
The Mafia Boss's Bride

Ibrahim Rahman, a notorious mafia boss in the hearts of Kuala Lumpur. In the underground world, his influence extended into the darkest corners of the city. At the age of 35, he was feared and respected, a man who commanded loyalty and never took 'no' for an answer. On the other hand, Ava Lim, a 23-year-old University student, is a world away from his dark realm. She is a shy and innocent girl. Their paths converged at a wedding. Ibrahim's eyes locked onto Ava from the moment she stepped into the wedding. From that instant, he knew that he wanted her, and he was determined to make her his, no matter the cost. As the days turned into weeks, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the eerie sensation that someone was tracking her every move. Her world was rapidly changing, and she had no idea why. She was blissfully unaware of the darkness that lurked in the shadows, the world she was about to be thrust into. One fateful night, Ibrahim orchestrated her kidnapping from the quiet neighborhood she called home. Will Ibrahim make Ava fall in love with him or Ava will try to to choose the path of revenge?

the_glow · 现代言情
170 Chs

Chapter 163 : "How long do you plan on holding me like this?"

As soon as Yasmeen informed Samir about Farah's arrival, he sprang into action. He couldn't believe that Farah was actually in the Rahman mansion! This was a momentous occasion, one that demanded a certain level of preparation.

Wasting no time, he changed out of his clothes, opting for a off-white shirt paired with a pair of light blue washed jeans. A touch of cologne, his usual brand with its citrusy scent, completed the transformation.

He ran a hand through his hair before dashing downstairs. Looking good was important, especially when Farah was involved. And today, he definitely wasn't disappointed. 

Farah and Mahi were seated in the mansion's outdoor living area. The setting sun cast a golden-orange glow over the scene, painting the white chairs and the white round table with a warm light. Samir took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He needed to make a good impression, one that wouldn't be easily forgotten.

Samir cleared his throat, the sound echoing awkwardly in the still air. Farah and Mahi turned their heads in unison, their conversation momentarily halted. Farah saw as Samir stood near the driveway. 

Taking a deep breath, he tried a silent invitation, gesturing for Farah to come closer.

Mahi furrowed her brow. "Who's he?" She didn't know Samir. 

Farah, still seated, offered a nonchalant reply. "Headache," she mumbled, then quickly corrected herself with a slight cough. "Um, I mean, Ibrahim's younger brother."

She pushed herself out of the white chair and walked towards him. As she neared a sharp citrus aroma that made her wrinkle her nose up - "Did you pour the whole bottle of perfume on yourself?"

"Do you not like it?" he asked, "If not, I can switch to something else next time."

Farah rolled her eyes playfully. "It's not bad. Just a little... overpowering. Like you bathed in it. Where are you headed all dressed up?" she teased, eyeing his outfit. "Going on a date, perhaps?"

Samir's cheeks burned a shade darker than the orange glow of the sunset. "Uh, n-no, not exactly. There's some work thing Ibrahim and I have to deal with. But hey," he leaned in conspiratorially, "if you're free sometime, I'd be happy to ditch any schedule and take you on a real date. Any time, any place, just say the word."

He was so close to Farah now, close enough to see the surprise in her eyes. The unexpectedness of his offer caused Farah to miss a beat. For a moment, she simply stared at him. Though it wasn't the first time he was flirting like that. It seemed she was getting used to with Samir's flirty nature with her.

She remembered the way he yanked her back from the path of a speeding car that day. Maybe, she thought, there was more to him than she'd ever realized. Maybe this awkward, cologne-drenched guy wasn't so bad after all. 

The thought sent a warmth through her. But the warmth was quickly doused by a jolt of reality. She had Elara. What on earth was she thinking, daydreaming about another man? Especially the brother of the man whose brother killed her father. 

Lost in her internal turmoil, Farah barely registered the uneven cobblestone beneath her feet. She took a misstep, her shoe catching awkwardly on the rough stone. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as she felt herself falling forward.

But Samir's strong arms wrapped around her and stopped Farah's descent. Her gaze locked with his, and for a heartbeat, she felt like she was drowning in the depths of his dark black eyes, "How long do you plan on holding me like this?"

A slow smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "Forever maybe."

Farah straightened abruptly, "You're delusional. Don't get ahead of yourself. You have no idea what you're dealing with. I can be dangerous, Samir."

"Danger! Now that's something I can appreciate. Consider me entertained." Samir's grin was laced with amusement. "I haven't encountered anything like this before. Tell me more, sweetheart. Let's see if you can live up to the threat."

Farah opened her mouth to retort, a sharp reply on the tip of her tongue, but then she saw Ibrahim approaching from the mansion doors. Deflating, she closed her mouth again. 

Ibrahim approached them with a picture of brooding intensity. He wore a tight, dark shirt that showed off his strong build, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal powerful forearms. His black pants added to the image, making him look like a hero, even though he seemed troubled. 

"What's the matter?" His gaze landed on Farah. 

Farah floundered for a moment. Shame burned hot in her throat. Here she was, seeking help from the enemy, the very family she swore to avoid. 

Farah gestured toward Mahi with a helpless look. "Actually, we need a little help for Mahi. Mahi's pregnant, and... the problem is, she wants to carry the baby."

Samir's jaw dropped, a bewildered "What??" escaping his lips. 

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like a damn gynaecologist?" 

Clearly, he wasn't amused by their sudden appearance or their bizarre request. This was the strangest request he'd ever heard. Why on earth would they come to him for help with a pregnancy?

Samir asked out the most logical question that came to mind. "Whose child is it?" 

Farah spoke a single name, "Maybe Professor Syed's."

Ibrahim strode towards Mahi. She rose to greet him, but he gestured for her to remain seated. "No need," he said curtly. Samir and Farah also took seat, forming a tense circle around Mahi. 

The problem was this: if she wanted to keep this baby, she needed prenatal care for the next nine months. But there was a catch. Both her parents were well-known gynaecologists in Kuala Lumpur. Consulting any doctor in their city was simply too risky for her. Her parents were friends with most of the specialists in the city, and the specialists also knew Mahi. If one of the them came to know, he/she would surely alert her parents.

While searching for a doctor outside from Kuala Lumpur, She came to know from online that the Malacca Women & Children's Hospital was owned by the Rahman family. Perhaps a doctor there, far removed from her parents' social circle, could offer help. There was just one more hurdle: the birth itself. Mahi didn't want her parents or the baby's father involved. This pregnancy had to remain hidden until the very end. Ideally, she wouldn't need anyone at all. But most doctors required a guardian during childbirth. Could they find a way around that as well?

Ibrahim listened intently as Mahi finished her story. "So, You don't want any family involvement during childbirth." 

Mahi nodded, a single, jerky movement. 

Ibrahim continued, "Did you think carefully about this decision? About carrying the baby?" 

He wanted to be sure, absolutely sure, that this was entirely Mahi's choice.

Mahi's eyes darted towards Farah for a moment. Earlier, there had been a huge fight between Zeba, Noor and Mahi. Both suggested that Mahi should abort the child, but Mahi denied their suggestion.

"Yes, I thought thought about it a lot. This child deserves a chance at life. It's innocent in all this. I can't take its life before it even begins."

Mahi's voice was stronger than Ibrahim had expected. He turned to Samir, "How many gynecologists do we have at our hospital?" 

Samir scratched his chin thoughtfully, "In the gynecology department? Maybe six or seven." 

Ibrahim then focused back on Mahi. "A female doctor?" 

"A female doctor would be better, if possible," she confirmed.

After instructing Samir to handle the arrangements for Mahi's doctor, Ibrahim rose and headed towards his car. He slid behind the wheel, leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed, waiting for Samir. A quiet sigh escaped his lips. He was lost in thought when a voice shattered the silence.

"I wouldn't have come to you for help if it was my problem, Mr. Ibrahim."

Ibrahim's eyes snapped open, and he turned his head towards the car window. Farah stood beside the vehicle.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," he replied, "What makes you so certain I'd be willing to help you... or rather, your friend?"

Farah scoffed, "I don't come empty-handed. I always have a Plan B. If you won't help, then I'll have no choice but to make you see things my way." 

Ibrahim's face hardened. A threat? She dared to threaten him? Did this woman have any idea who she was dealing with? "Threaten me? Do you even know me, Farah?"

Farah met his gaze unflinchingly. "More than you think. I know more than enough.... And it's not just you. Your entire family."

As if sensing his unease, Farah's lips curled into a sinister smile, her eyes glinting with malice. She tilted her head slightly, "The secret about your father. The fact that you..." She paused for a dramatic effect, "The fact that your father died by your hand, not a heart attack. And neither Samir nor Aunt Aliya knows the truth, living in their perfect world."