

"The Longranger sect... is it?" Rui considered the name, not having heard it before.

The Martial Sects were not public knowledge, one only learned about them if one reached a certain level of political or economic status, or if one was a Martial Artist. Furthermore, learning more about any one of them required actually entering a Martial Sect, or being approached by that Martial Sect.

Rui didn't fulfill those conditions until now, explaining his ignorance of what was surely an important Martial Sect.

"That's right." Senior Ceeran. "We Longrangers fight for an increased weightage on long-range techniques than they are currently given. Long-range techniques have very simple but potent advantages and benefits that ought to be more capitalized. Our techniques are simply superior to short-range striking."

Rui raised an eyebrow at those words. "Both ranges have their strengths and disadvantages, as I'm sure you'd agree."