

In many ways, Lashara had been a rock in his life. No matter how crazy his life as a Martial Artist had gotten, he could always return home to the unconditional love of his mother.

It was a tether to his emotions. 

He had yearned to fall back into the loving embrace of his mother after the mental turmoil he had experienced inwardly recently.

The loss of emotional feedback.

The loss of his identity.

Who could help him if not for his mother?

Who could ease his mind if not for his mother?

Yet, fate cruelly denied him this simple comfort.

No longer could he find any emotional respite in his mother's embrace.

No longer could he soothe himself in her unconditional love.

Inwardly, he felt as though he had lost more than just a person he had loved his entife life.

He had lost a haven in the Quarrier Orphanage.