
Youkai's Most Eligible Bachelor






Naruto groaned as he flopped face-first into his bed, exhausted. Signing autographs was more tiring than he'd expected. He'd spent the day signing autographs after his shadow clone's mess up and hadn't gotten through the entire line. He'd be doing the same tomorrow.. 

"Good work today, Kami-sama!" A high-pitched voice said from behind him, and he suddenly felt two large orbs pressing into his back.

"Hanks, Kuruoka," Naruto's muffled voice responded, ignoring the heat coming onto his face as the busty catgirl pressed herself into his back.

"Thank you for all your hard work today, Kami-sama. We managed to raise a lot of money today!" Yasaka said happily.

"That's good, but I'm exhausted." Naruto sighed, pulling his face away from the bed and flipping over onto his back as he felt Kuroka stand up. What he hadn't realized was that Kuroka hadn't fully stood up, and was instead just leaning on her palm so that her breasts weren't pushed into Naruto. Now, her breasts were dangling dangerously close to his crotch.

–—--------------—-----------------—-------LEMON START—------------------------------------------------------

"Nya~~ need some help relaxing after your hard day, Kami-sama?" Kuroka purred, leaning forward so her breasts dropped completely onto his crotch. Naruto's face flushed red as he tried to stutter out a reply, but was beaten to it by Yasaka.

"What do you think you're doing, Kuroka?! I'm going to be the first one to be taken by Kami-sama!" Yasaka said, kneeling next to Kuroka and pushing her to the side, flopping her huge breasts onto Naruto's crotch.

"W-wait," Naruto started, his face beet red as he felt his member harden in his pants from the weight of both women's breasts pushing down on him.

"Nya~? When was that decided?" Kuroka said mischievously as she leaned in, rubbing her face into Naruto's crotch as he moaned softly.

"I'm fine with you being a part of Kami-sama's harem, but I'll always be his number 1!" Yasaka said sharply, grabbing Kuroka's hair and pulling her head off of Naruto's crotch before she started unzipping his pants. Kuroka's own hands started doing the same, "I'll be his first wife and harem manager!"

"You two need to stop…" Naruto groaned out as their hands started fighting over pulling down his underwear. Both women paused momentarily to stare at him…

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]

Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!


Check failed!

…then promptly ignored him. Both women's eyes went wide as they pulled down his underwear, freeing his member to bounce up in front of them.

"It's so big…" Kuroka said, running her fingers over his cock gently.

+250 Affection with Kuroka (Obsessively Loved)

+250 Obedience with Kuroka (Obsessively Loved)

"Getting nervous?" Yasaka said with a smirk, wrapping her hand around Naruto's cock and jerking him up and down. 

"N-no, Nya~!" Kuroka shouted, wrapping her hand around Naruto's member as well. Naruto moaned as he accepted their ministrations, falling back into the bed as a combination of the exhaustion from the day and the pleasure from their hands resulting in him not fighting back.

"Since you seem a bit scared, I'll be taking this big boy in me first," Yasaka smirked, leaning forward and planting a kiss on the tip of Naruto's cock.

"N-no~ I'm not nervous at all! I'll be taking Kami-sama first!" Kuroka said, leaning forward and dragging her tongue from the bottom of his cock to the tip.

"Hmmph, maybe we should let Kami-sama decide," Yasaka said mischievously, looking between her giant breasts and Kuroka's slightly smaller pair, "You'd rather have me first, right, Kami-sama?" 

Yasaka wrapped her large breasts around Naruto's big cock, staring up at him with lust-filled eyes as Naruto subconsciously thrust his hips up and moaned in pleasure. 

"No way! You want me first, right, Kami-sama?" Kuroka wasn't going to beat so easily, and she climbed up onto the bed and laid down, plopping her breasts on top of Yasaka's.

"W-wait, I'm gonna…" Naruto moaned out as he thrust his hips up, a stream of cum coming from the tip of his cock as days of being around so many sexy women and unable to relieve himself came flooding out. Stream after stream came out from his cock, landing on the two women's stacked breasts.

Yasaka grinned as she saw the ropes of cum coming from his member, and leaned her head down, covering the exposed tip of his cock with her mouth as she caught the remaining strands of cum in her mouth. 

Yasaka gave Naruto a lust-filled smile as she made an overly-exaggerated gulp and swallowed his cum. Kuroka glared at her and leaned forward, dragging her tongue across their stacked breasts as she licked up his cum, looking up sensually at Naruto. Naruto groaned as his cock started hardening immediately between their tits again as he watched them lick up his cum from their breasts.

"So, Kami-sama~," Kuroka moaned up at him as she licked a strand of jizz off her fingers, "Who do you want first?"

"Who do you want to be your first wife, Kami-sama?" Yasaka said, circling her tongue teasingly around the tip of his member as it peeked out from between their stacked boobs.

"Ah… I really can't choose…" Naruto said, his mind clouded by lust but realizing that choosing one would definitely anger the other. He expected them not to accept that as an answer, but was saved by his system. 

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added +20 to your roll!

[Ladies's Man] has added +5 to your roll!


Check success!

Yasaka nodded at him, "You're right, Kami-sama, you can't choose who'll be your first wife when there are only two of us!"

"Of course, you need to try out the rest of your harem before you decide, Kami-sama." Kuroka nodded, then smirked mischievously. She stood up, pulling the knot in her bathrobe a part and letting her bathrobe fall to the floor. Her body was completely nude, and Naruto's eyes hungerily scanned her body. 

"It's only fair that they get a shot too. Just make sure you remember me when the time to decide comes, alright?" Yasaka said, following Kuroka's lead and dropping her robe to the floor. Naruto's face was flushed red as he scanned both their bodies, and was caught off guard when Kuroka launched herself at him, laying her nude body across his and catching his lips with her own. 

+250 Affection with Kuroka (Obsessively Loved)

+250 Obedience with Kuroka (Obsessively Loved)

"You got to kiss Kami-sama first, so I'll be taking this," Yasaka said as she stroked his member and crawled onto the bed, positioning herself over his rock-hard cock. Naruto was given no chance to refuse, as his mouth was lavished by Kuroka's tongue.

And so, an exhausted Naruto Uzumaki would not get the well-deserved rest he desired. Instead, he found himself at the mercy of two sex-hungry Youkai, who rode him until the sun rose. 

—------------------------------------------------LEMON END----------------------------------------------------------


Naruto groggily walked out of his room, walking towards the kitchen in the temple with a loose robe around his body. He slumped in a chair as a Youkai chef brought him a meal.

"You smell… funny." A cute voice intoned next to him, and he glanced over to see Shirone sitting next to him scrunching her nose at him.

"Yeah… You have your sister to thank for that." Naruto sighed as his spoon scooped up some rice.

"How did big sister make you smell funny? Is that why your door was locked?" Shirone asked, tilting her head at him cutely.

Naruto sighed, "With how this world seems to be going so far, I'm sure she'll show you eventually." 

Shirone stared at him curiously, then nodded and started eating her meal. 

Naruto finished his meal, showered, and then went back to signing autographs. Yasaka was noticeably absent, as the Youkai Queen was passed out on his bed. 

Why does she get to rest and I don't? I was doing double the work!

Naruto ended up signing autographs for the entire day but managed to get some sleep that night, curiously only having Kuroka throwing herself at him. 

Two days later, he'd find out why Yasaka was absent that night as he signed a new manga cover. This one was very unlike the other two, and he learned what the word "hentai" meant that day.

And so, the legend of the Youkai God expanded.


6 months later.

"Why am I here again?" Naruto asked as he stared across a large wooden table at Grayfia Lucifuge. The silver-haired woman was in her standard maid outfit. 

"I am here to negotiate on the Lucifer and Gremory family's behalf," Grayfia said, looking seriously at Naruto. He'd received a letter asking him to meet with a representative at a neutral location, which ended up being a log cabin in the middle of an unclaimed forest. 

"Negotiate what? Why didn't Sirzechs just come talk to me?" Naruto asked, staring at her curiously. The super-devil Maou was a super-fan of his at this point and ended up barging into the temple, sometimes with Rias in tow, many times over the past few months. 

"This is a serious matter, Youkai God-san. This is not something to be discussed between friends. I am not here as a friend but as a representative of the Gremory and Lucifer families." Grayfia said as her silver eyes bored into Naruto's own.

Wow, this might be the most serious I've seen anyone be in this world. This must be serious.

Naruto stiffened as he sat up straight, his face turning serious, "Alright. Let's get to business then."

"Thank you for taking this seriously, Youkai God-san. I am here to negotiate for Rias Gremory's virginity." She said.

"Of course, I can see how that would be important to you, but I won't give it up for- wait, what?" Naruto started negotiating, before realizing what it was that they were negotiating for.

"I have been permitted by the Gremory family and Sirzechs himself to offer a multitude of things in exchange for Rias Gremory's purity being untouched," Grayfia said seriously.

"Um, ok, what? Why are you talking to me about this? Shouldn't you be talking with Rias considering it's, y'know, her virginity." Naruto asked incredulously.

"Rias has been infatuated with you, Youkai God-san. There is nothing we can do to convince her to resist when you attempt to take her, and her virginity is vital for her marriage contract with the Phoenix household." Grayfia said as if the answer was obvious.

"I'm not going to take Rias's virginity. She's nice and all, but I've already got two sex-hungry Youkai I have to deal with every night." Naruto said dismissively.

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]

Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!


Check failed!

"I have read your… manga, Youkai God-san," Grayfia said, her face turning red, "I know about your sexual exploits. I know that you are a sex-hungry god who wants to claim every woman he can, and that after spending time with Rias it would be obvious that she will be your next target! She's become a beautiful woman, and is easily one of the most beautiful women within our species." 

Naruto sighed as he rubbed his forehead, "Look, Grayfia-san, you can't believe that manga. Yasaka loves exaggerating! I'm already exhausted from being jumped by those two pretty much every night, I don't have time to go claiming other women. The only reason I'm spending any time with Rias is because Sirzechs keeps barging into my house with her to hang out. He's taking this whole "calling me his best friend" agreement too literally." 

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]

Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!


Check failed!

"You will not trick me, Youkai God! I know of your trickery, as it was documented very well during your fight with Zekram. I can see through your lies easily, as you've already claimed Serafall! There's no other explanation for her sudden infatuation with ramen, a food you eat constantly during your adventures in the manga!" Grayfia shouted, leaning forward and staring harshly at him.

"Look, I didn- wait, she likes ramen now? Did she find a good shop? I've been trying for months but there are no good ramen places in Kyoto. Can you ask her to show me the place sometime?" Naruto said, his mind drifting to the delicious food. Despite his love for ramen being declared constantly in his manga, the only aspect of said manga that Naruto approved of, he still hadn't found a good restaurant. He was doubting anything would compare to the ramen back home.

Grayfia nodded, "Oh, of course. I know how important the quality of the establis- wait! You will not trick me, Youkai God! We are here to discuss Rias Gremory's purity!" 

"There's nothing to negotiate. I don't want it." Naruto sighed.

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]

Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!


Check failed!

"Hmmph, still playing dumb, Youkai God-san? Fine, I will start with our initial offer. In return for leaving Rias Gremory untouched, my body will be yours to use right now! We are deep in an uninhabited forest, so no one will interrupt us." Grayfia declared seriously, then turned her face away to hide her blush.

Is that really the reason you picked this place?

"Seriously? Look-"

"Fine! You drive a hard bargain, Youkai God-san! My body will be yours three nights a week!" Grayfia countered, the normally rather emotionless Queen's face completely red.

"No, wait, that's not what I meant-" Naruto tried to clarify.

"Hmmph, you are a stern negotiator, Youkai God-san! Fine, I will join your bed every night, and Venelana Gremory will join once a week." Grayfia huffed, trying to look serious but her flushed face not helping her image. 

"Seriously, don't you two have husbands? There's no way-"

"Ah! I see, so it's not pleasure you want, but to humiliate us! Fine, luckily I considered this. Sirzechs and Lord Gremory have both offered to watch as you take us. Venelana will also join us every night! This is my final offer, Youkai God-san!" Grayfia said, standing up and trying to look down at Naruto intimidatingly, but failing completely as her face was beet red, her mouth open slightly as she breathed heavily, and one hand fondled her breast subtly. 

"Seriously, I'm not going to try and take Rias's virginity, so there's no need-" Naruto tried to reason with her again. 

Persuasion Check


[God's Luck] has added +20 to your roll!

[Ladies's Man] has added +5 to your roll!


Check success!


"Ah, you won't? Thank you for accepting our offer, Youkai God-san. We will arrive at your temple at sundown to hold up our end of the deal. See you then!" Grayfia said, turning away and summoning a teleportation portal on the ground.

"Wait, no, that wasn't me agre-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as the circle glowed and Grayfia disappeared.

These people are all insane. I thought I was supposed to be the unpredictable one?

Naruto stood up from his chair with a sigh and opened the door of the cabin. He stared at the forest around him, then blinked.

She brought me here in a teleportation circle with her. I have no idea how to get back to Kyoto.

Naruto spent the rest of the day running around for hours, using shadow clones and every technique he could think of to get to Kyoto. He arrived far after the sun had gone down, and was greeted with the sight of a naked Grayfia and Venelana in compromising positions, Yasaka and Kuroka having used the time he was gone to "prepare" them. 

And so, the Youkai God's legend expanded even more as he "forced" the current Lucifer and one of the strongest devil families in the world to serve him.

All of this would be documented in his manga, of course.


Thanks for reading! The next six chapters are available right now at Patreon.com/Koyon!


Naruto Uzumaki:

[Youkai God]

Lvl: 505

STR: 762

DEX: 725

CON: 540

INT: 215

WIS: 750

CHA: 999

LUK: 0

Skills: None

Perks: [Martial Arts], [You're a Wizard, Naruto], [Ladies Man], [God's Luck]

Debuffs: [Confusion], [Bad Timing]

Naruto Uzumaki is a Hero from another world, who has been reborn with the power of the Gamer system!