
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Be her dog

"Wait a minute! I won the fight earlier, so why do I have to accept this ridiculous thing!?" I exclaimed, pointing to the dog tag hanging around my neck.

Ren shrugged, looking relaxed after brushing off the dust from her clothes due to the previous fight. "Umm… That's the price you have to pay, you know if I were to tell the government about this, what would happen?" She said with a sardonic smile.

That arrogant woman!! "Oh, is that so," I replied, pretending to show a happy face. However, deep down, I planned how to exact the perfect revenge on Ren. Sneaky, I thought. If Ren were to inform the government about today's events, I would be considered an international fugitive. It would be difficult for me to live the peaceful life I've longed for.

With a heart full of resentment, I growled softly behind Ren, who was humming casually.

"Alright, dog, follow your master," Ren said mockingly, while her face glanced slightly towards me behind her.

"I'm not a dog!!" I interjected firmly.

"Oh, come on, bark. I'll give you a reward later," Ren replied casually, but a sly smile crept onto her lips. The malice in the air was almost palpable, filled with tension and mockery.

"Tch, whatever!" I retorted lowly, turning my face away. In my heart, I thought this surely wouldn't end well.

"Hmm? Are you sure, don't want the reward?" Ren said invitingly, her gaze fixed on me like igniting a fire within me.

Sometimes I'm mesmerized by her beauty, but I have to stay strong. I can't let her charm affect me. Even so, I can't resist the urge slowly creeping within me.

Her smooth skin looks so tempting. Her eyes radiate courage and grace, making my heart pound. Somehow, that sly face only adds to her charm.

"Huh, I'm not interested in your probably nothing more than silly tricks," I said, trying to suppress the rising desire. I have to stay calm; this is a psychological battle.

"Are you sure?" Ren purred, her voice coaxing, making me almost forget all the discomfort and anger I felt.

With great effort, I swallowed my saliva and tried hard to stay focused. "Yes, I'm not interested. I won't be tempted by your tricks," I said hoarsely, trying to cover up the tension I felt.

But her piercing gaze felt like searching for an entryway into my heart. "Alright, it seems you're very stubborn," she said mockingly, but her eyes sparkled with unmistakable interest.


It feels quite comfortable to sleep in this comfortable bed after surviving for so long in the barren land. Although Unit 10 headquarters is full of women, at least I can enjoy this peace for a while.

However, as I dozed off, Ren's face appeared in my dreams. Her sly smile, sharp gaze, everything was so disturbing. I didn't want to think about it, but it continued to haunt my mind.

The next morning, I woke up with an uneasy feeling. The dog tag still hung around my neck, reminding me of the ridiculous agreement I made with Ren. I felt like I was being used by her.

In the quiet room, footsteps could be heard approaching from behind the door. Without permission, the door opened, and a member of Unit 10 entered assertively. Her face was serious, giving the impression that the message she was about to deliver was important.

"What's going on?" I muttered, slightly surprised by her sudden arrival.

However, without much preamble, she delivered her message straight away. "Apologies for the intrusion, Jin Takeru. You're summoned by Chairwoman Ren to her office now!"

The call from Ren made me feel a little uneasy. What does she want from me this time? My mind drifted back to the previous meeting, where Ren cunningly put that dog tag around my neck.

Meanwhile, Ren's sly smile still haunted my mind. I felt hesitant, but my thoughts were immediately diverted when I realized I had to respond to Ren's call, no matter how unpleasant the situation might be.

With a lazy movement, I stood up from the bed, my body feeling stiff from lying down for too long. Yawning and rubbing my still-heavy eyes, I showed a lackluster attitude as I responded to Ren's call. Somehow, I didn't really want to leave the comfort of this bed.

The woman nodded, bowing her body as a sign of respect, before turning and leading the way to Ren's office. I followed her with slow steps, stretching my stiff body from sleeping too long. My thoughts wandered to the hope that this meeting would bring good news, although deep down I felt doubtful.

A few minutes later, I arrived at a large door with luxurious carvings on its wooden layers. The door looked like the door of a palace, indicating the importance of the person behind it. The woman who led me opened the door with reverence, and my eyes immediately caught sight of a scene quite contrasting to the luxurious impression of the door.

Inside the room, sat Ren Yamashiro. She looked different from usual, not behind her majestic work desk but casually sitting on a plush sofa. In her lap, there was a cute little shiba inu with soft golden brown fur. Another shiba inu was at her feet, with a curled tail and curious eyes.

Ren was reading a document in her hands, but when she realized my presence, she lifted her face and smiled. The smile, although sweet, had a hint of suspicion, making me instantly wary.

"Good morning, Jin-san," she said cheerfully, which didn't match my less enthusiastic mood. "I heard you slept soundly last night."

I sighed inwardly. "Well, you could say that," I replied flatly, trying to hide my displeasure. My gaze shifted to the two little dogs, who seemed very comfortable near her.

"How can you have two dogs here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Ren chuckled. "Oh, they're my favorites. They always accompany me when I work. Actually, they're very good at judging someone's character, you know? If they like you, it means you're a good person," she said, stroking the head of the dog in her lap.

I glanced at the dogs skeptically. "So, why was I called here, Ren?"

Ren nodded and placed the document on a small table next to the sofa. "I want to discuss some important matters with you, Jin-san. But before that..." She raised one of her eyebrows with a mischievous expression. "You haven't shown your gratitude for being allowed to stay here."

I furrowed my brow. "Gratitude? Haven't I been grateful enough by not causing trouble here?"

Ren laughed again, this time louder. "Oh, Jin-san. You have to be more creative than that. How about you start with a little... entertainment?" she said, indicating something strange.

I sighed heavily, feeling slightly annoyed by her playful attitude. "What do you mean by entertainment?" I asked, although I knew the answer might not be pleasant.

Ren stood up from her sofa gracefully, moving the dog in her lap to the floor. "What if you mimic a dog's bark? They like it when someone barks along with them," she said with a more cunning smile.

I stared at her with a blank expression. "Are you kidding me?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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