
The Mage with an Existential Crisis (Hololive Fanfic)[Under Rewrite]

A story of old, wherein demons, magic, and all sorts of supernatural exists. A story that told about the truth of the world, uncovering its myths and mysteries. A story of an all powerful mage searching for his purpose in the vast world, searching, for a place to call home. A story where Hololive Idols are more than just idols. +----------------+ A/N: Yahallo! I have decided to post this here as well, since its what I'm currently writing upon. As for those who have read my previous books, whichever it is. I still haven't found a single ounce of motivation or ideas in my bones to continue them for now. I'll occassionally write on the drafts, but for now. I present you my latest work, I haven't seen much Hololive fanfics around, so I decided to make one. I don't own Hololive, the idols, or anything that may came along them. I only own my OC, and probably the plot(?). For those who are wondering if this is a harem or not. Big no. I can't write harems, as simple as that. Some Idols, or hololive girls might be a bit OOC/out of character since I'm not that good to perfectly imitate how they act. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fumuyoshi · 漫画同人
24 Chs


"Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


Enma's POV

It took me 30 minutes to get everyone to the docks in order for us to set sail. Gura was the first to be there, followed by Amelia, Pekora, and Aqua.

I laughed to myself as they scampered about inside the mansion before bolting out the door. I followed behind them before turning around and set up a barrier around the mansion.

"This should hold for now."

By the time I reached the docks as I walked leisurely, Gura and the others are already on board Sea Bulwark.

It caused a commotion amongst the townsmen and pirates as the majestic gait of Sea Bulwark got on the water. No doubt Gura's the one who made that happen.

Without further ado, I tensed my leg muscles before I pumped magicka essence into them. They bulged and stretched my pants but luckily it held on. I grunted as I jump towards the Sea Bulwark, while carefully maneuvering myself in the air, I shouted towards Gura and co.

"Look out below!" I laughed as they all cursed at me as they made a clearing on the deck. I landed squarely on Sea Bulwark's deck, it sank and trembled for a second before ultimately stabilizing.

"Enma! Do you want to wreck the ship or do you want to wreck the ship?!"

I scratched the back of my head and pointed out that there is no difference between the two choices. Amelia just scolded me in return.

The sea breeze then hit all of us making our hair dance amongst the wind. We all turned our heads to the horizon and felt the storm that is about to approach.

I took a deep breath before looking at the others. One by one they calmed down and nodded towards me. Lastly, I turned to Marine who grinned at me.

"All hands on deck, we are setting sail! Destination, the Underwater Kingdom of Atlantis!" Marine shouted before she motioned towards me. I chuckled in amusement before taking out my Grimoire.

"Water Magicka: Call of the Sea." I chanted as the Grimoire glowed in azure hue and turned its pages.

Call of the Sea is a spell that lets you call various sea spirits to help you out in the vast ocean. Most of them are experienced sailors as such the spell is a popular demand amongst pirates, merchants, and fisherman alike.

I watched as an invisible echo spread out in a ring shape pattern from our position. Then, the waters churned, Amelia who is not very familiar with the outside world stepped back.

Soon various sea spirits emerged from the waters, they walked on it as if it was flat ground. They approached Sea Bulwark with clear hesitation, I suppose this is due to the blessing Poseidon gave to the ship.

I nudged Gura and she looked at me in annoyance. "What?"

"Go over and help our fellow water spirits out, your father's blessing on the ship is making them reluctant to get close," Gura grumbled before taking her trident and strode over the side of the deck.

I didn't pay any more attention to what Gura is about to do and focused more on the horizon.

I felt something calling, I felt its mournful cries, I felt the spirits of the sea in chaos. Atlantis is on the verge of destruction and I can see its effects.

Earlier back at the docks, I listened to the local fishermen and heard them complaining of the unpredictable and dangerous tides and waves. How their catches slowly dwindle and how murky the waters have become.

No one knows this except for the high-ranking magicians but Atlantis is the one maintaining the marine life and balance of the sea. If it ever falls I'm afraid the sea will be dead.

The reason for this phenomenon is because of how Atlantis is located.

Atlantis is located at the deepest trench of the Grand Sea, down there is a terrifying creature known as the Kraken. The Kraken is an ancient and horrible beast. If it ever was let loose and free, the sea will be in turmoil, countless sea beasts will become rampant resulting in the loss of the gentler and peaceful marine life.

As for what is Atlantis's role in this, it's the only thing stopping the Kraken from ever touching the vast sea.

Atlantis itself is a weapon, a weapon so powerful that even Gods from before are afraid of it. But Poseidon decided to make it into a glorified water plug.

Frankly speaking, Cthulhu doesn't have the power to face both Poseidon, the Queen, Sera, and Artemis together. However, time is a very cruel concept.

Poseidon in all of his power and abilities, cannot stop time. Along with the Queen's worsening condition from birthing three prodigal daughters and the fact that Artemis and Sera haven't reached their full potential yet. They were helpless against Cthulhu's might.

I calmed down my simmering anger and visualized a lake frozen in time. I buried all of my anger, frustration, sadness, and helplessness under it. I have no time to dwell on my emotions, for now, I must suppress them.

I looked back at Marine and nodded to her, signaling that I will take some time to rest. I can still the lingering effects of the previous battle, my left arm is still numbed from the backlash of the earlier spells while my head has bits of headaches happening once in a while.

It won't be long before we reach the optimal location for our descent to Atlantis. For now, I need to rest.


I woke up to the sounds of the waves crashing heavily against the ship accompanied by the roar of thunder. I felt the ship swaying back and forth in an erratic fashion making it hard to balance myself.

I approached the door of the cabin carefully before rushing out. Heavy rain pelted my face immediately as Marine's shouts and orders echoed from the background.

"Ah?! Enma-boyo, you are finally awake! Come on, help us here, this storm just suddenly appeared without warning." I broke from my reverie before going to the forefront.

In front of the ship is a massive whirlpool, as if the ocean is opening its mouth and wanting to swallow everything in its waters.

"Can you do something about the whirlpool Master?" I turned to Aqua and saw her gritting her teeth. Her hands were glowing in blue essence, which means she is trying to manipulate the water to stop Sea Bulwark from getting swallowed by the massive whirlpool. Off to her side is Gura, with her trident in hand, she was also helping in steering the ship away from the whirlpool.

"Stop, there is no need to steer away from it."

"WHAT?!" Amelia asked in fright as I chuckled.

"Because that, is our ticket down to Atlantis," I said while pointing at the massive whirlpool.

I felt everyone stare at me, but I took no offense in it as what I just said was suicidal. Heading towards a whirlpool that huge? Heh, you might as well kill yourself. But of course, I'm also not joking about saying that the whirlpool is our ticket to enter Atlantis.

"Let me explain. The reason why I said that was because there are no other means of reaching Atlantis unless you are an Atlantean like Gura, or blessed by Poseidon like me. Trying to make a ship dive is a hard task, even for me. As such, we are gonna borrow the force of the spin from the whirlpool to shoot Sea Bulwark down towards the bottom." I said and nodded, as I know that my explanation was perfectly logical.

"SHOOT MY FOOT! ARE YOU EVEN SURE IF THIS WILL WORK?!" Amelia gaped and shouted at me. I just chuckled and waved off her concern.

"I wouldn't be suggesting this if I'm not one hundred percent sure in the first place. Have some ye faith in me, Amelia."

Amelia scoffed while taking out her watch. I assumed that it's her way of preparing herself if anything goes wrong. But with me here, nothing will absolutely go wrong.


I take it back, everything went wrong the moment Sea Bulwark touched whirlpool, I miscalculated the force of its spin and overshot Sea Bulwark from it.

Right now, I'm trying to steer the ship underwater to make sure that the bubble we are in doesn't pop. Aqua made the bubble before we even hit the whirlpool, which is probably for the best.

"You were saying?" I whistled innocently as Amelia stood beside me with a smug smirk on her lips.

"This is why no one trusts what you said Enma-nii." Gura paused before looking behind, I chuckled as Pekora glared at her menacingly.

"Excluding Pekora-nee of course."

"Anyway, we are going too fast at the moment and I think Sea Bulwark might crash land on Atlantis," I noted, before sliding to the left as a slipper zipped past by the place I was in a second ago.

We watched as it sailed through the air and out of the bubble, it didn't even last a second before it disappeared from our view.

"You think?!" Marine's roar followed from behind, I just sheepishly gave her an apologetic look.

"Don't give me that look Enma-boyo, if Sea Bulwark was ever damaged, I'm gonna hunt you through the end of the world."

I opened my mouth to say something but Gura's shout drew our attention.

"I can see it! I can see Atlantis!"

Everyone scrambled towards the front of the deck, as a magnificent city slowly unfurled itself in front of our eyes. However, my heart thumped hard as I got a clear view of Atlantis.

The usual magnificent city, half of it is in ruins, while the other half are battered and in dire need of repairs. The buildings are all in shambles, the wall has dozens of holes through it.

Lastly, the castle. In the center of Atlantis is Poseidon's castle, but currently, it was nowhere to be found. Such a huge architecture, gone. In its stead are a huge amount of rubble and broken stones. Atlantis is more damaged and battered than Suisei reported.

I can hear Gura's soft sobs as Amelia pulled her into her embrace. Pekora stood beside me and took a hold of my left hand, holding it tightly with her right hand.

Marine took off her captain hat and placed it in front of her chest, silently giving respect to those who have passed away.

Aqua gritted her teeth as the bubble surrounding Sea Bulwark churned and became unstable. I gave her a head pat to calm her down, which seemed to work as the bubble stabilized.

Right now, we have a more concerning problem. Sea Bulwark is approaching Atlantis, fast. If this keeps up, we are gonna have a head-on collision with it and further damaging the city. We need to stop it and slow it down.
