
The Marvelous Superman

An unfortunate teenager is reborn as his favorite superhero, Superman, in the Marvel Universe. He will experience the meaning of friendships, love, heroism and much more. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis) -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- No Harem AU, It's heavily inspired by mcu and the comics, but doesn't follow any of their plots. Avarage words/chapter: 1.0k-1.3k words. This is fanfiction, I don't own any of the characters. Except those I created myself.

Passerby_Venne · 其他
70 Chs

Chapter 45: Man of tomorrow

Superman allowed Tyrone to bond with him properly, he had come to know and like the personality of this slight tsundere like slime, it was very meek at times, and other times he would be like a little tiger, fierce and decisive.

Superman felt a totally new and stronger connection to Tyrone, they could feel each other's emotions and thoughts on a totally new level.

Superman raised his hands as a black sword came out. Then it changed forms to a spear, axe, helmet and many more forms, none of which was any help to Superman.

'You have no abilities that can help me, so just enjoy life.' Superman thought to Tyrone as he felt that Tyrone was slightly meaningless and totally worthless, as he had no way of actually helping Superman.

The small amount of strength Tyrone gave him? Drop in a ocean, superman didn't even feel a difference.

Becomun a sword? Still weaker than his skin.

Helmet? What helmet is harder than his own head?

Tyrone was at most a little pet Superman had found in space.

Suddenly Tyrone felt slightly offended for some reason, so Tyrone took another form, it became a toxido, then changed into jeans and a t-shirt, then into a suit, then into a yellow hoodie.

As it changed into different clothes, it had shown it's worth!

'Oh, that's great! From now on, you'll be the mighty and powerful symbiote that carries the heavy weight of being Supermans personal clother!' Superman thought in excitement.

Tyrone also felt excited as it felt like it had found some purpose. But somehow, it felt like something is worng with this situation, it could put a finger on it, because it didn't have a finger.

Superman willed it and Tyrone just went back into his body, then He started flying back to earth.

When he arrived in the sky above Wakanda, he was shocked to see that there were aircraft all over the the battlefield. The amount of forces had greatly disappeared as the grounds were filled with dead bodies.

The Kree forces had been more or less defeated, at a heavy cost of many human lives.

The avengers was still fighting two warriors.

Ronan threw his hammer towards Spiderman with great force.

Spiderman simply kicked up a vibranium shield from a fallen general of the wakandan army, and shielded himself from the hammer, that pushed him a few meters back.

'This doesn't count as a weapon right? I wouldn't want to go against Supermans orders but what he doesn't see, doesn't hurt him right?' Spiderman thought happily as he found a way around the order.

Spiderman tried copying Captain America, and threw the shield towards Ronan. Ronan saw the shield flying towards him, and he simply punched the shield away, making the shield burst in speeds towards the air.

The other avengers were engaging with Sebastian, but they couldn't put a scratch on him.

Mr fantastic elongated his body to spin around Sebastian and making him immobile.

Captain Jumped upwards to throw his shield with an even greater force, towards the head of Sebastian.

But as he was midair, just as he reached upwards with his shield getting ready to throw it, something very hard and powerful hit his shield, making Captain America fall towards the ground.

beside him fell another black, wakandan shield that had hit his shield.

Looking at the direction where the shield came from, he saw spiderman standing there looking apologetic.

"This time it wasn't my fault, it was Ronan that punched if towards you! Also a shield isnt a weapon!" Spiderman shouted with righteousness.

Ronan had lost his one arm, and was being smashed by the hulk as the rest were fighting Sebastian.

As superman arrived, Ronan was finally killed off. Sebastian was almost impossible to kill as whatever they threw at him, his body would take it as energy.

The avenger felt tired and slightly hopeless. They ahd fought for two weeks. They had taken turns to fight while resting.

This war had costed them many lives, maybe 60-80% of all forces.

All the avengers were exhausted.

"These fools couldn't beat your forces even with greater numbers, but even then, the battle might be lost but the war is won. Earth has lost its greatest hero, Superman has died. He couldn't win against Gorr, the god butcher who has lived for thousands of years, slaying gods!" Sebastian shouted at the avengers to make them even more hopeless.

He saw that it worked, many of them had despair on their faces as they heard about the enemy that Superman faced.

"Soon, Gorr will be here with the head of Superman, at that point earth will be under his rule, and I will be the second in command to rule everyone as Gorrs right hand man!' He continued, but this time, they changed their faces from despair, to shock, then glee.

Which confused Sebastian.

"We will make earth into a slave world, and live as kings!' He said trying to scare them more.

But they just looked at him as if he was a crazey.

This confused him greatly as they ahd been full of despair just moments earlier.

But he noticed that their eyes weren't on himself, no it was slightly behind him, so he instinctively turned around.

What he saw made him confused for a second before becoming more fearful than he had ever been.


"Impossible, where is Gorr? Did he spare you, did you join us?!" Sebastian was very confused.

"His headless body should be up there somewhere." Superman said emotionlessly as he pointed up.

Then from his hand, sprouted a black Sword that slashed against Sebastian's throat, making his head fly straight up.

'Maybe you are slightly useful.' Superman thought

'Very! VERY Useful!' Tyrone protested in his mind.

All of them stood there, just looking at Superman defeating the one enemy that they couldn't even harm, as easily as picking up a fork to eat.

Ll the enemies had died, the battlefield is filled with the stench of death. Everyone had been fighting for so long, that when the fight was over, their minds couldnt make sense of that for a moment.

"Did... we win?" Spiderman asked, unsure of why everyone is just standing.

Every started reacting as fi they had awoken from a nightmare, they started cheering, some even crying.

A few hours later, every screen om earth had two words on them, "We Won!"

This day, the second of July, would be known as independence day, the day humanity had fought back against an alien invasion, and won.

Superman was at the front of it all, he was the reason humanity got to see another day, therefor he was nicknamed "the man of tomorrow" by all media atlets.