

"I can prove it if you want," Rui shrugged. "Not necessarily the gravity part but bypassing anti-espionage techniques with my technique."

The man eyes him carefully. "I'll take you up on that. The chambers of the Floating Sect are lined with anti-espionage technology. Are you able to peer through those?"

Rui could suddenly feel the two guardians standing guard at the table had grown more alert and focused on the conversation.

Of course, they would.

If Rui could spy on all the guardians while they trained, that was a serious breach of their privacy that the chambers were supposed to secure.

"No," He shook his head. "The gravity of the island is extremely overpowered. It's like trying to hear whispers in the middle of a hurricane. My technique is unable to function normally on this island."

"Making it unavailable to be tested on this island, seems rather convenient."