
8 Familiar Feeling, Confession, and Bad News!

Kevin unconscious state lasted for about 1 month! During that one month, Simon and Charlotte become the temporary leader of the tribe as they are the people closes to Kevin. Kevin absence was not really a huge scene as they knew that someone strong as him will wake up. They just don't know when Simon ordered the guys to continue what they are tasks to while Charlotte was taking care of Kevin as they don't know when will he wake up.

Tiido and Ba'al also did what they are tasks to and that is scouting, they almost scouted all the area surrounding the cave except for the strange place called 'forest' as Kevin forbid them to go inside of it. Tiido and Ba'al separate as always to widen their search, Ba'al who was the most energetic among the group was in front of the so-called forest as he was so curious that he wants to enter it.

Knowing Kevin he will surely beat him Kevin knew that he secretly enter the forest. When Ba'al was thinking of leaving ...


He heard a roar from the forest, his curiosity grew deeper when he thought what is happening right now. He forgoes Kevin's warning and went inside.


Tiido who separated with Ba'al is currently following the herd of the cow-looking with a horn on their nose. Of course, he was following them secretly as he remembers what Kevin told him.

'If you saw a herd of strange looking animal then follow them as far as you can, make sure you still remember your back and don't follow them to close or else they will notice you'

'What will happen if they notice me' Tiido still remember the answer. He can't forget the answer he received from Kevin.

'Then I can't see you anymore because you will die.' Kevin's face was serious that Tiido will not take that as a joke even Kevin didn't tell him how he will die.

Tiido who was following the strange looking cow suddenly halt as he saw that most of the cow stop on a certain spot where there was a huge unknown thing laying in there. The thing that strange cow keep looking at looks the same shape as their stone dagger but that thing is so huge that he can't make any description about it but it has two wings that look the same as the birds he saw in the sky.

"What is that?" Tiido muttered. He saw the cow stop on a strange shiny rubble, if Kevin was here then he will surely know what that thing is. Because that thing is an orbiter! An orbiter looks like an airplane and what it does is to fly around the earth.

Unfortunately, Tiido doesn't know about it as the thing is not from their timeline. The one who knew that thing is currently unconscious and being taken care of. So Tiido decided just to watch the strange looking cow and report later to Kevin what he discovered.


Charlotte who is currently taking care of Kevin is currently looking at him worried. She can't hide it on her face, she really like Kevin it's just she doesn't have any idea about that feeling. Being with him ease her a lot, together with him makes her calm, being with...

She still remembers when they first met and when they fight, Kevin's figure when they are fighting was dazzling in Charlotte's view. She can't forget when he names her, she had fun when Kevin patiently teach her. She still hadn't expressed her gratitude when Kevin suddenly fainted.

"Uggh!" A soft groaned interrupted her thoughts. She looks at where the groaned came from and saw Kevin getting up from his stone bed.

"What happened to me?" Kevin asks as his voice was horse caused by the 1-month slumber.

Hearing Kevin's voice again Charlotte run to him immediately and tears started pouring from her beautiful eyes. Charlotte sob on Kevin's embrace like a child, seeing her cry like a child startled Kevin. Then he knew that he did something bad when he started recollecting his memories before he fainted.

'Oh right! I shouted like a crazy there.' He thought. When he was thinking about something he felt something familiar.

This familiar feeling is the same feeling anyone knows in his 2nd world. Sensing this familiar feeling he can't help but believe that he is dreaming. He stretches his hand and point it to the corner of his cave a light form from his hand and then...


A loud bam has heard Charlotte who was sobbing in his chest shocked and look the place where Kevin point his hand and saw a huge hole in the wall. Simon who is always inside the cave rush over to Kevin's room and upon seeing Charlotte and him hugging he just smiled, Simon is also relieved to see that Kevin was fine now. And he looks at where Kevin pointing his hand and shocked as there is a huge hole.

"What did you do?" Simon asks.

"I don't know too," Kevin answered as he too doesn't know why he felt mana.

That's right when Kevin woke up from his slumber he can feel mana that only exists from his second world. Kevin started contemplating what might happen, Charlotte has stopped crying and she is beside Kevin helping him to get up.

Kevin is still thinking as while is walking beside him is Charlotte who is currently holding his hand and shoulder supporting him. Sleeping for 1 whole month made his body a little bit stiff and he needs to exercise it a little bit. He is walking around the cave, the cave is currently empty as almost all of the members of the tribe are out doing their tasks assigned to them. Of course, that includes the other women who were in Charlotte's group.

Each one of the women is at least as strong as the other men and that's why the others don't dare to make a move on them. Charlotte is supporting Kevin while she is looking at his face, every time she looks at him her heart starts pounding really fast, her fast becomes hot, and she can't think straight.

Feeling something is strange Kevin ended his thoughts and look at Charlotte, he is shocked to see that the beautiful woman in front of him is blushing while looking at his face. Seeing Kevin looking at her Charlotte avoided his gaze, but she still supports him as she was afraid that something bad might happen when she let go of his hands.

"Uhm... so... Kevin." Charlotte shyly said. Seeing her shy expression daze Kevin as it is his first time seeing this girl became so shy.

"What is it?" Even though he is dazed he still answers.

They are currently in outside the cave looking at the sky, even if they look at the surrounding they can't see anything as the surrounding was a barren land with barely anything in it.

"Can you tell me what is this feeling I'm feeling right now?" Charlotte asks even though she is shy right now. " Every time I talk to you I feel calm, and when I look at you this area beats so fast." She said while pointing her heart.

Hearing what she said Kevin's heart is thumping really fast, his cheeks are blushing. He didn't know what to do, even though he like women in his second world he didn't experience the feeling of truly falling in love. What he experienced is a one night love that anyone can have if they want, so you can say that Kevin is still truly a virgin deep within his soul.

Seeing Charlotte was fidgeting but still holding his hand to support him truly touch him. A thought appeared in his mind, 'I wanna protect her! I want to protect her!'. For the first time in his three live times, he experienced having a different goal aside from solving the mysteries of unknown.

He pulled Charlotte from him and then hug her. Being hug suddenly she felt a little bit strange as her heart was pounding really fast. It is as if something is chasing her, she looks at Kevin's face who was still hugging her.

"Charlotte become my woman!" Kevin suddenly said as she looks back at her.

"Become your woman? What does that mean?" Charlotte's shy expression was gone and change by a curious one. Charlotte was really curious about everything Kevin do and what he said, she will ask if she didn't understand.

Hearing that she doesn't understand what he meant Kevin was embarrassed as he really doesn't know what to say about. He even doesn't know how to explain what does that mean as it was his first time felling in love.

"It means, we will together from the rest of our life," Kevin said feeling embarrassed.

Charlotte tilted her head and said: " That means I can be beside you every day, or talk to you, or look at your face anytime I want?"

"Yes! You can do that as long as you want." Kevin smiled as he answers.

"Un! Okay!" Charlotte said.

Hearing what Charlotte said made Kevin really happy as, after exercising his body a bit he can now move on his own. Which showed how sturdy his current body is, he was now pondering if the human he knew and the human right now is still the same. He tossed that thought when he looked at Charlotte who was hugging his arm happily.

They went back inside the cave while Charlotte is still hugging Kevin's arm as she is so happy on what Kevin has said. Kevin right now is also enjoying the sensation as they walk. When they entered the cave Charlotte let Kevin's arm go and they walk at Simon's direction. Simon seeing them together just smiled at them and said nothing.

Simon turned his head to Kevin and said: "Care to explain how the hole in your place appeared?"

"I still can't make a conclusive answer so I will not tell you yet. I will tell you when I found some clue as me myself was not sure." Kevin makes an excuse as he really can't tell that mana exist.

If he said about mana then he will need to explain from the start and he also needs to tell about his reincarnation incident which will receive a lot of questions later. Which is troublesome for Kevin and don't want to bother with those question.

"Simon! Something bad happens!" Their talk was interrupted by a shout. The person who shouts was Tiido, when Tiido entered the cave he saw Kevin and saluted for a moment and then look at him seriously.

"Kevin! Ba'al didn't return to the place where we should meet!" Tiido panickily said.

"What happen?" Kevin seriously ask.

Tiido explained how they decided to continue their task to scout the surrounding, the direction they went was the same as what Kevin instruct them to. Ba'al who was instructed to scout the east area where he found the 'forest' is still the same, while Tiido has also the same. He also explained to Kevin what he saw as the show what it looks like by drawing in the ground.

Kevin was shocked when he saw the drawing as he knew what it is, but he skips that at the moment as he is concerned about Ba'al. Tiido reaches the rendezvous point but didn't see Ba'al so he waits for a bit after a long time has passed but Ba'al was still not there Tiido got worried and try searching for his trail. Tiido followed Ba'al's trail until the front of the 'forest', where he saw some clues that someone entered the'forest'.

He started to have a bad feeling and hurried to come back to report. Hearing Tiido's report Kevin's face grew ugly, he gave a warning to never enter the forest at any moment but that idiot Ba'al ignore his warning. But knowing Ba'al he respects Kevin and always follows Kevin's every order, now that he broke the one rule he set then that means that something happens in the forest.

"Charlotte, Tiido. Get ready were entering the forest tomorrow!" Kevin ordered.

His order was absolute to them and they will follow them with all of their efforts. Seeing him giving an order with a serious face they will naturally do their best to do it. They read all their stuff especially the sphere rocks and their stone daggers and have a good rest to face an unknown danger tomorrow.

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