As soon as Qing Chen turned, Qing Lok reached out a hand, stopping his brother, "Hey!"
Qing Lok could not believe that his brother was really going to leave their mother to her death. He knew that he was not the best fighter and there was barely anything that he could do other than watch their mother die.
It was not something that he would want to experience and it he would, he would want his brothers with him.
But when Qing Chen met his eyes, he knew that his brother was not really going to leave. Then Wuming was in motion and the next thing that Qing Lok heard was the gunshot and their mother's wailing.
Both of them immediately dove for their guns.
Wuming saw that Checks was already pointing at their mother who had curled to the ground. Another knife had been released from his fingers and it hit home.
The hilt of the knife protruded from the back of Checks' hand. It went through the meat and bones and he screamed in pain, losing the gun.