
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · 奇幻
17 Chs

Aptitude (2)

The Omni-Elemental Aptitude was an extremely rare aptitude that, as the name suggested, allowed one to use any kind of element-based spell. It was an aptitude that allowed one to carry tremendous combat potential as the catalogue of spells they could execute was far more varied than any average mage.


However, that wasn't what made the Omni-Elemental Aptitude formidable. It was from the advanced form of spellcasting called Elemental Union. The method to combine element-based spells, and create a synergy that would amplify the power of the spells. And if used correctly, it would empower a spell several times over.


Someone with the Omni-Elemental Aptitude had the power to quickly master such a technique.


Laurellius was shocked. Avarosa had used his blood, so maybe that was his aptitude..?


However, Avarosa seemed to have seen through his thoughts as she snorted at him: "Hmph! Do not be too presumptuous, fool. That was not your blood anymore. I modified it to match mine."


"Eh?" Laurellius was dumbfounded. She changed it into her own blood? How did that even work? Is it like the famous line in the literary world 'A WIZARD DID IT!' kind of thing?!


He was confused about how she did it, he didn't ask. He doubted she'd answer him in a way he could understand.


Meanwhile, Veronica was speechless. 


'She can even change one's blood? Does that mean she has the knowledge about the subject of bloodlines?' she thought. But it was far from correct.


Bloodlines we're far more complicated than that.


Meanwhile, Avarosa was starting to get impatient.She furrowed her brows in displeasure, and she spoke to Laurellius with an annoyed tone: "How long will you keep gawking in place, plebeian? It is your turn now."


Laurellius snapped out of daze and turned to Veronica. She nodded and spoke: "You simply have to do as I said before. Blood or mana."


Laurellius nodded, and began to wake his sister on his back. She woke up with a light startle, but managed to caught on quickly as Laurellius made a very brief explanation. Nell nodded, and stood beside Avarosa.


'Well, here goes…'


Laurellius sighed in nervousness. A part of him wished that he would also have Omni-Elemental Aptitude. Or perhaps that was wishful thinking? Maybe. After all, it wasn't possible to have the fortune of being admitted into the best classes and have overpowered potential at the same time.


'But maybe… Just maybe…'


Laurellius moved in front of the spherical crystal and placed his palm on its's surface. He began to focus, and pour his mana inside. The crystal let out a faint light, as it then shifted into various colors. It was a sign that he really didn't have the Omni-Elemental Aptitude.


Laurellius inwardly laughed a dry laughter. 'I knew it…'


Though he was a tiny bit hopeful, he wasn't really counting in it. In any case, he didn't have the Omni-Elemental Aptitude anyway, so it seems he'll be focusing on whatever element he had affinity on.


The colors shifted at high speeds, and Laurellius' tension rose as time passed. His chest racing, he waited for the colors to stop shifting as the radiance from the crystal gradually brightened. And finally, it stopped.


And Laurellius couldn't believe the result.


His eyes widened shock. His tension rose, but the reason was completely different now. After all…


"B-Black…?" Laurellius muttered.


It was black. The color of having no elemental aptitudes.


Veronica's eyes too, had widened. She looked at the crystal with intensity, and saw that the colour was absolute black. It was darker than the night, and it was opposed to how bright Avarosa's light earlier.


"Impossible!" Veronica exclaimed, "With that much mana, how is it that he doesn't have aptitude to the elements?!"


She was already speaking her thoughts out loud. It only showed how shaken she was. Mana was theorized measure of one's affinity to nature and laws. The more mana a person had, the closer they were to it. As such, those with more mana tended to have more and more aptitude in other elements.


And yet, Laurellius' result was something that can only be called bizarre.


Veronica waved her hand, and the crystal became clear again. She turned to Laurellius and spoke: "Can you please try again, Young Laurellius."


Laurellius snapped out of stupor and nodded. He placed his hand on the surface of the crystal and poured his mana once more.


Same thing happened, and the result…


...was the same pitch-black image.


"What…is the meaning of…this..?" Veronica spoke in disbelief. Her eyes had widened and her mind spin in search for an explanation on the matter. However, all of her thoughts were in vain. She couldn't find any explanation for this bizarre result.




"Big sister Your Highness?" Nell suddenly spoke to Avarosa, "Why are you smiling? Rell has a bad look on his face so it's not a good result, right?"


"It is nothing," was all Avarosa said, "You do not have to particularly mind it."


Hearing her words, Laurellius clenched his fist. He knew that she was probably ridiculing his pathetic results, and the fact that Laurellius would never be able to use elemental magic in his entire life as a mage.


He hung his head. He was even ashamed to face his own sister. Perhaps he should be thankful that she didn't knew about aptitudes yet.


He turned to Veronica, "Is the test over, Headmaster?" he asked with a heavy voice.


"A-Ah… yes. It is over, Young Laurellius. Will you leave immediately?"


Laurellius did not even inquire to Avarosa and nodded. He hadn't raised his head, nor gazed forward. Not even once.


"I see… Very well, I shall send you back at the entrance of the Academy. Is that alright? How about Lady Avarosa?"


Laurellius nodded.


"I have no objections." Avarosa affirmed.


"Alright. Then I would like to remind you; since you are exempted from the exams, you will not need to return here until the official beginning of classes. It will be in three months, so let us see each other by then." Veronica reminded.


With a sigh, Veronica snapped her fingers. White filled Laurellius' vision, and the next instant, they were outside.


And Veronica wasn't with them.




Laurellius had never been so dejected in his entire life. Learning the heart-clenching fact of having no elemental aptitude was like a large block of deathsteel to his entire dreams. Elemental spells were the foundation of mages, and it was what made them more advantageous to wizards. Wizards played around with the conventional laws, while mages played with flames, and water, and the ground below, and the winds.


Of course, there was also a massive difference on how the two executed their spells, but that wasn't the point.


It was the fact that Laurellius would not be able to use elemental spells.


'Yeah… No wonder I kept failing on spells with elements in them. Turns out, I'm just a useless failure, huh?'


His thoughts were beginning to delve deeper into the pessimistic side. His self-esteem plummeted each moment that passed.


'For what reason am I even born, I wonder? I keep failing everything I do; and I can't even fulfill my promise with everyone now…'


It was the only thing that mattered. For Laurellius, it had been his reason for living.


'Everyone would be disappointed if they found out, I'm sure. Looks like I'll be back to being the 'useless' Laurellius, huh?'


It was a past that Laurellius loathed, and it was something he had always wanted to erase. When he found out last year that he had the talent--albeit minimal--in becoming a mage, perhaps he could change what they thought of him. And as expected, everyone changed their view of him and even supported his decision to become a mage.


Though it was something others would call pathetic, Laurellius loved that moment nevertheless. The feeling of being acknowledged; being relied upon, Laurellius didn't want to betray their expectations.


Yet fate just had to play with him. It was laughable, if he was to be honest.


Lying on his bed, Laurellius curled himself in his sheets. He was not even in the mood to study anymore. Even thought it was something he'd never missed before this, he felt like it was pointless now. 


Most of his books were about elemental spells anyway.


Laurellius closed his eyes, 'Yeah. I should just take some rest. Maybe something will pop up in my mind when I wake up.'


As if… he added within his innermost thoughts.




As Veronica sat in her office, an unusual feeling suddenly crept inside her, as she instinctively furrowed her brows and asked: "Who's there..?"


She had only said it to see if someone would react, in which she wasn't hopeful of as assassins wouldn't answer anyway. But unexpectedly, someone answered: "Oh? To be able to detect my concealment… not bad. Or should I say--As expected of a Wiccan? It seems that your race is truly favored by the world…"


Veronica's eyes widened as she listened. She had already placed barriers all over the place, yet someone was able to enter?!


And that voice… 


"You…" Veronica uttered with a wary tone.


From a corner, Avarosa suddenly appeared from the shadows. She came out of the shadow of furniture on the wall, and she didn't release any energy fluctuations as she did so.


"It was a truly short parting, was it not, Veronica woman?" Avarosa spoke with a light smile.


Veronica narrowed her eyes in hostility, but she didn't do anything. She wasn't sure if she could beat her. She asked in a sharp tone: "How did you get here, and what do you want?"


"Mind your tongue, Veronica woman. Before I lose all the obligatory respect I hold for you."


"Obligatory respect?"


Avarosa shrugged lightly. "It is only natural that a student respects those who are of higher standing, no? Even I follow customs of where I stand. So long that it does not bring inconvenience."


She spoke her words with a casual expression and tone, but suddenly, her face became serious. She then said: "I shall be blunt. I desire your promise to leave the plebeian alone."


Veronica's eyes widened. Her suspicions was right. This girl indeed knew of everything she was planning. Also…  


"And also, your schemes will end in failure. The plebeian does not hold any treasure nor any special knowledge. He is merely born with a bit of talent. That is all there is to it."


...she denied the remaining reason for her to investigate the boy further.


She frowned. "How can I make sure you're telling the truth?"


Avarosa snorted. "Do not compare me to you measly lowborns. I do not lie, and that is a principle."


Veronica's frown deepened. However, her instincts told her that the girl was telling the truth. And also, she was curious.


"Why do you want me to leave him alone? And what exactly is your connection with Young Laurellius. Also…" she paused as she observed Avarosa's body.


"...where is your body?"


That's right. Avarosa came in her bare soulform. Her entire being emitted a faint glow, and though it was barely noticeable, she was transparent.


"I do not have one. The one I appeared with earlier was merely a manifestation created from the plebeian's 'life'. It vanishes over time."


Hearing her words, Veronica's expression turned into a smiling one. "Then you must be so brave to approach a witch with only your bare soul."


Yet despite her words, Avarosa snorted. "Then I dare you to try anything, Veronica woman. But I shall warn you in advance; I am not well versed in the act of being merciful." she said in a very cold tone.


Veronica suddenly felt like her entire being was plunged deep in a freezing lake. Cold sweat poured out from her pores, and her body stiffened. The pressure Avarosa was releasing was on a different level from before.


'Was she restraining herself before?!' Veronica screamed inwardly, but there was no pill for regret.


With a dry laugh, Veronica waved her hand. As if saying it was only a joke. She spoke: "Ahaha… Of course not. I won't stoop so low to attack a student of my school only for uncertain benefits… Anyway, at least tell me the reason why you want me to leave him alone."


Avarosa only gave her a sideways glance, and answered: "I desire his growth. He lacks ambition; thus the only way to provoke his growth is to suppress him."


"Suppress…?" Veronica asked in a low voice, but realization suddenly dawned on her.


"Wait, that means his aptitude--!" Veronica exclaimed in shock, as Avarosa only gave her a short glance. But she didn't deny it.


Veronica too, went silent. The silence continued for a while, until Veronica asked.


"Why go so far…?"


Avarosa maintained her silence. She looked down, and began sinking in her own shadow. But before she disappeared, she spoke: "Because it is necessary."


When she finished speaking… 


...she was gone.