

Risotto meanwhile, gave the man a sideways glance of slight annoyance. When he agreed to play video games with Doppio, he thought it would be a uninteresting experience. Unfortunately yet surprisingly, Risotto found himself to be enthralled by the competition. No matter at what cost, Risotto swore he would take the next victory.

"Don't get cocky. You're only up by four."

With a toothy grin, Doppio selected his new fighter. Sure, Risotto might catch up, but it was unlikely. Doppio remained unfazed and filled with confidence. Though the game the duo played was relatively new, he had already invested nearly three hundred hours in game play. Even without using his stand to predict Risotto's actions, Doppio held the advantage with experience.

Doppio: "Whatever boss, just choose your fighter already!" He whined in a childlike manner.

Grunting to himself, Risotto returned his gaze to the selection screen. For the eleventh time that session, Risotto chose the same character. Doppio on the other hand, always opted for the 'random' choice.

After a brief countdown from three, the screen faded to black. Their current arena was displayed behind the chosen avatars, Risotto being the character who appeared to be a stereotypical Shinobi. Doppio's character meanwhile, was revealed to be a martial arts based character, who was shirtless as well. It was apparent Doppio's current character was a Bruce Lee inspired fighter, seeing as the animated sprite almost perfectly resembled the belated man.

Within seconds, each fighter performed their introduction animations, signaling the 'narrator' to begin another countdown. As the deep voice spoke, both Risotto and Doppio's health bars filled to their maximum.

Leaning forward, Risotto's brows furrowed in determination. He did not waste those countless hours perfecting his 'expertise' only to lose to some pink haired brat. Ghiaccio and Pesci both enjoyed video games and as such, Risotto practiced frequently as to 'connect' with the two members. As a result, he would be damned if he lost to Doppio. Taking a deep breath, Risotto focused his entire being into man handling Doppio's character sprite...


[Location: Vale (Streets)]

Doppio: "Eleven and eight~ Eleven and eight~" He cheerfully sang, skipping as he did so.

"You cheating bastard..." Risotto spat.

Doppio: "Oh boss, don't be such a sore loser~" He teased.

"But you still cheated. I refuse to acknowledge it."

Doppio: "Boss, do you have any evidence I cheated~?" He smugly asked.

"...No, but I know you cheated. There's no possible way you could have seen my every move so accurately."

Doppio: "Awh, my dearest Risi~ I never cheat. You just got outplayed. You were just trying to get out of buying me my icecream, huh?"

Risotto: "Tch, cheater you may be, I've already paid for it."

Somewhat unbeknownst to Risotto...He was correct. Doppio had used his stand, [King Crimson] along with his sub stand, [Epitaph] to predict Risotto's every action. With it's ability to foresee the near future, the abyssal jester was outmatched with no hope to seal a definitive victory. Despite this, he had still managed to win eight matches, which was no small feat.

In large thanks to his bangs, Doppio was easily able to conceal the use of his stand, leaving Risotto utterly unaware of the nefarious method used by Doppio. And despite his reluctance, Risotto now owed Doppio icecream, which he was in the middle of eating now.

The duo sat on a park bench. It was the very same park Risotto conducted his 'reconnaissance' operation with Neo Politan some weeks ago. Though the jester swore it was solely a business practice, Doppio was still unconvinced. Adding Weiss Schnee as a priority contact, only added to Doppio's doubt in Risotto's intentions.

From Risotto's slight mispronunciation of several phrases or words, to these two new 'girlfriends', the assassin was spared no moment of rest. Doppio had practically made it his sole duty to tease or mock his boss in regards to these 'revelations'. This obviously, irritated Risotto though not as much as it previously had. He had become well accustomed to Doppio by this point and as much as he would refuse to admit, he had finally warmed up to the boy. The two were partners and former mafioso after all. And despite their initial inpressions, the two came to understand each other.

Though their bond was not the strongest, they would not be averse to go out of their way to aid the other. With that being said, their feelings were not entirely mutual. While Doppio would go to any and all lengths to satisfy or help his boss, Risotto would only go to... acceptable lengths.

Doppio: "So boss, aren't you going to get some?" He asked, taking a exaggerated lick from his strawberry cone.

"I'd rather not. I don't fancy very many sweets."

Doppio: "But boss, it's delicious! Wanna try?" He relented, offering his cone to the other man.

As a response, Risotto cocked his head away from the half eaten desert. With a face that showed slight disgust, he waved the offer away with a hand, promptly returning the hand to where it rested just seconds ago. With his arms crossed once again, Risotto shook his head. Doppio meanwhile, merely shrugged.

Doppio: "Eh, more for me I guess." He said, resuming his assault on the desert.

While Doppio set about eating the rest of his 'reward', Risotto took the momentary silence (licking and slurping aside) to ponder his next course of action. With the second semester on the literally verge of starting, he knew his operation of establishing potential connections was nearing it's conclusion. So far, he had a lead on Roman Torchwick via Neo Politan. Additionally, he had the mutual beneficial partnership with Headmaster Ozpin. With General Ironwood of Atlas adding to his list of 'clients' and with the newly sprouted relationship with the SDC's heiress, his goal was shaping up to be heavily stacked in his favor.

His 'goal' being of course...To make Lien doing what he knew best; A mafioso. Assassinations could only carry him so far seeing as his group had been whittled down to only two members. In fact, Risotto had yet to be tasked with taking another's life thus far, much to his disappointment. Instead, Ozpin and Ironwood both suggested he should, to make a long story short, "Keep tabs on Roman and other rising crime lords". With the exception of this mysterious "Junior" character, Risotto's choices were severely limited.

As a result, he would need to expand his horizons. Luckily for him, the faunas rights group, The White Fang, has recently been ramping up their antics. In their beginning, they only targeted human extremists or the SDC. Recently however, they had been gradually expanding their targets. This was cause enough for Risotto to begin researching the group further.

In a short amount of time, the group who were once thought to only be a threat to the SDC, had become a threat to humans within the vicinity of Mistral and the island of Menagerie. From personal experience, Nero knew the group would only grow in power and influence. It was inevitable the White Fang would only become more aggressive and widespread. As such, Risotto had Ozpin assign him a mission within Menagerie within the next week.

Doppio was offered to tag along, but refused. Apparently he, unlike Risotto, had friends among the student body, who would be arriving within the next few days. Not wanting to press the issue, the assassin concluded it may be better this way. Without Doppio to distract him, Risotto could focus further on gaining a indirect footing within the White Fang and if not, he could at least gather information over their true motives and future operations. Still though, he was slightly wounded by Doppio's refusal to accompany him.

The White Fang aside, Risotot also learned of yet another potential threat. Within the continent of Mistral, was the infamous Branwen Bandit Tribe. They were one of many bandit tribes, but they were the most feared throughout all of Remnant. If memory served correctly, Qrow Branwen was a former member of the group. And if Ozpin was to be believed, he was a trusted member of Ozpin's personal group of huntsmen. Unfortunately, Risotto was left in the figurative dark of what that exactly meant.

Still though, he had read the man's file. Apparently, he was a former student at Beacon years ago. Coincidentally, Taiyang Xiao Long was a former teammate of the man. Even more coincidentally, the two also taught at Signal Academy, located on the island of Patch. Luckily enough, Patch was only a few hours away via Bullhead. Seeing as Patch was much closer than Menagerie, Risotto decided to ask the pair for information over the Branwen Tribe a day before he set off for Menagerie.

With any hope, the two men had come to their senses over their apparent assumptions over Risotto's character. Speaking of which...they had accused Risotto of colluding with the 'Queen of the Grimm'. If his memory served correctly, the name of the mistress was 'Salem'. This obviously, opened more questions for "La Squadra's" leader. Despite his questions, both Ozpin and Ironwood insisted they had no information regarding the matter.

From the look in their eyes, Risotto knew they were lying. As to why however, he had no answers, only theories. Salem could be an underground crime Lord herself. Or perhaps she was a cult leader. Despite the countless records he scoured, not a single mention was made at her expense. Chillingly enough, this reminded Risotto of Neo Politan's own mysterious circumstance. He made a mental note to investigate the matter further, albeit under the nose of Ozpin himself. From the manner he acted when discussing the name yesterday, it was apparent the headmaster relented in allowing any information regarding the woman. This was obviously a red flag to Risotto.

But those would be thoughts for later. Doppio had finished his desert and currently, he was in the midst of licking his fingers. After seeing this, Risotto lost his own appetite...for the entire day. Perhaps he was being dramatic or perhaps Doppio was just being that vigorous with his slurping. Either way, Risotto found it hard to picture eating anything for the time being.

Looking away and finally hearing the tortuous licking come to a halt, Risotto stood to his feet. Quickly joining his boss, Doppio also rose from his seat. Side by side, the two men began to make their way towards the Bullhead back to Beacon Academy....until they were intercepted. More specifically, Risotto was knocked off balance by a crashing force.

Stumbling to gather a footing, Risotto planted a foot into the cement, all the while a pair of arms tightly squeezed the life out of his ribs. Regrettably, he knew without looking who it was...

Penny: "Salutations, friends Risotto Nero and Vinegar Doppio!" She said, burying her cheek in the hoisted man's abdomen.

Struggling to form his words, Risotto was practically gasping for breath. Doppio meanwhile, giggled at his predicament...until he caught the shade of purple the man was turning. Tapping the girls shoulder, he voiced his concern.

Doppio: "H-hey Penny? Uh...Boss can't breath..." He nervously said.

Penny: "Oh dear me! I seem to have misjudged yet again!" She said, unclasping her arms around the much taller boy.

As a result, Risotto fell to the floor. Seeing as he was already disoriented from being deprived of oxygen, he effortlessly crumpled to the floor. Quickly though, he began sucking in as much air as his emptied lungs would allow. After painfully catching his breath, he let out a slight sigh of pain and regret. Shifting the weight to his elbows, he looked up to see the concerned face of Doppio...and the eager face of Penny Polendina.

Penny: "It is quite splendid to see you once more, Mr.Nero." She said while Doppio held a hand towards the downed jester.

Accepting the smaller boy's help, Risotto was quickly returned to his feet yet again. Taking several moments to brush the dirt and shift away any newly formed wrinkles, the man recomposed himself. He was completely desensitized to Penny's strange form of greeting.

"Penny. We've talked about this, havent we?" He said, referencing the three other 'get togethers' they had since initially meeting.

Penny: "Of course we have Mr.Nero, I apologize once again! I am still learning experiences such as friendship, I hope you'll pardon me...once again."

"As sad as it is, I've become accustomed to your greetings...No, I'm referring to the 'Mr.Nero' part. Risotto or Nero will do just fine."

Penny: "Of course, Nero! I will not forget that! Now, social protocol dictates I ask of your previous exploits. Nero, Doppio, what have you two indulged in since our last rendezvous?"

Doppio: "Uh...heheh...I'm sorry, but what?"

"She means 'what have we been up to' Doppio." He explained.

Slowly putting two and two together, Doppio facepalmed. After giggling at his own expense, he answered the girl's curiosity.

Doppio: "Heh, Well not much really. Just getting ready for the second semester and hanging out with boss. Risi on the other hand...he's been a busy boy, huh boss?"

"You could say that, I suppose." He blankly replied.

Titling her head, Penny scanned over each boy's facial expressions. As customary, she had several questions.

Penny: "Doppio, earlier you referred to Nero as 'Risi'. Is this another moniker of his, or is it what is commonly referred to as a 'pet name'?"

Doppio: "Risi? Oh, it's just a cuter way of saying Risot-" He tried to say, only for his partner to cover his mouth with a hand.

"It is just a nickname. While he calls me 'Risi' by choice, I settle for referring to him as 'Cretino'."

Mortified at the word Risotto used to describe him, Doppio's eyes widened in shock and slight pain. Risotto meanwhile, smirked in slight amusement. On the other hand, Penny, who was unfamiliar with Italian, was left in the dark over the name. Admittedly, it confused her seeing as how 'Cretino' and 'Doppio' sounded nothing alike. Shrugging, she simply made a mental note at the two names.

Much to his surprise, Risotto felt a warm slimy sensation in the palm of his hand. Glancing to the source, he quickly found Doppio had been licking his hand. With a twitching eyebrow, Risotto retracts his hand, opting to wipe the saliva on Doppio's shoulder. As a result, Doppio shrugged, causing Penny to slighlty giggle at the oddly heartwarming scene.

Penny: "I see. If I may...might I give and receive a 'nickname' as well? Seeing as we are all friends after all."

Doppio: "Of course! That'd be fantastic!"

"I suppose so."

Risotto never had friends outside of his former team. In fact, Doppio was the closest person he had to a friend with the exception of "La Squadra". And despite their vast differences and his initial disinterest, Risotto supposed he could count Doppio as an ally or accomplice. Penny on the other hand, was an exception. She was clearly offputting and lacked basic knowledge of how to socialize. Despite that, Risotto neutrally welcomed her company regardless. He had no particular dislikes in the girl but held no particular interests in her either. If he had to guess, he was first fascinated by the absurd amount of Iron within her body and from there, he eventually came to welcome her company.

Penny: "Fantastic! Hm...For Doppio, I suppose I should refer to you as 'Dopey'. Or perhaps 'Dippy'."

Doppio: "Eh...It can use some work...I don't really think either of those really fit me. Sorry, Penny..." He said, clearly disliking the nickname.

Penny: "Then we can come back to that one later. As for Nero, if it isn't too much trouble, might I also refer to him as 'Risi'? Seeing as his name is derived from a famous rice dish, it logistically makes sense while maintaining a comfortable level of companionship."

Risotto: "I don't mind. Though, I would prefer if you specifically just called me Risot-" He tried to say, only to be interrupted by the chime of his scroll.

Taking a step away from the other two and apologetically waving a hand to excuse himself, he dug a hand into his coat pocket. Retrieving the still ringing scroll, he was certain it was a 'call' rather then a direct message. Taking several more steps, he soon found himself just outside earshot from the other two. Not caring to read the caller, he answered the call, pressing the scroll to his ear like he would with a simple payphone in Italy.

"Salve?" Might I ask who is calling?" He cautiously greeted.

Responding to him, a familiar yet slightly altered voice spoke back. Upon hearing the name, his composure relaxed.

Weiss: "Hello Risotto, it's me. Weiss Schnee."

Her voice was hushed, but not in the sense that she was afraid of being overheard. To Risotto, it seemed as if the girl was talking softer as to not allow her voice to quiver or shake.

Currently, Weiss was sitting atop her queen sized bed. Her room screamed of eloquence, being filled with all sorts of elaborate decorations and furniture. Currently, she was dressed in a white and blue dress designed for combat. Unfortunately however, her attire required cleaning seeing as there was a rather obvious red stain on the fabric.

In addition to this stain, her left eye had been bandaged. Earlier that day, she had taken part in a rather crude training exercise. Though she won the battle, her earlier efforts went unnoticed by either of her parents. Whitley, her younger brother, simply scoffed at her perfomance. With Winter away for her military duties, Weiss was left with no sense of accomplishment or affection after the gruelling experience. In a desperate attempt to seek some form of solace, she turned to the only other person she thought she could.

[Perspective Change]

Risotto: "Ah, Weiss. Splendid to hear from you again so shortly. Tell me, what's bothering you?"

"Bothering me? No, No...I'm fine. I just wanted to call you, seeing as you said I could whenever I needed or wanted too.

Risotto: "Ms.Schnee, I thought you would have learned by now from your interview yesterday. Be honest and speak openly. You aren't the most savy at hiding your feelings."

Cocking her head in bewilderment, Weiss was surprised. She had stopped crying an hour ago and had done her best to return her voice to a more 'docile' demeanor. Yet Risotto was able to easily look past her facade. The strangest part of the ordeal, was the fact Risotto was speaking through a audio based call and he still managed to remain unfooled. In her mind, she should have known better than attempt at fooling a court jester.

"I see...You're right, I can't lie to you, can I?"

Risotto: "Of course not. Now speak your mind."

"Risotto... I... Earlier, I was injured during a training exercise. The medical examiner said I could have lost complete functionality in my left eye if my aura hadn't already been activated."

Risotto: "Injuries are common. In many cases, one must be hurt to understand what mistakes they are making. Take it with a grain of salt and learn from it."

"No...That's not what I am worried about. My...father belittled me. He was disappointed in me, despite how well I performed. My mother however, was ticked away in her quarters, likely on another drinking binge. Whitley my brother, slept through the trial. Winter my sister, who you met yesterday, was away. It feel like no one aside from my sister cares about my improvements. Or...cares about me in general."

Risotto: "You feel alone. Is that it? Or do you seek praise from those around you?"

"Well yes, but actually no. I just want them to acknowledge me. Sometimes it feels like I don't even exist to my family. My father is never home and despises all of us. My mother is always drinking. My sister is always away. And Whitley...refuses to have anything to do with me. I just feel...disposable."

Risotto and Weiss both took a moment of silence. While Weiss patiently awaited the older boy's response, Risotto took a second to formulate his words. At the end of the day, he was merely going through with allowing Weiss consultation for his own motives. At the same time however, he could partially relate to her situation. Though his experience was not directly parallel to her own, he held his own similarities.

Risotto: "In many cases, it can not be helped. All that truly matters, is that you continue to move forward. In order for others to acknowledge you, you must first acknowledge yourself."

Weiss: "I understand, I do...but it hurts. Knowing my own family treats me like I'm invisible."

Risotto: "I realized that. You're not the first to feel this way, and you will not be the last. You may feel isolated, but I guarantee you, you're far from it. If all else fails, you always have my scroll number."

"Yes...I know. I'm sorry. I dont mean to burden you, I just really needed someone to talk with."

Risotto: "Don't apologize. It is not your fault you feel this way, this is just how human emotion works...or so I've been told." He dryly joked.

Cracking a smile and a light chuckle, Weiss felt her mood lighten up, as slight as it was. Still though, it was an improvement from earlier and so she raised no complaints. Not letting the opportunity pass her by, she shot out her own light hearted joke.

"That's right, you're an emotionless robot... or are you just allergic to showing your humanity?" She sarcastically but softly asked.

Surprisingly, Risotto felt his lips slightly curl in amusement at recalling the countless times Illuso would say the same thing. Though he was initially only drawn to Weiss for the potential benefits, he supposed he could indulge her in a somewhat genuine 'friendship'.

Risotto: "I'll leave you in the dark on that one. I need to maintain some form of mystery."

Laughing softly, Weiss couldn't help but let her negative feelings fade away. With a gentle smile and a hand to her brow, she felt her heart warm slightly. Perhaps Risotto was right after all, she wasn't as alone as she thought...

"If it's not to much trouble...do you mind if we continue this call in another hour or two? I'm not busy later othe than studying, but I'm in desperate need of cleaning myself."

Risotto: "I don't mind. As we like to say where I come from, 'Arrivederci'."


Risotto: "Your pronunciation could use some work...It simply means goodbye."

"O-oh! Uhm...Goodbye for now then?"

And with that, Risotto pressed the button to end the call. Glancing torwards Penny and Doppio, he saw the two were currently enthralled in a ongoing conversation. Not wanting to intrude, he simply turned away to make his journey back to Beacon.

Just as promised, Weiss and Risotto spoke via scroll as one studied and the other cooked a meal from their home providence. Doppio and Penny however, resorted to travelling throughout Vale together for the remainder of the day. When night eventually came, Doppio returned to Beacon to find Risotto in his dorm fast asleep. Returning to his own room, Doppio couldn't help but shake the feeling he thought he heard digital snoring from the boss's bed.




Let me know what you thought :)

Good? Bad? Risotto is kind of a dick for messing with people's feelings? Etc?

Just to give a heads up...I plan to have a few chapters take place in Menagerie, Patch, and the Mistral Wilderness. The people he meets there is probably no surprise, but I hope you look forward to it regardless.

Afterwards, I'll take a step back and return to pushing the plot just a bit further (indirectly like what I've been doing). I plan on having two more fight scenes.

Just to clarify: I plan on making this a multi-volume type of deal. In short, think of this as his "prologue"/somewhat setting up future events.

Once again, sorry if this is moving a little to slowly for you. And sorry again if Risotto hasnt actually plopped into exactly where you wanted him too. I just have so much fun writing it like this.

Anyways, without a further ado...

[♤~Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors~♧]

[♡~"...You are already complete..."~◇]