On the day of her supposed death, Hao Suyin was so nervous. She was not in the right state of thinking. She was convinced that any moment, she would change her mind. She could herself buckling from all the pain that she was experiencing.
Every time she caught site of one of her boys, she just wanted to run and hug them in her arms. But she could not because she was not allowed to raise suspicions. She had to leave this world peacefully in the least conspicuos way.
She and Qing Zihao made sure that they were the only ones in the house that knew about this plan. They needed it to be foolproof.
While her sons were busy with their day activities, Hao Suyin was getting ready setting things up for the fire that was supposed to happen. It needed to be big and she needed the people out of the house so she sent the majority of the maids into the supermarket—telling them they need to shop for a big party that they were holding on the weekend.