

Ajanta Island was far more lucrative than the Floating Sect made out of it. Because the Floating Sect disregarded monetary goals when it occupied and developed Ajanta Island, it did not earn much.

It had instead put a lot of weight on creating an environment that could attract even the most powerful of Martial Squires, and give them a reason to stay committed to the island even in the event of the war.

Rui had long realized that the sheer quality of the free training chambers and their ability to luxuriously accommodate all ranges, and also train all kinds of techniques and attributes relevant to combat was meant to strongly incentivize guardians to stay and continue training.

And it seemed to have worked well.

After all, the tensions between the Floating Sect and the nations of the Kaddar Region were perenially extremely high, their relationship was hostile beyond diplomacy. Yet these guardians stayed in the Floating Sect despite the prospect of war not being too unlikely.