

"How may we help you?" One of the staff members catering to inquiring Martial Artists asked Rui when he approached the counter inside. 

"I wish to procure medical services and commodities of the Virodhabhasa Faith," Rui replied.

"Then you have come to the right place," She gave him a reverential smile that he had come to see on the faces of literally any native that he spoke to. "The Virodhabhasa Faith possesses developed medical capabilities capable of healing the wounds and conditions that Martial Artists are afflicted with, and help them survive and also get back to into form!"

Rui smiled, he had expected this.

He highly doubted that a Martial religion that was centered around Martial Art would not have such measures. It appeared that he was right to give this religion a shot.

"What kind of medical service would you like?" The staff member asked courteously. "We have services that we offer free by virtue of you being a Martial Artist."