
Golden Orb

As the arrows flew by there was a gentle breeze that hit her face, "You know what, this isn't so bad." She kept trotting forward with enthusiasm. Her height was finally useful for something.

Meanwhile, in another corridor, Dimitri faced his own set of challenges. For some reason, his magic was disabled. He couldn't use his powers once he was in the corridors. So he had to rely on his wit and quick reflexes.

This only worried him about Adeline. She wasn't trained! She couldn't react as fast as he was! And she was... Dumb. As much as he admired her, she would act so stupidly sometimes! She was a reckless child!

He dodged swinging blades, leapt over collapsing platforms, and narrowly avoided a chamber filled with toxic gas. Each trial tested his limits, but his concern for Adeline kept him moving forward.

After what felt like hours, both Adeline and Dimitri reached the end of their respective paths.