Obviously, Feng Xuan didn't find it in her heart that her father's story matched the things that happened that night. There was this ugly gut feeling within her that refused to believe that it was true. Something in this whole puzzle wasn't fitting.
She didn't know if she had the wrong pieces, or was she working on a different puzzle all together?
She was glad that she made use of their driver today. She would've probably gotten in an accident with all the thoughts swimming in her mind like they were in a marathon. Everything just wanted to be thought about and to be solved. But she didn't have an answer. Not to a single one of them.
Her stomach was grumbling by the time that she reached The Kingly and she quickly told the receptionist to send a huge meal to Qing Chen's office. Thankfully, she didn't have to disrupt a meeting today as her husband was working on his computer with the city skyline towering behind him.