


  Months had passed and I couldn't believe how much I had truly changed both inside and out. I always had a strong personality but I was even stronger now. I also was a lot curvier than I used to be. The school year was almost over and everyone looked at me differently.

  Although not everyone liked me, they did respect me. Ashley would always glare at me now since our little altercation. After Luca left I started training and voicing my opinion more. She would make sure to tell me that I shouldn't get too comfortable because I would never be popular. I got so fed up with her one day I couldn't help but tell her to shove her popularity up her ass earning a few laughs, despite the fact that I hate using foul language.

  Guys were also starting to hit on me constantly which was another reason Ashley hated me even more than she used to. On more than one occasion I had to put guys in their places. There was only one man for me and no one could see or touch the goods but him.