
The Love Upon Us

Kageyama Tobio! A freshman at Karasuno High becomes in love with Hinata Shoyo. After Hinata Shoyo finds out. He doesn’t feel the same way. Kageyama dealing with Suicidal thoughts, Happened to find himself so lost with the world plans a day to end it. When Hinata spends each day not a clue about any of it.

MammonSimp · 竞技
24 Chs

Love At First Sight

Warning: This Fan-fiction has many subjects that could be difficult for the reader. Parental Guidance is recommended.

I was walking down an empty school hallway and it was terrifying. It was never ending full of twists turns. There was no one here, you could take a step and hear it forever and ever. I saw what looked like a demon. No wait a boy, looking at me with a glare deep inside my soul. I ran so far! I run to the bathroom sliding across the floor, sick to my stomach. He follows me walking and I keep thinking please go away. Please go away. You scare me. You terrify me. I don't know he gives me this feeling and it is so terrible. Just looking at me. I feel like I need to throw up. I can barely see the hallways, they are like a blur. I was only focused on running home. It was the first day of school and I had to met him at the end of it. I shouldn't of gone down this hallway. Why couldn't I just walk by. I went to the bathroom to try to lose him, I see him in the bathroom and I ran out. I see him again near my house. Is he following me? I can't breathe. I was running for miles. I'm not waiting to find out. I run inside. I see my parents in the kitchen and I go to my room. Before I jump on my bed after a long day. I hear something out of my window. My heart is racing! "Why do you run away from me?" I wonder, did he say that? I'm so confused. What did I do? I hear something else and it is even louder. "IT IS NOTHING! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Wow he said that? Do I like him, or am I terrified of him?

Make sure you check up on the people that are closest to you. Mental health is important and being there for them. Will make the biggest support they have. Hopefully they will help you when you least expect it.

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