

Rui sighed visibly as he took his place among his fellow contestants. They did not cease observing him. It was actually embarrassing to be the object of scrutiny of an entire crowd that he was forced to be with.

However, this wasn't entirely inconvenient. It meant that he could already begin executing one of the strategies that he had come up with to handle the fact that he was going to become a target due to how high-profile he had become.

The reason he was a target was because he was perceived as the greatest threat.

That was something he could alleviate to a certain degree. Among Martial Artists, strength could be perceived, sensed, and intuited. Although the substantive rumors surrounding Rui were not things that could be dismissed, most Martial Artists were most confident in their own senses.

That was something he could work with. By utilizing a Mind Mask, he could reduce the amount of threat he conveyed to his fellow peers.