
The beginning

It all started back in 2nd grade. Back then, I didn't know what love is until now... 

 }Here let me introduce the characters{. Linc (first love): He his sometimes nice, sometimes mean, funny, and sometimes weird. Rah (me) kind of annoying, funny, friendly, and doesn't let anyone get hurt the way I got hurt. Caleb (friend of linc): Weird, shows off all the time, sometimes mean, funny, sometimes nice, and also kind of annoying. Elijah (friend of linc): Nice, weird, and funny. Liana (friend of mine): Nice, funny, sometimes mean, always finds a way to make someone happy. Abbie O. (friend of mine): Nice, sometimes mean, always funny, and also finds a way to make someone happy. Helena (friend of mine): Also nice, finds a way to make someones day, funny, and also weird.


There are some days when me and Lincoln are avoiding each other, and there are some days when we aren't. It's just so weird when you think about it. Avoiding the day before, talking a day after. When he avoids me I think to myself, "Is he mad at me for what I said? Am I annoying?" And thoughts like that. "I keep trying to find a way to say sorry for whatever I did, but I don't think he will forgive me..." I also thought that too. And when he avoids me, I avoid him. 

Just until my friend Helena kept saying what I said, to him and what he said, to me. "Tell her that i'm still avoiding her." He said, Helena said, "Rah, he told me to tell you he's still avoiding you." I said, "Tell him okay I don't care" She said the same thing to him but he said "Who's Rah?" Helena points at me, then my desk. He looks at me, then the desk looking so confused. "Is Rah a new student?" he says jokingly. "Nah, she a ghost" she said. I told her to tell him that he's a ghost too. And of course, she told him. He then said the same thing.


A few minutes later

"Wait... don't ghosts talk to eachother?" Lincoln said. "Ohh yeahhh" I said. Helena was relieved when we stopped ignoring eachother. I guess we annoyed her that much.

After that avoiding each other drama, we got our computers and went to tech. After we finished tech, we went home. A few days later I went to school with a shocking surprise....

What happens next?

Figure out in the next chapter.