Finally she heard a noise from upstairs and she quickly swivelled by the stairs. Most of the steps were already broken but she just needed a look… just a look and then she would be gone.
She knew that Qing Wei made it out of the basement because he had left the door to it open. He must've come for Lok. As expected of him. He had always been one to look out for his brothers.
There was more shuffling around until she heard him screaming that he was going to get his brother out. She heard the door break and she hid in the shadows. She saw them pass to the other hall, their forms like fast cars speeding down the highway.
Qing Wei must've caught site of her as he bent down the railing to check. She sped away from his view and in the next few seconds, she heard the breaking of the glass and she knew that they were out.
Okay, nobody else is in the house, she thought. Now it was time for her to die.