

"Excuse me." Rui addressed one of the support staff members of the library.

"Yes? How may I help you?" She replied.

"I'm looking for the Mind Switch technique; a mental training technique," Rui told her. "I was hoping I could request for it to be procured."

"Of course." She nodded. "Please wait here a moment."

She took off as Rui took a seat on one of the benches in the library. Rui waited patiently as he scrutinized the library.

('It has more techniques than the Apprentice library of the Martial Academy did.') He noted as he looked at the endless shelves of techniques across the entire library. The reason for this wasn't too difficult to think about. The Martial Academy had lower quality Martial Apprentices than the real world, thus it wasn't hard to see that the Apprentice library was also a little smaller in so far as the sheer number of techniques it offered.