
chapter 3

We see Lincoln walking home from school. Suddenly, Ronnie Anne appears.

Ronnie Anne: "Hey, Lame-o."

Lincoln: "Hey, Ronnie Anne. So, we're still going to Gus' Games and Grub today?"

Ronnie Anne: "You bet. I can't wait to beat you at Dance Battle again."

Lincoln: "Oh, you are so on."

Suddenly, Lincoln's phone rings. He looks at his phone to see it's his mother calling him. He answers it.

Lincoln: "Hi, Mom."

Rita (through the phone): Hi, sweetie. Listen, I need you to come home as soon as possible and watch over Lily. I'm heading back to work soon."

Lincoln: "Wait? Where's everyone else?"

Rita: "Lori is with Bobby, Leni is at the mall with her friends, Luna is having a jam session with her friend Tabby, Luan is at a birthday party, Lynn is at soccer practice, Lucy is reciting poetry with her friends, Lola and Lana are visiting Pop-Pop, and Lisa is at a presentation showing one of her inventions. And of course, you're dad is still at work. That leaves you with Lily."

Lincoln: "Oh. Okay then."

Rita: "I'm sorry, sweetie. I know you and Ronnie Anne were gonna hang out today."

Lincoln: "Oh, it's fine. I just need to break it to her."

Lincoln turns his attention to Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln: "Sorry, Ronnie Anne. I have to Babysit Lily. Guess we'll have to hang out another time."

Ronnie Anne: "It's cool, I understand. Family comes first."

Lincoln: "Alright, mom. I'm on my way home now."

Rita: "Okay, see you soon."

Lincoln: "Bye."

Lincoln hangs up.

Lincoln: "Well, better get going. See you, Ronnie Anne."

Lincoln begins to head home.

Ronnie Anne: "Wait."

Lincoln stops.

Lincoln: "Huh?"

Ronnie Anne: "I can help you babysit Lily if you want."

Lincoln: "Really? You want to babysit Lily with me?"

Ronnie Anne: "Yeah. Even if we can't go to Gus' Games n' Grub, this would still be a good way to spend time together. Plus, I want to get to know Lily a little more."

Lincoln: "Hmm. Okay. I guess it couldn't hurt."

The two walk to the Loud House together. They arrive at said house and walk inside. They see Rita standing by the stairs with Lily in her arms.

Lincoln: "Hi, mom."

Ronnie Anne: "Hi, Mrs. Loud."

Rita: "Hello, Ronnie Anne. What brings you here?"

Lincoln: "Ronnie Anne offered to help me babysit Lily. Is that alright with you?"

Rita: "Oh, absolutely. I don't mind at all. Now Lincoln. You know what you need to do, right?"

Lincoln: "Of course, mom."

Rita: "Alright." (to Lily) "I love you my little angel."

Rita kisses Lily on her forehead and hands her to Lincoln.

Rita: "Alright, You're father and I will be back with your sisters at 5:00. Ronnie Anne, are you sure you can handle this?

Ronnie Anne: "No problem Mrs. Loud. I'll make sure Lincoln won't burn down the house.."

Lincoln: "Hey!"

Ronnie Anne: (chuckles) "I'm kidding. But seriously, Lily is in good hands."

Rita: "Alright then. Be safe, kids. Bye."

Lincoln: "See you later, mom."

Rita leaves the house. Now Lincoln and Ronne Anne are alone with Lily. Lincoln looks at Lily.

Lincoln: "Hey, Lily. Guess who's gonna spend time with us. It's Ronnie Anne."

Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face.

Ronnie Anne: "Hey, Lily. How's my favorite baby?"

Lily: "Onnie!"

Ronnie Anne: "Yes, Ronnie. That's me. You, me, and Lincoln. We're gonna have lots of fun together."

Lily giggles. Just then, Lily's stomach growls.

Lincoln: "Sounds like someone's hungry."

Ronnie Anne: "Let's fix her a snack."

Lincoln: "All right. To the kitchen!"

They head to the kitchen. While Ronnie Anne sets Lily in the highchair, Lincoln looks through the cabinets to find something for Lily to eat.

Lincoln: "Ah, here's something."

Lincoln takes out some baby food. It's mashed peas.

​​Ronnie Anne: "Hey, can I try feeding her?"

Lincoln: "Sure, go ahead.

Lincoln give Ronnie Anne the baby food and a spoon. She takes a spoonful of the food and brings it to Lily's face.

Ronnie Anne: "Alright, Lily. Open wide."

Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Lincoln couldn't help but giggle. Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. She immediately spits it out and it gets on Ronnie Anne's face.

Lily: "Icky!"

Lincoln starts to laugh. Ronnia Anne looks at him.

Ronnie Anne: "What are you laughing at, Lame-o?

Lincoln: "Okay. That's 'no' to peas. Let's see what else there is?"

Lincoln looks again and takes out mashed bananas

Lincoln: "Okay, Lily has to like this."

Lincoln brings the food to Lily.

Lincoln: "Come on, Lily. Open up."

Lily: "No!"

Lincoln: "Come on Lily. It's banana flavored. Bananas are good, and taste way better than peas. We'll show you."

Ronnie Anne: "What?"

Lincoln: (whispers) "Come on. We have to show Lily that this tastes good."

Ronnie Anne: "Oh. Okay."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne both take a spoonful of the food and eat it.

Lincoln: "Mmm, this taste good, right Ronnie Anne?"

Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's... not bad actually. You're missing out, Lily."

Ronnie Anne take another spoon of it and brings it to Lily, who just turns her head away.

Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. This tastes good and is good for you. Would I lie to you?"

Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face.

Ronnie Anne: "You can trust me."

Lily finally accepts and eats the food. As they hoped, she like it, and starts eating it.

Ronnie Anne: "See? Told you, didn't I?"

Lily: "Yummy!"

Lincoln: "Wow. Great job. I'm impressed."

Ronnie Anne: "Thanks."

A couple minutes later, Lily is finished eating and she burps. This catches their attention and they notice Lily is a little messy.

Lincoln: "Lily, you got food all over you."

Ronnie Anne: "Let's clean you up."

Ronnie Anne takes a rag, wets it, and wipes the food off of her. Lincoln takes the rag and rinses to food of and wipes Lily himself. Lily is now all cleaned up.

Lincoln: "There. All better."

Ronnie Anne: "So, what should we do next?"

Lincoln: "Hmm. How about we go to the park? Lily loves the park."

Ronnie Anne: "Sounds good to me."

Lily: "Poo-poo!"

Just then, they smell a bad odor.

Lincoln: "We should change her diaper first."

Ronnie Anne: "Agreed."

After Lincoln and Ronnie Anne change Lily's diaper, the three of them head to the park. Lincoln is pushing Lily in her carriage, and Ronnie Anne walks beside him. They arrive at the park. Lincoln picks up Lily, who's holding her favorite blanket.

Ronnie Anne: "Well, we're here. What should we do?"

Lincoln: "We should build sand castles at the sand box. Would you like that, Lily?"

Lily just babbles happily.

Ronnie Anne: "Sounds like a yes to me. Hey, I bet I can build a better sand castle than you, Lincoln."

Lincoln: "Oh, a challenge, huh? Alright then. What do you say Lily?

Lily nods.

Ronnie Anne: "Alright then. Let's get started."

A few minutes later, Ronnie Anne is putting the finishing touches on her castle.

Ronnie Anne: " I'm finished with mine. Let's see yours."

Lincoln: "Check out what Lily and I made."

Lincoln and Lily made a better looking castle

Ronnie Anne: "Whoa. I definitely can't beat that. Alright, you win."

Lily cheers

Lincoln: "Your castle is not bad though. It looks nice."

Ronnie Anne: "Heh. Thanks"

Lincoln: "So what do you want to do next, Lily?"

For a while, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne play with Lily at the park. Lincoln lightly pushes Lily on the baby swing, Ronnie Anne goes down the slide with her, then we see the play hide and Seek. Lincoln and Lily are hiding, while Ronnie Anne is seeking them.

Ronnie Anne: "Alright you two. I know you're around here somewhere.

Just then she hears giggling from the nearest tree.

Lincoln: (whispers) "Shhh. You'll give us away, Lily."

Ronnie Anne smirks and walk towards the tree

Ronnie Anne: (playfully) "Gee. I wonder where they could possibly be. Behind this tree perhaps?"

Just then, Lily jumps out.

Lily: "Boo!"

Ronnie Anne: "Gotcha!"

Ronnie Anne picks up Lily and they both start laughing. Lincoln come from behind the tree.

Lincoln: "Silly Lily. You let Ronnie Anne find you."

All three of them start laughing. After a few seconds of laughter Lily begins to yawn.

Ronnie Anne: "Awww. Looks like she's all tuckered out."

Lincoln: "Yeah, we should head back."

The two walk over to the carriage and put Lily in it, just before they leave, Lily begins crying.

Lincoln: "What the? Lily, what's wrong?"

Lily: "Blanky!"

Ronnie Anne: "What?"

Lincoln: "Lily's blanket is missing!"

Ronnie Anne: "Her blanket? You mean that lavender blanket she had with her when we brought her here?"

Lincoln: "Yes, that one. That Blanket means everything to her."

Ronnie Anne: "We have to find it, then!"

Lincoln: "Alright, let's start looking."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne begin searching all over the park for Lily's blanket. They've search for 10 minutes.

Lincoln: "Any luck?"

Ronnie Anne: "No. You?"

Lincoln: "Uh-uh. Where the heck could it be?"

Lily: "Blanky!"

Ronnie Anne: "Huh? You see it Lily? Where?"

Lily points over to the sand box, where there is a toddler playing with a lavender blanket.

Lincoln: "That little boy over there has it!"

Ronnie Anne: "Wait, how do you know that's Lily's"

Lincoln: "Mom imprinted Lily's name on it in case it ever ends up lost."

Ronnie Anne: "Wow. That was smart of her. Let's check it out."

The three walk over the little boy. They look at the blanket and it has Lily's name on it, imprinted in blue. Lincoln approaches the little boy with a smile.

Lincoln: "Hey, little guy. That blanket right you have there belongs to my little sister here. Can you please give it back?"

Toddler: "Mine!"

Ronnie Anne: "Listen. It's not right to take things that isn't yours, okay? So please give it back?"

Toddler: "Mine!"

Lily is angered and approaches the little boy. She babble at him, and then starts pulling her blanket, but he stars pulling too. After a few seconds of tug of war, the little boy wins and pushes Lily back, causing her to fall. Lily begins to cry again. Lincoln and Ronne Anne are angered by this.

Ronnie Anne: "Hey! That wasn't very nice!"

The little boy runs

Lincoln: "He's getting away!"

Ronnie Anne: "I'll go after him! Hold on there, Lily. I'll get your blanket back."

Ronnie Anne gives chase, nut after half a minute she lose him. The little boy appears from behind a bush. When he tries to leave, the blanket is stuck on the bush. He tries to pull the blanket of it rips almost in half.

Lincoln: "There he is!"

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne walk towards him. The notice the blanket I ripped and glair at him. Just then, a women in a green dress appears.

Woman: "What is going on here?"

Lincoln: " Uh, ma'am, is this your son?"

Woman: "Yes."

Lincoln: "Your son took my little sister's blanket when she wasn't looking. We asked him nicely to give it back, but kept refusing. When Lily tried to take it back, he pushed her down and ran away."

The woman was shocked by what she heard. She looks at her son with a angry look

Woman: "Mitchel, that is no way to behave! When we get home, you are in for a time out!"

Mitchel just crossed his arms with an angry look on his face.

Woman: "I am so sorry my son gave you so much trouble."

Ronnie Anne: "It's alright ma'am."

The woman leave with her son. Ronnie Anne picks up Lily's torn blanket. Lily notices the damage on it and begins to cry once again. Ronnie Anne walks over to Lily and comforts her.

Ronnie Anne: "Shhh, it's okay, Lily. Don't cry. When we get home, I'll have your blanket fixed up in no time.

Lily smiles at what Ronnie Anne just said.

Lincoln: "Wait, you know how to sew?"

Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, my mom taught me not too long ago."

Lincoln: "Alright then. Let's head back to my house."

Lincoln puts Lily in the carriage and the three head back to the Loud House together. The three arrive back at the house and went inside.

Ronnie Anne: "Is there any sewing equipment here?"

Lincoln: "Well, Leni has some in her and Lori's room. Lori doesn't like anyone beside her and Leni going in their room, but since this is for Lily, I'll make an exception."

Ronnie Anne: "What about Leni? Do you think she'll mind?"

Lincoln: "Leni would've fixed Lily's blanket herself if she were here. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'll go get the sewing equipment right now."

Lincoln sets Lily on the couch, walks upstairs and goes into Lori and Leni's room. He finds a sewing needle and lavender thread. He brings the thread and needle to Ronnie Anne. Ronnie Anne walks into the dining room. She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. After a while, Ronnie Anne was finished. She's walks over to Lily.

Ronnie Anne: (in a sing-song voice) "Oh Lily?"

Lily looks at Ronnie Anne. Ronnie Anne pulls out Lily's blanket, which looks good as new.

Ronnie Anne: "Ta-da!"

Lincoln: "Look at that. Ronnie Anne fixed your blanket, Lily."

Lily cheers happily as Ronnie Anne hands her the blanket. Lily hugs the blanket. She then moves move to Ronnie Anne and hugs her.

Lily: "Thank you, Onnie."

Ronnie Anne returns the hug.

Ronnie Anne: "Anytime, Lily."

Lincoln, moved by what's going on, moves over to them and hugs them. This lasts for a few seconds. They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. Rita, Lynn Sr., and the remaining Loud sisters enter the house.

Lynn Sr.: "We're home!"

Lincoln: "Hey guys."

Ronnie Anne: "Hey."

Sisters: "Hi, Ronnie Anne!"

Lynn: "What are you doing here?"

Ronnie Anne: "Oh, I was helping Lincoln watch over Lily."

Leni: "You were? How sweet of you."

Rita: "How was everything? Did Lily give you a hard time?"

Lincoln: "No mom, not at all. Everything was good. We went to the park for a while and had a lot of fun. Right Lily?"

Lily doesn't respond.

Lincoln: "Lily?"

Lincoln notices that Lily fell asleep in Ronnie Anne's arms. Everyone else smiles at this.

Sisters: "Awwwwww."

Lincoln: "Let's bring Lily to her crib."

Ronnie Anne: "Sure thing."

Ronnie Anne carries Lily upstairs and Lincoln follows. They go inside Lisa and Lily's room. Ronnie Anne puts Lily in her bed, covers her with her blanket and kisses her forehead.

Ronnie Anne: "Sleep well, you cute little angel."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne exit the room and close the door. Lincoln looks at Ronnie Anne with a smile.

Lincoln: "You were awesome today."

Ronnie Anne: "Thanks. I had fun babysitting her with you. If you ever babysit again, let me know."

Lincoln: "Sure thing. Lily really likes you. If your mom ever has another baby, and I'm not trying to jinx it, you'd be an awesome big sister."

Ronnie Anne: "You really think so?"

Lincoln: "I know so."

Ronnie Anne: "Lincoln. That's the nicest thing you've said to me yet. Please don't tell anyone at school about this."

Lincoln takes Ronnie Anne's hands

Lincoln: "Don't worry. I won't."

The two stare at each other for a few seconds. They begin to lean closer to each other with their eyes closed and lips puckered. Just as their faces are centimeters away from each other, they are interrupted.

Sisters: "Awwww!"

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne stop and turn their heads to see the nine sisters with wide smiles on their faces.

Lori: "Oh, don't mind us."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne blush in embarrassment and break apart from each other.

Ronnie Anne: "Uhh... I better head home. See ya, Lame-o."

Lincoln: "Uh, okay. See ya, Ronnie Anne."

Ronnie Anne: "See ya, girls."

Sisters: "Bye, Ronnie Anne!"

Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. Lincoln looks at his sisters nervously.

Lincoln: "It wasn't what it looked like, I swear! We were just-"

Leni: "Oh, Lincoln. You and Ronnie Anne are so cute together!"

Luna: "Yeah, bro. Seeing you two with Lily when we came in? You looked like a married couple."

Lincoln's blushes harder.

Lincoln: "Married?!"

Lori: "You know Lincoln, this is good practice for when you and Ronnie Anne have kids."

Lincoln: "Kids?!"

Lola: "How many kids do you want to have?"

Lana: "Are you gonna have as many kids as mom and dad?"

Lincoln: "Whoa! Slow down! It is way too early to be talking about that. I'm still a kid myself."

Luan: "Oh come on. We're just kidding around."

The girls being laughing with Lincoln still blushing in embarassment. Lynn Sr. walks towards them.

Lynn Sr.: "Come on girls, leave Lincoln alone."

Lynn: "Okay, dad. We'll stop."

The girls head to their rooms

Lincoln: "Thanks dad."

Lynn Sr.: "No problem, kiddo."

Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door.

Rita: "Ronnie Anne?"

Ronnie Anne turns to see Rita looking at her with a smile

Ronnie Anne: "Yes, Mrs. Loud"

Rita: "Thank you so much for helping Lincoln watch over Lily."

Ronnie Anne: "It was no problem. I had fun watching her with Lincoln."

Rita: "I'm glad you had fun. Tell, your mom and brother I said 'hi'."

Ronnie Anne: "Sure thing."

Ronnie Anne leaves the house. Later, she arrives at her home. When she opens the door, she sees Bobby with a wide smile on his face.

Ronnie Anne: "Uh, hey Bobby."

Bobby: "Lori told me, that you were helping Lincoln babysit Lily. How was it? Tell me everything.

Ronnie Anne: (annoyed, while looking to the audience) "Oh boy."

ch 10

It was good to know lincoln would be stoping this horrific thing he was doing and he'd actually talk to me!

I heard a smash, then I hear lincoln shout.

Why did he just shout that?! What was that smash. The hell was going on?!

I dived out of bed.

lincoln  I Scream while running toward the bathroom

I burst in, lincoln waa stood there with...

Blood and glass on his hand!

"Oh My God! lincoln !"

He starts to lose his balance

I run over to lincoln  grabbing him just before he hits the ground. I kneel there with him in my arms, he eyes were becoming heavy... I had to keep him awake! 

lincoln  Stay awake, it's not bed t-time yet!'' I tremble my words, I was about ready to explode into tears, I placed one of my hands on his chest. ''Talk to me lincoln ! It-Its going t-to be okay!'' He places his blood and glass covered hand on top of mine and begins to speak.

ronnie Ann   whatever happens, I love you...''

His eyes start to close, I start to cry. ''lincoln ! NOO NOO! WAKE UP!'' His eyes closed and his body limbs. I burst into tears. ''lincoln  BABY! WAKE UP, ronnie Ann HERE!'' It was hopeless, I don't think he's... Dead? NO! HE CAN'T BE! I yanked my phone from my pocket and called... ruby  , I had to. After a few rings (Which I was hoping one'd be enough! I was losing him!) She picks up.

''Hey kiddo, whats up?''

I struggle to speak under all my tears. ruby   becomes very concerned at this point,

''Hey, ronnie Ann   Kid, talk to me. What's going on?!''

''I-Its lincoln ..'' I force about between cries.    

''Woah? What about lincoln ?''

''I- I think, he is unconscious!'' I finally manage to get out.

''What the hell?! What happened!? You know what tell me later, I'll be right down, he needs to go to the hospital if he is!''

''O-Okay'' Okay was the only thing I could bring myself to say.

''And ronnie Ann   Keep talking to him, don't let him fall further under, and make sure you call Lincoln's  mom!''

''O-Okay ruby  , I will''

''Stay brave kid, I'll be there as soon as possible!'' ruby   hangs up, I place my phone to the side so I can reposition lincoln  My tears were coming non stop at this point, I couldn't control myself. ''lincoln  ronnie Ann here, don't go... please'' I had no idea what to say, I forced out the only thing I could think of. Then I remember ruby   asked me to call Lincoln's family. I grabbed my phone and dialed Lincoln's mom's number. She (Oddly) Picks up first time.

''What's up? Everything good?'' She questioned me

I found it much harder to talk this time

''lincoln .. Hurt... Maybe unconscious...'' I forced out between my rapid cries of sorrow.  

''WHAT IN THE HELL! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?'' I couldn't respond, and I think Lincoln's  mom knew this.

ronnie Ann   were over 2 hours away from big swirl ... We can't possibly get there in time to take him to hospital, have you called 911? ruby  ? 

''I... C-called ruby  '' I force out

''Good! Good! Stay with lincoln until he arrives. Stay strong kid, we'll get to big swirl  as fast as we can.''

''Yeah, Okay Lincoln's  family '' 

''See ya soon ronnie Ann  He hangs up.

Now realizing once again what was going on, my tears fire back up. I take lincoln hat off him and run my fingers through his hair ''N-Not much longer now D-lincoln ...'' I continue to comfort my unconscious Mystery friend . Hardly able to breath. After about 3 minutes, I hear ruby   pull up and enter the home

''Where are you ronnie Ann  !'' She shouted

''I-In the b-bathroom up stairs'' I manage to yell back. While I wait for ruby   to come up, I say to lincoln ''lincoln lincoln , I love you! Please. Don't Let Go! For me! For us!'' My tears again worsen as ruby   runs in

''Oh my Lord'' She looks around noticing Lincoln's  state and all the broken glass around the bathroom. 

''Oh ronnie Ann ... I can't believe...''

ruby   kneels down by my side.

''Pass him here, kid''

I struggle to hand lincoln over to ruby  . She takes him in her arms and gets up.

''C'mon, we've wasted enough time as it is, we gotta get him medical help!''

*At The Hospital*

ruby   jumped out and grabbed lincoln  and rushed him inside, I try to wipe away any tears and head out myself

We rush inside. ruby   takes lincoln over to a nurse, the nurse noticing his worsting state, takes us to any available Doctor. ruby   is asked to place lincoln on the bed and we're asked to wait outside. ruby sits beside me and places her arm around me.

''Do... Do you think he'll b-be okay?'' I question to ruby  

She sighs. ''I dunno ronnie Ann   all we can do is hope.'' Nothing is said for another 30 minutes, until the Doctor walks out of the room.

''What's the situation Doc?'' ruby   asked him.

''Well, we were able to remove the glass from his hands and there looks to be no internal bleeding, we've bandaged the hand up, but it may take a few weeks to heal.''

''So, he is going to be okay?'' I start to perk up a little.

''For the most part, yes''

''When's he gonna wake up?'' ruby   questions.

The Doctor sighed. ''Now I did say for the most part... He unfortunately isn't just unconscious... Hes in a hard hitting coma, caused by the mass blood loss he appears to have had over the last few days... When he'll wake up? In 3 days to a week, maybe more, I can't say for sure. I'm deeply sorry.'' 

My heart stopped, did I just hear him correct? lincoln is in... A coma? I can't help but feel guilty. I've made him take on so much, he had no outlet, he used the only thing he could! I didn't know what to do.

''Huh... Wow, okay well, thanks Doc'' ruby   said

''You may go in and see him if you'd like'' The Doctor then followed up with

ronnie Ann   I have to get home, I sorta left without warning, I can make it back in an hour or so, you okay to stay here with lincoln ?''

I nodded. 

''Of course I will!''

''You're are great friend! Cya soon ronnie Ann ...'' ''TAKE GOOD CARE OF HIM!'' ruby   shouted down to me.

I walked into the room, lincoln had a semi private room, I say that, as there was a window on the door. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines. I walked over, sat down and lightly grabbed his injured hand ''Hey lincoln  baby, its ronnie Ann I know you probably can't hear me, but I just want you to know, I love you and I wont be leaving your side, no matter how much summer I miss, you're my summer... My Summer fun'' Tears start to form in my eyes again ''You're mine! Tell the man up stairs not to take you! I need you! I love you lincoln lincoln , I'm NEVER leaving'' I silently cry for awhile while holding his hand, It was around 7:30 pm when I finally let go, sat back in the chair, and decide to catch some sleep. 

*Time Skip to 10:30pm*    

I felt someone nudging me, I slowly opened my eyes, it was Lincoln's  family ''Hey ronnie Ann sorry for waking you'' Lincoln's mom smiled

''Oh, no, its okay'' 

Lincoln's  mom pulls me in for a hug. 

''You're a brave girl ronnie Ann . You looked after lincoln  and apparently, you're one of the main reasons he didn't enter an extremely deep coma, something to do with a friendly voice.''

''Uh huh'' I was tired, couldn't form a proper response.

''Do you kn-'' Lincoln's  family stops me

''Yes, ruby said that the Doctor told her his body forced the coma, a mental shut down almost, to stop anymore blood loss''

''Should we return to the home now? Give poor lincoln time to rest''

Lincoln's  dad had finally said something.

''Yea, we should, coming ronnie Ann  ''

I shock my head ''I made a promise I'd stay with him, no matter how long he takes to wake up''

Lincoln's  mom Chuckled ''If everyone had a friend  as amazing as you ronnie Ann  

''I'll bring you some supplies and stuff tomorrow when I come and check up on this idiots condition''

I nodded ''Okay Lincoln's  family ''

''We'll be off then, sleep well ronnie Ann  Lincoln's mom gave me another Hug

''Wake up soon lincoln '' Lincoln's  dad said as they left the room.

I felt horrible. I was so upset, I was sharing a room with the love of my life... But he couldn't even talk to me, the worst part was, I basically witnessed what he did. Which was the hardest part. I was there for him though, no matter how long it took...     

CH 11

*Time skip... 3 days later*

It's been three days since lincoln fell into the coma. I really miss hearing his voice, feeling his touch and loving him. It's been a real struggle and poor lincoln ... According to what I was told, his hand wasn't much better. I've been with him ever since, I've been keeping my emotions bottled up (which thinking about it, is a stupid idea) I've hardly slept, or eaten or showered or hell, hardly anything for that matter. It was your average afternoon. I was sat there, lightly holding his hand, listening to music... and thinking... I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I tuned my head to see who it was, it was Lincoln's  family they hadn't been here since they brought me my stuff, so I was honestly surprised to see them 

"How you holding up, ronnie Ann  " SHe questions in low tone voice didn't know Lincoln's  mom was capable of speaking quietly)

I'm okay." Which I really wasn't, but I didn't want my emotions getting the best of me.

They asked if I wanted to go and have a nice home cooked dinner a shower and if I wanted to sleep in Lincoln's  bead just for the night they said they would bring her back tomorrow they said he would be fine so I went with them That night I had a nightmare about lincoln I Jump out of bed looked at the clock and it said 3:00 am I said DON'T WORRY lincoln ronnie Ann  is COMING!

I slip on a jacket, a pair of shoes, write a note to Lincoln's  parents and ran to the Hospital as fast as I could. 

*At the Hospital*

I ran inside, and ran over to his room, burst though the door, and... He was still comatized, I hadn't miss the wake up

''Oh lincoln .. I'm sorry''

I walk to his bed, sit down and lightly hold his hand. Tears start to fill my eyes.

''I'm so so sorry lincoln  I won't leave you again. I'm so sorry my love!''

I sat there stroking his hand for awhile. My eyes become heavy and I feel asleep, holding his hand my parents came to see how he was doing they saw me sleeping holding his hand so they left

ch 12

It was day five of lincoln being in a coma. Each day was becoming harder and harder, but I keep holding onto hope. I had just came back into his room, after grabbing some lunch. most night's were playing out the same way, I'd have a bad dream about lincoln  and wake up in a really bad state, crying, shaking, heavy breathing. I wasn't doing myself any good, but the thought of leaving him just made me feel... sick... I was sat there with headphones in, listing to the local big swirl radio station (I don't why I was, just took my mind of the situation at hand) all was ok... until they played Lincoln's  favourite song. I again... snapped.

"lincoln ... Baby... I need you so much. Please come back to me!" Tears were filling my eyes, I stood up, moved forward, leaned down and placed my head on his chest. Holding onto his bad hand (obviously not hard. I couldn't bare the thought of hurting him) the tears were running down my face, wetting poor lincoln  covers, but I couldn't move... I was like that for around about 3 minutes, I don't what happened during those 3 minutes... but was my hope... slipping away? NO OF COURSE NOT! don't THINK LIKE THAT ronnie Ann YOU IDIOT! The more I tried to push it away, the more it seemed true. This was point where my crying had became the worst it's ever been. How no one heard me, surprised me. I was going to make myself leave, to take some stuff off my mind when my parents and Bobby came I felt a hand on my back my parents asked if I wanted to go get some dinner at a restaurant and that bobby would stay with him she told bobby to call her if anything happened he said ok she left with her parents 30 minutes later lincoln woke up and asked bobby were ronnie Ann  was he asked do you want to talk to her he said yes there is something he has to ask her he called his sister and said that he has someone that wants to tock to her he gave the phone to lincoln he said that he knows that she was with him for 7 days straight and told her he has something to tell her but it well wait until you are back have a nice dinner with your parents ronnie Ann was speechless, I didn't know what to say, so when I got back to the hospital I ran to him and huged him"W-wait, ronnie Ann n-no. Don't hug m-me please"

"What? Why lincoln  I was shocked. But willing to listen.

lincoln sighed, looked at the bandages on his arms and his hand and told me.

ronnie Ann   after everything that's happened, after all the pain I felt that night, and hell, I'm feeling right now, I don't want to hug you. Now look, I'm not saying I don't love you anymore, or I don't wanna be with you anymore. I want that more then anything right now... But if I was to come under more pain, and that pain was inflicted by you, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself, this I know. So for now, please... don't hug me."

I was in shock, but I understood. "Yea, you're right lincoln  there's no way I could live if I ever dared hurt you, I'm really sorry for..." that's when I noticed, not even 5 minutes of him being awake, I was forcing him to do stuff, he wasn't comfortable with "Sorry for forcing you into things lincoln .. I really didn't mean to." He smiles.

"It's okay ronnie Ann   really"

"Just let me know when you're ready to hug again." I say with a cheeky smile "As I want to be the first one to throw their arms around you!"

"Of course I will!" He says with a smile.

Then I remember, Lincoln's  mom had asked me to call her as soon as lincoln woke up.l did they came and saw him sleeping and me filling out the release forms 

"P''Heyy guys!'' I smile and wave at my family  as they (Followed by the doctor) entered the room.

''Hows the brave idiot?'' My mom said lookin' over at lincoln 

''He's good!'' I reply happily ''He fell asleep while I was on the phone to you'' I look over at lincoln  I notice his eyes slightly open and he looked over at his dad and mom.Upper body is a bit stiff as expected, but it moves'' The doctor began checking up on lincoln  ''Now lets have a look at that hand shall we'' The doctor unwraps the bandages, I look away for emotions sake. ''Hmm, still in a pretty bad state, maybe a few weeks before its fully healed'' lincoln sighs ''Understandable lincoln said. The doctor puts on some new bandages.

''Soo, can he return home today?'' My mom questions the Doctor.

Yes your daughter  has already filled out the release forms ronnie Ann said I had nothing to do last night so I felled out the release forms I turn to lincoln 

''I'm so glad you're awake! I missed you so so much!'' lincoln tries to hide his blushing face

My mom went to look at the release forms ''Heh, thanks ronnie Ann  I smile at him, messing with my hair, trying to fight the urge to hug him ''I know what you're thinking ronnie Ann   you can hug me soon, okay?''

I sigh but smile ''Okay lincoln ...'' I pause for a second, walk over to him, lean down ''I can still do this though'' I lightly grab his hand, and place a tender, loving kiss, on his lips. I pull back and we smile at each other.ronnie Ann   This is an odd one... But, can we do that, again?'' He looks away and blushes''Of course we can lincoln !'' I turn his head toward me and go in for another kiss, as the door starts to open my mom walks in and said how cute ''Alright kids! Grab ya stuff, we are good to leave!'' The doctor takes lincoln off all the machines, my sister collect our stuff, I helped him off the bed and outside to the car.

*Back at Lincoln's  home they went in Lincoln's  parents saw him and were surprised to  see him 

Once they saw him  lincoln asked ronnie Ann  to just help him up stairs, as he wasn't hungry, all he wanted to do was change and sleep, so she did as he requested, and helped him up. While lincoln was changing in the bathroom, I ran down stairs, changed into my nightwear,told my parents I would stay just in case he needs anything grabbing a set of clothes for tomorrow, ran back up and sat on lincoln  bed. I went and told Lincoln's mom I was sleeping up here tonight. ''Oh , one sec lincoln '' I jumped up, ran down to Lincoln's mom, telling her I'd be sleeping in the spare bed in lincoln room tonight, just in case he needed anything, he smiled at me, calling me a ''great caring girlfriend I said goodnight to her and Lincoln's dad and headed back up to Lincoln's  room, lincoln was under the covers, falling asleep, so I walked over to my bed, and turned off the light, got in to bed, and looked over at Lincoln 

''Good night lincoln  I love you so much!''

''Night ronnie Ann   I love you too, forever and always'' He replied to me and fell asleep moments later. I was so happy to have him back in my life, I missed him more then words could describe while he was in the coma. Life... Was getting back on track. And at the end of the day, all I did was, Held Onto Hope...

ch 13


I woke up at the crack of dawn, with such a bad headache, my arms were still stiff, and both my arms and my hand were still in pain. I start looking around the room realizing I was actually back at the home, I then try and see what time it was, when I looked to my left and saw ronnie Ann  cute sleeping face... she is just... perfect. I couldn't help but smile at her. It was at this point I noticed I needed to go to the bathroom, I had to force myself out of bed, everything was sore, getting up was hell. I sat up, and placed my feet on the floor, and tried lifting myself up with my lower body strength, after about 5 tries I finally manged to get up, and slowly walk over to the door and head out the room, I tried to lossen my arms as I walked, but it was no good, I could hardly move them without feeling like I had a million and one needles stabbing into me. I went into the bathroom, did what I needed to do, washed what I could have of my hands, left the bathroom and headed back into my room. I walked over to my bed and sat down facing ronnie Ann   I couldn't lay back down for two reasons at this point, one, it was to much of a damn struggle, two, I just wanted to look into ronnie Ann eyes, she looked so unbelievably cute. I smiled at her, but leaned back as I did, letting a small cry of pain. ''Ahh! Jesus!'' I looked back over at ronnie Ann her eyes flickered open and she smiled. 

''Morningg lincoln  she was in a very happy mood by the sounds of things. I smiled back at her.

''Morning beautiful'' I replied, she blushed. 

''Aw, why thank you handsome'' She said as she began to sit up. ''And how'd my lincoln lincoln  sleep last night?'' She questioned me. 

''Alright I guess, woke up every time I laid on my arm, so, okay other then that'' ronnie Ann  looked a little upset at what I said.

''Aw lincoln  You should have woken me, I could have comforted you, until you were able to sleep again'' She sounded really serious.

''Don't be silly ronnie Ann . I was fine, you couldn't have expected me to wake you up for something as stupid as I couldn't sleep'' She tilted her head in confusion for a minute, got out of bed, walked over and sat next to me, she grabbed my non injured hand.

''Listen to me lincoln  I don't care how stupid the reason is, how late it is or anything. While you're in this state, I want you to wake me for the slightest problem, so we can talk or whatever, because I don't want you... You know, hurting yourself... Do I make myself clear lincoln She gives me a serious look. 

''Yes, of course ronnie Ann   I'm sorry'' I hang my head.

''No no, lincoln , I'm not mad, I just don't want you upset or in pain, okay?''

''O-okay ronnie Ann  I look up at her

''I love you lincoln lincoln , don't forget that'' She kisses my forehead 

''Heh, I love you to ronnie Ann  I give her a loving smile. We sit there in silence for awhile, staring into each others eyes.

''Know what! I'm gonna get changed, and go make us some breakfast! Good with you lincoln ?''

''Yep, fine by me'' I reply enthusiastically. She gets up and walks over to her change of cloths.

''Ohh, you getting changed in here?'' I become slightly uncomfortable ''Guess, I better, leave''

''I meann, you can... Or you can stay and watch, ya perv.'' She laughs and winks at me ''All jokes aside, I'm okay getting changed with you in here, I mean... We are lovers and all'' I scratch my head and blush. he stayed and watched her undress and said she had a nice body 

Alright ronnie Ann   that's  cool" I give him another kiss, he walks into the room, sits on the bed, and I head down to start breakfast. I grab the stuff I need to make some pancakes, by the looks of thinks I could do five each, if not, oh well, I'll give the most of them to lincoln anyways.

*Skip to when ronnie Ann  had finished making breakfast*

I headed up to Lincoln's  room with two plates of pancakes in hand, I opened the door with my foot, I noticed, lincoln had fallen asleep, he had the covers over him, laid facing the wall, and appeared to be hugging something. I placed the plates on my bed, walk over to him, and slide what he was hugging slowly out between his arms. ''Aww lincoln can you get anymore cuter?'' He was hugging a photo of me, and that may have been the cutest thing EVER! I placed the photo on the bedside, grabbed his covers, put them over him, kissed his forehead, grabbed the plates and headed back down. I entered the kitchen, placed lincoln  breakfast in the microwave, I'm sure he'd want it later, placed mine on the table and sat down to eat. After I finished eating, it hit me, could he be getting his strength back? He was able to hug, I'm guessing maybe painfully still, but he was able to hug the photo, could he soon hug me too?! I cleaned away my plate