
The Merchant's Path to Immortality

In the cutthroat world of cultivation, Lin Feng starts as a struggling merchant with grand ambitions. Driven by dreams of power and wealth, he establishes Phoenix Treasures, a fledgling business that quickly gains a reputation for its high-quality goods and innovative trading strategies. Despite numerous challenges, including rival merchants and sinister sects, Lin Feng's strategic mind and unwavering determination propel him forward. Throughout his journey, Lin Feng attends prestigious events like the Grand Alchemist's Symposium, where he learns advanced alchemical techniques and forges valuable alliances.

JianTian21 · 武侠
15 Chs

The Beginnings of a Merchant's Son

In the remote village of Huaguang, nestled amidst lush hills and rolling plains, the Lin family had established a modest trading post. The Lin family was known for their honest dealings, but their business was a small one, catering to the villagers' daily needs with simple goods like rice, cloth, and tools. Lin Feng, the only son of the Lins, was an unremarkable boy of seventeen, with a passion for reading and a penchant for dreaming of a life beyond the village.

Lin Feng's father, Lin Zhan, was a grizzled man who had seen the best and worst of human nature in his years of trading. He was pragmatic and had little time for Lin Feng's fantasies of wealth and adventure. "Feng," he would often say, "A good merchant knows the value of hard work and honesty. Dreaming of riches is fine, but without effort, they are just dreams."

One fateful morning, Lin Feng woke to the sound of his father's urgent voice. "Feng, come quickly! There's been an accident!" Rushing out of his small room, Lin Feng found his father leaning over a cart overturned on the cobblestone path leading to their shop. A young man, dressed in tattered robes but with an aura of dignity, lay unconscious beside it.

"We need to help him," Lin Feng said, kneeling beside the stranger. They managed to lift the young man and bring him into their home. It took several days for the stranger to regain consciousness, and when he did, he introduced himself as Mo Chen, a wandering cultivator who had fallen on hard times.

"Thank you for your kindness," Mo Chen said, his voice weak but grateful. "I have nothing to offer you but my skills in cultivation and knowledge of the world."

Lin Feng's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement. "Cultivation? You mean you can teach us about the mystical arts?"

Mo Chen nodded. "Yes, and much more. The world is vast, with opportunities for those who dare to seek them. I can teach you to cultivate not just spiritual power, but also the knowledge and skills needed to rise above your current station."

Lin Zhan was skeptical, but Lin Feng's enthusiasm won him over. And so, with Mo Chen's guidance, Lin Feng began his journey into the world of cultivation. The days were long and grueling, filled with meditation, physical training, and learning the basics of Qi manipulation. Mo Chen was a strict but patient teacher, and under his tutelage, Lin Feng's body grew stronger, and his mind sharper.

Months passed, and Lin Feng's progress was steady but slow. He was still far from becoming a powerful cultivator, but he had gained a new perspective on life and the possibilities it held. One evening, as they sat around a fire, Mo Chen spoke of the world beyond Huaguang.

"There are cities filled with merchants and cultivators, where fortunes can be made or lost in a single day. There are sects and clans that hold power beyond imagination. If you are willing, I can take you there."

Lin Feng's heart raced. "Father, I want to go. I want to see the world and learn all that I can."

Lin Zhan looked at his son, seeing the determination in his eyes. With a heavy sigh, he nodded. "Go, Feng. But remember, wealth and power are fleeting. Stay true to your principles."

And so, Lin Feng set out with Mo Chen, leaving behind the only home he had ever known. Their journey was fraught with danger and hardship, but it was also filled with wonder. They traveled through dense forests, across vast plains, and over towering mountains. Along the way, Lin Feng encountered other cultivators, some friendly and others hostile. He learned to navigate the complex social dynamics of the cultivation world, forging alliances and making enemies.

In the bustling city of Jianye, Lin Feng got his first taste of the wider world. The streets were lined with shops selling exotic goods, from precious herbs to enchanted weapons. Mo Chen introduced Lin Feng to the basics of commerce, teaching him how to identify valuable items and negotiate deals.

"Remember, Feng," Mo Chen said, "a good merchant is not just a trader of goods, but a master of information. Knowledge is the key to success."

Under Mo Chen's guidance, Lin Feng began to build a small trading business, using the skills he had learned from his father and the knowledge he was gaining from Mo Chen. He dealt in rare herbs and medicinal ingredients, which were highly sought after by cultivators. Slowly but surely, his business grew, and so did his reputation.

But Lin Feng's ambitions were far greater. He dreamed of becoming one of the most powerful merchants in the land, a man whose name would be known far and wide. And with Mo Chen by his side, he believed that dream was within reach.

As Lin Feng continued to cultivate his spiritual power and business acumen, he realized that the path to greatness was not a solitary one. He began to form alliances with other merchants and cultivators, building a network of contacts that would prove invaluable in the years to come.

One day, Mo Chen sat Lin Feng down for a serious conversation. "Feng, you have made great strides, but there is still much to learn. The path to true power and wealth is fraught with peril. You must be prepared for anything."

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I understand, Master. I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals."

Mo Chen smiled, seeing the fire in his disciple's eyes. "Very well. Our next step is to secure a more stable base of operations. There is a city to the north, Xingzhou, known for its vibrant marketplace and powerful sects. If we can establish ourselves there, we will be one step closer to your dream."

With their destination set, Lin Feng and Mo Chen set off once again, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The road to Xingzhou was long and arduous, but Lin Feng's resolve was unshakable. He had come a long way from the small village of Huaguang, but his journey was only just beginning.

As they approached Xingzhou, Lin Feng felt a surge of excitement. This was a city of opportunity, a place where he could truly test his skills and prove his worth. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with Mo Chen by his side and his dreams guiding him, he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

And so, with the sun setting behind them and the city of Xingzhou looming ahead, Lin Feng and Mo Chen took their first steps into a new chapter of their journey, one that would see them rise from humble beginnings to the heights of power and wealth.