Feng Xuan hauled the IT person to his feet. She was much smaller in comparison to his height. But she was still the one who was dominating as she held him by the collars of his shirt, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. "What do you mean he's dead?!"
"I-i-… that's what's on his file. The only family he had left was his brother, but he passed away around ten years ago. He died of pneumonia."
Feng Xuan's fingers tightened on the fabric. "Then who the fuck is The Zookeeper?"
"I-I will out, Mrs. Qing."
Her emotion died down a little when the man closed his eyes. He looked fairly young, someone around her age. He looked like he was praying. She let go of his shirt as she let out a breath. "Get back to work."
They all went back to their positions and she nudged Qing Chen with her elbow, suddenly embarrassed. "Why didn't you stop me?"