
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · 奇幻
59 Chs


"Okay Mr. Nagid now I will set somethings straight I can tell you are very tense."

"Just Casimir please, I'm not yet comfortable with my full name."

"Very well then."

As she said that Casimir noted her hands moved to write something down.

"Okay, Casimir so we will start with the information you must know. Firstly, we will not take anything in regards to your origin except its class, by class I mean what its core abilities revolve around be it offence, support, defence etcetera. Its rank is private information that you can only share willingly, next would be whether you have a fable or not and you do not need to answer this, what you have to answer is whether you have any kin you are aware of that have not been registered as your kin under Cestane government documentation. There is more but let's begin, I've already said more than I like to without getting anything done."

Casimir listened intently as the blond went on and on. This woman enjoyed talking from what he observed, he would use that to his advantage if the opportunity arose.

"My origin is an offensive kind."

"I see… how about a fable?"

"I'd like to skip."

"That's okay."

She said that last part with a bit of sympathy apparent on her face. Casimir realized she must have misunderstood but he was fine with that, he assumed a lot from those from unremarkable backgrounds who said the same to improve their chances of obtaining training from the higher families by attempting to be mysterious. She must have thought he was like them, and he didn't mind.

"I assume you do not possess any aura."

She asked without looking up from her little device. When she was met with silence, she assumed his answer was a flat no.

"I doubt you even know what that is… they did not discuss it during your pre-awakening lessons yes?"

"No, they did not."

"Don't worry if you manage to enrol to Mospria University you'll learn more than you could ever hope to."

She said with a smile. She was trying to be friendly. Casimir wondered how she could do that with everyone she met and not grow tired with time. The questioning went on for another ten minutes. The remaining questions didn't concern his abilities and Casimir assumed they had to do with character profiling that they would use to keep track of the unstable ones.

"Okay Casimir your details have now been organized, the officer in charge of you shall take you to collect your official and new documents have a lovely day."

"Thank you."

The burly Officer appeared out of nowhere waiting for Casimir to follow him. After a double take on Patricia, Casimir got up and waited patiently for Officer Dorlian to escort him wherever he needed to be next.

"Once again greetings, now you will go to the common hall and wait patiently for any updates on whether any of the high families are interested in you unless you have decided on another route that is."

"We can go to the hall, Officer."

"Then follow me."

Once again Casimir began following Officer Dorlian as they made their way through the various corridors of this obnoxiously large institute toward the common hall. He had wanted to join the government military initially but after even more deliberations he realized just what was so special about getting under the wings of one of the high families of Cestane. He needed resources at the moment in order to compete with the much more fortunate scions of these massive families. He may not receive as many benefits as they did however, he'd receive more than he would during his mandatory military stint. As for the other conditions they would demand, as long as he was patient, he could work his way out of them cunningly. He had always been patient his whole life, what would a few more years hurt?

'That's if I don't lose my mind waiting.'

However, the world was much larger than Casimir thought. They arrived at the common hall and entered. Officer Dorlian ushered Casimir towards one of the vacant seats in the massive room after handing him his national identification card. As the name would suggest, it was a hall and it was probably used for other things in respect to the common part of the name. The room housed several airport-style screens and seats all in various sectors of the room. At the edges were bar-style counters with people receiving refreshments and snacks. Several youths were conversing in groups as they stole glances at the screens.

"Okay young man, the screens will provide updates with every little while so your profile has been made available to representatives of the high Families as well as the military, your name will come up when your options are sorted once that happens, you proceed towards the centre podium there and you will be able to negotiate with whoever interests you. Note that once you have a breakdown in negotiations with one of the high families, it is unlikely that you will be able to talk with any others that will have offered you. They are a prideful lot and they don't take kindly to not being the first choice. If no offers are made then the military is your default choice."

Almost as if on cue, the screens began turning on one by one displaying three names. Two of the names had no offers from anyone except the government. The last name, Casey Redgid, had an offer from House Cheshire. Casimir had never heard of them, but then again, it's not like he knew the others either. He was only familiar with house Cohen, Delroy and Wynn. Those three where the "pillars" of the nation and with their vassals and the official government they ran the Cestane. Casimir was going to do all in his power to at least trouble one of those houses, he had scores to settle he just didn't know with who yet.