
chapter 20

"Lincoln and Lily: The Pizza Connection" - A Fan-Fiction

On one ordinary evening in the Loud family home, Lincoln and his youngest sister Lily found themselves sharing a room while their parents and older siblings were out of town. By some innocent curiosity, Lily touched Lincoln's cherished comic book - a strictly 'look but don't touch' treasure of his. Seeing her interest, instead of getting mad, he decided to share some of his favorite stories with her. He was a gentle brother after all.

The next day, Lincoln took Lily to her elementary school, requesting her to wait for him at the high school where he was going to work on his science fair project. Lily nodded, her cherubic face beaming with joy and trust.

That night, Lincoln decided to take charge of his household. He first helped Lily with her homework. As they spent an hour together, tangled up in mathematical operations and spellings, a strong bond of brotherhood was formed. Seeing her satisfied grin, Lincoln decided to surprise Lily and his seven other sisters. He put in an order for five cheese pizzas and a 60 piece chicken, an exceptional treat and a break from routine from their often hectic and bizarre life.

The subsequent day presented a different challenge. Lincoln had to juggle between his job at the pizza restaurant and his role as the responsible older brother. He called his girlfriend Stella, asking her to babysit Lily and help her with homework. Stella graciously agreed. That evening, after returning from work, Lincoln surprised the girls with pizzas and a 100 piece chicken. Even Stella was invited to share in their feast. Being part of such a large and loving family was a different sort of thrill for her.

That night though, everyone sat in Lincoln's room, sharing stories and laughing. The room was filled with giggles, joy, and the wafts of lingering pizza scent. From all accounts, it was plain to see - Lincoln was doing a great job.

The next day, Lincoln received a call from his parents. They were to be gone for three more months. Even though taken aback, Lincoln assured them he'd manage. He further informed his boss that he'd only be able to work every other day.

"But can you come today, Lincoln?" his boss pleaded, "We're short-staffed. We need you from 5 to 9."

"Sure. I can manage that," Lincoln agreed even though it was supposed to be his day off. He asked Stella to step in again and watch his sisters. Even though the change in routine had been sudden and the responsibility large, he was up for the challenge. Lincoln was not just the brother of his eleven siblings, he was also turning out to be an impressive young adult.

That evening, under the golden rays of the setting sun, Lincoln walked to work leaving the house in Stella's hands, promising to help his sisters with their homework the following day. It was turning out to be quite a different experience than he'd ever expected but one thing was clear in his heart: his love for his family. Despite the hardships and responsibilities, he wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Meanwhile, back at home, the Loud sisters were settling down, studying, and striving to replicate the peaceful atmosphere that Lincoln usually maintained. They were undoubtedly not as efficient in handling the chores and responsibilities as born leaders like Lincoln, but they were trying. Moreover, his love, patience, and affection for them had instilled a sense of responsibility within them, making these hard times bearable.

That night, Lincoln returned home from the restaurant exhausted but still took time out to listen to Lily's day, hugged her goodnight, and checked over the rest of his sister's homework. Every single night Lincoln would go on to sacrifice his few hours of rest, organizing the chores for the next day, planning the meals, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

As days turned into weeks, Lincoln's new routine started to become taxing. Between school, responsibilities at home, and his job at the pizzeria, it felt like he was being overstretched. Even though he was exhausted, Lincoln knew that his family depended on him, and he didn't want to let them down. He rose to the challenge, with a determination that only the eldest siblings could empathize with.

On one such evening, after returning from his grueling shift at the restaurant, Lincoln found the house eerily quiet. Walking into the living room, he found all his sisters waiting for him. Stella was seated in their midst with Lily on her lap, a singular candle casting flickering shadows and a warm glow on their faces.

Seeing Lincoln, Lily scrambled towards him, a small but meaningful smile on her face. "Happy Brother's Day, Linky! Best brother ever!" she lisped. That's when Lincoln noticed it - a handmade card held tightly in Lily's hand, riddled with misspelled words and stick figures but the message was clear: Lincoln, the best brother they could ever ask for.

Touched by this gesture, he had to blink back tears. Despite the exhaustion and the stress, the sight of his sisters' innocent faces, their heartfelt words, and their absolute trust in him made every struggle worth it. Life was tough without their parents around, but he knew then, that his family was capable of sailing through these storms – as long as they had each other.

In the midst of the hugs, laughter, and a surprise pizza dinner, came the realization: Lincoln was not just a de-facto parent or the provider. He was the connective thread tying them all together, making the Loud household not just a building of bricks and cement, but a home.

From that day forward, though the trials and tribulations persisted, Lincoln's indomitable spirit, his will to keep the family together, and most importantly, his love for his sisters, prevailed. And so, their "Pizza Connection" became a metaphorical symbol of their love and bond, with Lincoln at its resilient center.

Their tiny whirlwind of a world with each storm weathered brought them closer as a family. Lincoln, steadfast and reliable as ever, learned to manage their lives with the finesse that came with being the eldest. The Loud sisters, irrespective of the chaos often synonymous with their name, adhered to the duties given to them with the same level of dedication and perseverance that their brother showcased every day.

Through shared pizza dinners and whispered stories before bedtime, shared laughter and tears, the uncharacteristically quiet house soon grew into its familiar volume—a cacophony of life and love echoing through the corridors of the Loud household. Amid all this, Lincoln stood, resilient and smiling, ensuring that no storm could bring them down.

But it was never a one-sided effort—Lincoln also leaned on his sisters when he needed them. As much as he was their rock, they were his. They were there to help him with his homework, or let him vent his frustrations after a particularly tough day at work, or to surprise him with a clean house after a long shift. Although they relied on him, they also found ways to make his life easier.

They would keep this unspoken routine, fighting adversities together and growing stronger with each passing hurdle. The raucous laughter, occasional disagreements, and countless pizza nights continued to bring warmth and life into the Loud household—just as it always had.

Through every up and down, Lincoln was the keystone. His love for them was the glue that held them together, and their love for him was the force that propelled him forward. The Loud household, once a quiet place filled with apprehensive children, was now ringing with the soundtrack of a family that had learned to turn their struggles into their strength - all thanks to the best big brother they could ever ask for, Lincoln.

Their "Pizza Connection" stood testimony to Lincoln's strength and leadership. It served as an emblem of unity, reminder of shared happiness, and symbol of an unbreakable bond. It taught them that as long as they loved and stood by each other, they could face any storm that came their way. The pizzeria which once stood as a symbol of Lincoln's hardships, had now come to symbolize their unity, their strength, and their resilience against any challenge life threw their way.

As life continued moving forward, the Loud household's strength became more and more visible. The once chaotic, overwhelming childhood home was now a place of unity and mutual trust, a well-oiled machine of familial love and support, and at the center of it all was Lincoln. His sisters looked up to him not only as a role model, but also as a guardian, a friend, and a confidant — he was truly the glue that held them together.

The rustic pizzeria down the street became their haven, their fortress of solitude where they could speak freely about their hopes and fears, where they could laugh and cry, fight and make up. Each slice of pizza symbolized a piece of their shared history - reminisced old joys and healed old wounds. It was a place of solace, a beacon of warmth in the coldest of storms.

Times were tough, but they held onto each other tightly and never lost sight of the love and loyalty that bound them together. Every minor dispute, every little victory, every shared moment of laughter or tears — all were etched into their hearts, becoming the collective memory that laid foundation to their unshakeable bond. The siblings became more than just family, they became each other's lifelines in a world that brought new challenges every day.

Lincoln, as doting as he was tough, learned that his role as the elder sibling was filled with responsibilities greater than what he could have ever imagined. Yet, he took this on with a firm resolve, an unyielding spirit that echoed his deep love for his sisters. They, in turn, admired and respected him more and more as they came to understand the depths of his sacrifices.

The "Pizza Connection," stood not just as a symbol of their shared experiences and familial bond, but it also stood as the seal of the Loud family's resilience. Each bite of pizza, each shared story, each laugh echoed across the pizzeria, standing testament to their unity. These were their moments, their memories, their bond turned into an unbreakable fortitude.

In the end, their shared hardships didn't break them; they merely shaped them into a stronger, more cohesive, and fiercely loving family. The Loud household, once chaotic and overwhelming, became a symbol of love, unity, and resilience — all with a sprinkle of joyful chaos that made it all the more special. Through it all, Lincoln stood as the captain, the beacon of hope and strength they could all look to.Title: Magnificent Mischief and Heartfelt Homeworks


Once upon a mundane Tuesday, the Loud House was not as loud as usual. The reason? Seven of the Loud family sisters, besides Lily, accompanied by their parents were out of town for a week. This left Lincoln, the only son of the family, in the company of his toddler sister, Lily.

The first night, Lincoln and Lily shared a room. In her childish curiosity, Lily's little hands had found their way onto an expensive camera Lincoln used for his school projects, almost ending in a disaster. He couldn't be mad; after all, she was just a curious toddler.

The next day, Lincoln donned his big brother mantle and took Lily to her kindergarten. He made her promise, in her toddler lexicon, to wait for him at the high school, where he had a crucial science fair project due. And thus, they parted ways in the morning.

The night saw a different side of Lincoln Loud, the meticulous homework helper. Lily, with her innocent brown eyes, requested her elder brother's assistance with her school worksheets. He agreed sportsmanly, sitting down at his desk, diving into the realm of number bonds, alphabets, and basic craftwork for a solid hour.

As his growling stomach reminded him of hunger, Lincoln dialled the local pizzeria, ordering five exceptional cheese pizzas and a 60 piece chicken deal. With a glance at Lily, working diligently her colouring assignment, he added a strawberry shake for good measure.

Lincoln had to return to the everyday grind the following day, his part-time job at the pizza restaurant. He had to ensure his sisters were looked after. Stella, his girlfriend, readily agreed to his request, taking up the responsibility of babysitting Lily. The best part? He'd be bringing back some pizza and a 100-piece chicken for the two most critical people in his life - a feast for queens.

Then came the surprising call from his parents. They would be gone for an additional three months on their vacation. Lincoln was a bit taken aback but managed to agree to the arrangement, promising to juggle his routine and be there for his sisters. This meant negotiating with his boss about his schedule, trying to make everything fit together.

His boss was accommodating, understanding the situation Lincoln was in. Despite requiring him at work that day due to short-staffing, he allowed Lincoln to adjust his working hours accordingly. So, as a ray of hope, he was called in for a limited slot from 5 to 9 pm.

With a sigh, Lincoln turned to Stella who was tutoring Lily at that moment, her warm smile alleviating his stress. He asked if Stella could continue babysitting his sisters for another night. She agreed, and Lincoln couldn't be more grateful.

Lincoln reassured his girlfriend, "Don't worry about the homework. I'll help them with it tomorrow." With life throwing unexpected errands his way, Lincoln never faltered. Balancing his job, school, the oncoming science fair project, and his responsibilities as a big brother, he was indeed manifesting into a multi-tasking marvel.

Title: The Big Brother Complex

Chapter 1: The Twist of Fate

It had been another typical day in the Loud household, with Lincoln and Lily having to share a bedroom due to a renovation mishap in Lily's room. One day while Lincoln was organizing his comic book collection, Lily reached out to grab one of his prized possessions, a limited-edition issue of Ace Savvy comics. He quickly intervened and told her gently, "Lily, this isn't for touching, okay?"

The next morning, Lincoln took Lily to preschool, promising her a ride home after school since he had a science fair project to work on in the high school lab. "Wait for me right outside here, okay Lil?" Lily nodded, walking into her classroom with a small wave over her shoulder.

Later, Lincoln found that helping Lily with her homework was rather heartwarming. They sat together at his desk, and he patiently explained the concepts, turning the complex into simple terms. They shared an hour of studying, then Lincoln snuck out to surprise Lily and their other siblings.

Chapter 2: Lincoln's Surprise

Lincoln, working part-time at the local pizza place, dialed in a mega order: five cheese pizzas and a box of sixty-piece fried chicken. Lynn Jr., Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Luan were all excited by the surprise feast, courtesy of their big brother.

The next day, however, another twist was thrown into Lincoln's life; he had to go to work unexpectedly. So, he turned to his trustworthy girlfriend Stella for help. "Stella, would you mind watching Lily and helping her with her homework?" He asked. "I know it's a lot, but I believe in you."

No hesitation came from Stella, who warmly accepted the responsibility, "Don't worry, Lincoln, I got this." That, in itself, was a relief for Lincoln.

After work, he came back with lots of pizza again and a hundred-piece chicken this time, showing his gratitude to Stella and appeasing the Loud siblings' hunger. That night, he allowed Stella to stay over, giving her his comfortable bed while he opted for the inflatable mattress on the floor.

Chapter 3: The Extended Responsibility

To Lincoln's surprise, his parents called the next day with unexpected news, "Lincoln, we'll be gone for three months on a business trip. Can you handle things at home?"

Caught off guard, Lincoln hesitated for just a moment before mustering confidence, "Sure, I can handle it. No problem."

Breaking the news to his boss wasn't easy, but in the end, they reached a compromise. Lincoln's boss understood his situation and adjusted his schedule only to work every other day.

Back at school, Lincoln turned to Stella again for help with the siblings. Feeling like a huge boulder was lifted off his shoulders when Stella agreed, Lincoln whispered a soft "thank you." Then, he promised his sisters, "I'll help everyone with their homework tomorrow."

This was the beginning of Lincoln's unexpected journey as an unexpected guardian, learning about responsibility, patience, and the power of family. As for what was awaiting this young caretaker, only time could tell.

Title: Shared Spaces, Complicated Tensions - A Lincoln and Lilly Fanfiction

One day, as the evening sun began to set and the shadows started to dance in the corners of the Loud family's household, Lincoln found himself sharing a room with his younger sister, Lily. The circumstances were unanticipated, and frugality was the only reason the siblings shared a corner in the vast house. The direct consequence of a leaky ceiling and an out-of-town handyman painted a scene of intensely close quarters filled with makeshift bunk beds and shared desk spaces.

One afternoon, after school, Lincoln felt a sudden jolt as he noticed Lily innocently fiddling with his prized comic book collection, an area of his space that was clearly off-limits. His face dropped at the sight. "Lily!" he exclaimed, rushing over to save his precious comics from potential damage.

After the incident, Lincoln did the big brotherly duty and took Lily to school the next morning. Before he left her, he made sure she wasn't scared, "Hey, after school, just come by the high school. I'll be working on my science fair project, but I'll take care of you". Lily, unaware of the severity of the comic mishap, happily agreed.

That night, as the moon shone outside their makeshift bedroom window, Lily approached Lincoln, a look of concern crossing her small face. She needed help with her homework. Without any hesitation, Lincoln pulled out the extra chair at his desk, dusted it off, and soon they were engrossed in Lily's educational enigma, the complexities of multiplication problems and coloring activities. After an hour filled with Lincoln's patience and Lily's earnest dedication, the homework was finally done.

"It's getting late. Let's have something to eat and then off to bed," Lincoln said, stretching a bit. Lily agreed with a yawn. With a cheerful call, he ordered five extra-cheese pizzas and a 60-piece chicken for themselves and their sisters he was left in charge of. The preparations for an indoor meal away from the freezing weather outside seemed like the best idea alongside the night's adventures.

The weather the next day turned into a beautiful sunny day, the kind that doesn't come often in mid-January in Michigan. Lincoln had to head to his part-time job at the local pizza restaurant, leaving Lily and his seven other sisters in the care of his trusted and responsible girlfriend, Stella.

Stella, ever diligent and caring, immediately stepped up to help Lily with her day's homework. "You can count on me," she told the little girl. Stella's patience and understanding were a match for Lincoln's, and the house felt secure under her supervision. And when Lincoln finally returned from work with the aroma of pizzas in tow and a massive 100-piece chicken, the house roared with cheer and happiness, the hunger from a hard day's work soon to be satiated. It became another chapter of love, respect, and the shared experiences of the quirky Loud family written away into the realms of their memory.

Title: The Loud House: Science Fair and Medical Marvels

One evening in the Loud House, Lily toddled into her and Lincoln's shared bedroom, her eyes wide with curiosity. She found Lincoln hunched over his desk, surrounded by papers and test tubes.

"What are you doing, Lincoln?" she asked innocently, peering at his work.

"I'm working on a science project for the school science fair," Lincoln explained, looking up from his work. "It's due in two weeks, and I want to make sure it's perfect."

Lily nodded, understanding the importance of the task. "Can I help?"

"Of course, Lily. I'd appreciate that," Lincoln replied with a smile.

True to his word, after the science fair was over, Lincoln surprised Lily by giving her the completed project. She hugged it tightly, thrilled to have something made by her big brother.

The next day, Lily wandered into the room again and found Lincoln working with various chemicals and equipment. Intrigued, she asked, "What are you doing now, Lincoln?"

"I'm working on a cure for cancer and the common cold. The hospital asked me to help them with this important project," Lincoln replied, carefully measuring out the ingredients.

"Can I help?" Lily asked eagerly.

"Absolutely, Lily. Your help would be invaluable," Lincoln said, grateful for her enthusiasm.

Together, they worked tirelessly, experimenting and researching until they finally achieved success. They took their discovery to the hospital, where it was met with excitement and gratitude. In return, they were generously rewarded with $6,000.

When they returned home, Lincoln surprised Lily by giving her half of the money. "You were a huge help, Lily. We found the cure together, so we should share this."

Lily was overjoyed and ran to show their parents what Lincoln had given her. Their parents were impressed by Lincoln's generosity and Lily's involvement in the project.

Their success didn't go unnoticed, and soon the hospital called again, this time asking for their help in developing a cure for broken bones. Lincoln and Lily accepted the challenge and, after a week of hard work, they succeeded once again. The hospital was so pleased that they rewarded Lincoln and Lily with a staggering $100,000.

Lincoln decided to put the money to good use. "Let's pay off the remaining amount on Mom and Dad's house," he suggested to Lily.

Their parents were overwhelmed with gratitude, and Lincoln felt a sense of pride in being able to help his family.

"Can we spend some of the money?" Lily asked excitedly.

"We can, but let's save most of it for the future. I'll put it in a bank account for us," Lincoln replied, wanting to be responsible with their newfound wealth.

The next day was Lily's birthday, and Lincoln took her to the store to get two ice cream cakes for her class. He promised to take her to school the next day on his motorcycle, which thrilled Lily.

True to his word, Lincoln took Lily to school the next day on his motorcycle. Her friends were amazed to see her arrive in such style.

At the end of the day, one of Lily's friends asked for a ride home on Lincoln's motorcycle, and he happily agreed. As he dropped her off, he promised, "If you ever need a ride to school, just let me know."

As they drove back home, Lily couldn't stop smiling. She was grateful to have such a caring and generous brother like Lincoln.Title: "A Day with Lincoln and Lily"

The sun rose on another bustling day in the Loud household. As usual, Lincoln was up early to make sure everything was in order for the day ahead. Lily, always eager to spend time with her older brother, bounced into his room as he finished getting ready for school.

"Good morning, Linky!" Lily chirped, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Good morning, Lily. Ready for another day of school?" Lincoln replied with a smile, ruffling her hair affectionately.

As they made their way to school, Lily chatted animatedly about her plans for the day. Lincoln listened attentively, enjoying the simple joy of spending time with his youngest sister.

After dropping Lily off at her class, Lincoln headed to his own. As the day progressed, Lincoln couldn't shake the feeling that Lily might need him after school. So, during lunchtime, he approached her and said, "Lily, if you need a ride home after school, come to the high school and wait for me. I have a science fair project to work on."

Lily nodded enthusiastically, excited at the prospect of spending more time with Lincoln. "Okay, Linky! I'll be there!"

After school, Lincoln hurried to the high school to work on his project. True to her word, Lily arrived promptly, and Lincoln greeted her with a smile. Together, they spent the afternoon working on his project, with Lily offering her creative input and unwavering support.

As the evening approached, Lincoln and Lily headed home. Upon their return, Lily asked Lincoln for help with her homework. Without hesitation, Lincoln sat down with her at his desk, and for the next hour, they tackled Lily's assignments together.

"Thanks for helping me, Linky," Lily said, smiling up at her brother.

"No problem, Lily. We make a great team," Lincoln replied, tousling her hair affectionately.

After finishing Lily's homework, Lincoln headed to the kitchen to start making dinner for the family. As he cooked, Lily helped by setting the table and keeping him company, chatting about her day at school.

As the evening drew to a close, Lincoln felt grateful for the time he had spent with Lily. Despite the chaos of their large family, moments like these reminded him of the special bond he shared with his youngest sister.Title: Nightshift in Loud House

It was a quiet, balmy evening in the Loud House, unusual for a place that was more akin to a lively festival than a domestic dwelling. Lincoln Loud, the only brother in a family of 11 children, found himself in something of a predicacious situation. His youngest sister, Lily, had just turned six, and she was sharing his room due to renovations in the girls' area.

One day, as both of them dwelled peacefully amidst their shared space, Lily had playfully gripped something on Lincoln's cherished model Racoon T-Rex. An item that, while meaningless to the uninitiated, was a commodity of immense value to Lincoln. She was much too young to understand the worth of the object she had picked up on a lark. Gently, Lincoln crouched next to Lily and managed to retrieve the piece without alarming her. Lesson learned, Lincoln thought.

In her cheerfully naive way, Lily announced she'd accompany Lincoln to school the next day, which he looked forward to with mixed feelings. On the one hand, it would be nice to spend time with her and show her around the schoolyard, but on the other hand, he did have a science fair project at the high school to work on.

Tomorrow rolled in as quickly as a wave and, echoed with Lily's promise, Lincoln found himself walking her to school before hastily making his own way across town to the high school.

At the close of the day, he helped Lily with her homework - a fascinating hour of kindergarten math problems and rudimentary English. After they completed the homework, he told her he'd be back, leaving Lily at their shared desk amidst a sea of crayons and markers.

His next mission was to ensure dinner for his clan. With his parents and elder sisters away, catering for nine hungry children was no small feat. Across the evening sky, Lincoln ventured out to make a large order: five cheese pizzas and a 60 piece chicken meal.

Soon enough, the tantalizing aroma of pizza and fried chicken spread throughout the house, causing a parade of excited sisters to come charging into the dining room.

As the Loud children enjoyed their feast of pizza and chicken, the household echoed with laughter and chatter. Lily looked up at Lincoln from her chair, her eyes gleaming with admiration, her small mouth adorned with pizza sauce.

Their parents and older sisters may have been out of town, but as Lincoln looked around at his joyful, loud family, he realized they were united. Despite occasional squabbles, they were a dynamic team, and perhaps that night's duties weren't so much a chore as an exercise in managing his extraordinary family.Title: The Loud House: Science Fair and Medical Marvels

It was a typical evening in the Loud House, and Lincoln was hard at work on his latest science project for the upcoming school science fair. He had been tinkering away for days, trying to perfect his invention for the big event in two weeks.

As Lincoln concentrated on his project, Lily, his ever-curious younger sister, wandered into their shared bedroom. She watched him with wide eyes, curious about what he was doing.

"What are you working on, Lincoln?" Lily asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"It's a science project for the school science fair," Lincoln replied, adjusting a few wires on his invention. "I'm trying to create something that will wow the judges."

Lily nodded, impressed by her brother's dedication. "Can I help?"

Lincoln smiled at her eagerness. "Sure, Lily. I could use an extra pair of hands."

The next day, after the science fair was over, Lincoln surprised Lily by giving her the completed project as a gift. Lily was overjoyed and proudly displayed it in their room.

A few days later, Lily walked in on Lincoln again, this time working with chemicals. She was about to ask what he was doing when he beat her to it.

"I'm working on a cure for cancer and the common cold. The hospital asked me to do it for them," Lincoln explained, carefully measuring out the ingredients.

Lily's eyes widened in amazement. "Can I help?"

Lincoln grinned. "I would love your help, Lily. They've given us a week to come up with something."

Together, they worked tirelessly, experimenting with different combinations until they finally found success. They took their discovery to the hospital, where it was met with great enthusiasm. In return, they were given a substantial reward.

When they returned home, Lincoln surprised Lily by giving her half of the money. "You helped me find the cure for the common cold and cancer, Lily. It's only fair that we split this."

Lily was thrilled and hugged her brother tightly. "Thank you, Lincoln!"

Their success didn't end there. The hospital was so impressed with their work that they asked Lincoln and Lily to develop a cure for broken bones. With their combined efforts, they succeeded once again, this time earning a significant sum of money.

Lincoln decided to put the money to good use. "Let's pay off the remaining amount on Mom and Dad's house," he suggested to Lily.

Their parents were amazed and grateful when Lincoln handed them the money. "This is so generous of you, Lincoln," their mom said, tears in her eyes.

With the remaining money, Lincoln opened a bank account for both of them. "We'll save this for the future, Lily. It'll come in handy someday."

On Lily's birthday, Lincoln took her to the store to get two ice cream cakes for her class. "Since it's your birthday tomorrow, why not celebrate with your friends?" he suggested.

Lily beamed with excitement. "That sounds like fun, Lincoln!"

The next day, Lincoln surprised Lily again by taking her to school on his motorcycle. Lily's friends were amazed to see her arrive in style.

"Who's that?" one of her friends asked.

"That's my brother, Lincoln. He's the best," Lily replied proudly.

After school, one of Lily's friends asked for a ride home on Lincoln's motorcycle, and he happily obliged. As he dropped her off, he promised, "Anytime you need a ride to school, just let me know."

Their kindness and generosity had not gone unnoticed, and their bond as siblings grew stronger with each passing day in the Loud House.Title: The Loud House: A Night of Accidental Intrusion

It was a cozy evening in the Loud House, and Lincoln had agreed to let Lily share his room for the night. Being the caring older brother he was, he made sure Lily was comfortable and tucked her into bed before settling down himself.

As the night progressed, Lincoln found himself in a deep slumber, dreaming about his latest comic book adventures. Meanwhile, Lily, being the curious toddler she was, began exploring her surroundings in the dim moonlight that filtered through the window.

In her exploration, Lily's tiny hand brushed against something on Lincoln's bedside table. Curious, she reached out and touched it, only to be greeted by a loud noise and a sudden movement. Startled, she quickly retreated to her bed, hoping she hadn't woken up Lincoln.

However, the noise had indeed stirred Lincoln from his dreams, and he groggily sat up to investigate. Rubbing his eyes, he saw Lily looking guiltily at him from her bed. "Lily, what are you doing up?" he asked, trying to stifle a yawn.

Lily looked down at her toes, feeling a bit ashamed. "I'm sorry, Linky. I was just curious," she replied softly.

Curiosity piqued, Lincoln glanced at his bedside table to see what had caught Lily's attention. To his surprise, it was his old handheld gaming console, which he had been playing earlier. He smiled, realizing that Lily must have been intrigued by the colorful buttons.

"It's okay, Lily. But next time, ask me first, okay?" Lincoln said gently, ruffling her hair. Lily nodded, relieved that she wasn't in trouble.

As Lincoln settled back into bed, he couldn't help but chuckle at Lily's innocent curiosity. He made a mental note to keep his gaming console out of her reach in the future. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, knowing that he and Lily would always look out for each other, even in the smallest of moments.Title: Lily's Little Mishap

It was a rare occasion in the Loud House. Lincoln and Lily were sharing a room for the night. Lincoln had agreed to let Lily stay with him because she had been feeling a bit scared lately, and he wanted to make her feel safe.

As the clock struck midnight, the house was quiet, and Lincoln was fast asleep. However, Lily was wide awake, her curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar surroundings of her brother's room. She couldn't resist exploring a little.

Carefully tiptoeing around the room, Lily spotted something shiny on Lincoln's nightstand. It was a small, silver object that looked intriguing to her. Without a second thought, she reached out and grabbed it.

Suddenly, Lincoln stirred in his sleep. He mumbled something unintelligible and turned over, his hand accidentally brushing against Lily's. Startled, Lily let out a tiny gasp and dropped the object back onto the nightstand.

The noise was enough to wake Lincoln up. He blinked sleepily, trying to make sense of what had just happened. When he saw Lily standing by his nightstand, he realized what had transpired.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Lincoln asked, trying to stifle a yawn.

Lily looked up at him, her eyes wide with innocence. "I'm sorry, Linky. I saw this shiny thing, and I wanted to see what it was."

Lincoln chuckled softly, relieved that it was nothing serious. "It's okay, Lily. But that's my pocket knife. You shouldn't touch it without asking me first, okay?"

Lily nodded, understanding dawning on her face. "Okay, Linky. I won't touch it again. I promise."

Lincoln smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "Good girl. Now, let's get back to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

With that, Lincoln settled back into his bed, and Lily crawled back into hers. As they drifted off to sleep, Lincoln couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when he could be there for his little sister and teach her important lessons about trust and responsibility.

Title: Oops, Lily!

It was a cozy night at the Loud House, and Lincoln had agreed to let Lily share his room for the evening. As the clock struck midnight, the house was finally quiet, and both siblings were fast asleep in their separate beds.

However, something stirred in Lily's little mind as she slept. In her dreams, she was on a mission to explore the mysteries of her big brother's room. She tiptoed around, curious about all the things she had seen Lincoln use during the day.

Her tiny hands reached out in the dark, feeling for anything interesting. Suddenly, she felt something strange and squishy. Without thinking, she gave it a little squeeze, and to her surprise, it made a funny noise.

The noise startled Lincoln awake. He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness. "Lily, what are you doing?" he whispered, trying not to wake the others.

Lily froze, realizing she had disturbed her brother. She quickly let go of the squishy thing and whispered back, "Sorry, Linky. I didn't mean to wake you."

Lincoln chuckled softly, relieved that it was just Lily being her curious self. "It's okay, Lily. Just go back to sleep, okay?"

Lily nodded and snuggled back into her bed, her little heart still racing from the excitement of her midnight adventure. As she drifted back to sleep, she made a mental note to ask Lincoln about the strange squishy thing in the morning.

Little did she know, it was Lincoln's stress ball, which he used when he was feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork or family chaos. It was his little secret for staying calm and collected in the midst of loud and chaotic days.

The next morning, over breakfast, Lily couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Linky, what was that squishy thing in your bed last night?"

Lincoln blushed a little, realizing what Lily was talking about. "Oh, that was just my stress ball, Lily. It helps me relax when I'm feeling stressed."

Lily nodded, satisfied with the explanation. "Okay, Linky. Can I have one too?"

Lincoln smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "Sure thing, Lily. I'll get you one after school today."

With that settled, the day went on as usual in the Loud House, filled with laughter, chaos, and the love that only a big brother and little sister could share.

Title: "Sharing Spaces"

Chapter 1:

In the high-energy, loud household of the Loud family, Lincoln couldn't imagine sharing his bedroom with any of his ten sisters. However, circumstances changed when he found himself in a situation where he was sharing a room with the youngest member, Lily.

One evening, while the two were cohabitating, Lily's tiny, curious hands wandered, touching an old comic book that Lincoln treasured. "No, Lily!" Lincoln exclaimed, gently moving the comic book out of her reach. "This is something you should't be touching. It's very dear to me."

Chapter 2:

The following day, as he was about to head to high school, he turned to Lily, "Look, I'll drop you to school today. But remember, after school, you need to come to the high school and wait for me. I have a science fair project to work on."

Hearing this, Lily nodded energetically, saying, "Okay."

That night, Lily asked for Lincoln's assistance with her homework. He obliged and they spent the next hour huddled over the desk, solving her math problems and writing sentences for English.

Chapter 3:

Halfway through, Lincoln removed his glasses, stood up and stretched. "I'll be back, Lily," he announced. He then stepped out and placed an order for 5 cheese pizzas and 60 pieces of chicken, enough for Lily, him and his other eight sisters staying in the house. Their parents and three of their elder sisters were out of town for the week.

Chapter 4:

Things got even busier the next day when Lincoln had to go to work at the local pizza restaurant. Before leaving, he asked his girlfriend Stella to keep an eye on Lily. Stella agreed, even offering to help Lily with her homework for the day.

When Lincoln was done with work, he came home bearing hot pizzas and a feast of 100 pieces of chicken. He shared the feast with his sisters and Stella, who agreed to spend the night in his room due to the cold weather.

Chapter 5:

The next day, he received a call from his parents who informed him that they'll be gone for another three months. He reassured them that he can manage, and even promised to adjust his work schedule so he could look after the house and his sisters.

True to his words, he called his boss, conveying his need to change his schedule. His boss understood but had an immediate request, "I know you were off today, but we're short-staffed. Can you please come in from 5 to 9 o'clock?".

With a sigh, he agreed. After hanging up, he looked at Stella, "Could you help me out again tonight?" he asked. With a reassuring smile on her face, Stella nodded. "Don't worry about the homework. I'll help them with it tomorrow."

In the house of the Louds, life was always a whirlwind. But for Lincoln, whether it was sharing a room with Lily, managing school, work, or fixing pizzas and chicken for the family, it was all part of being the loving brother he was. Though it was challenging, he wouldn't have it any other way.

More chapters to follow in this slice of life fanfiction. Stay tuned!Chapter 6:

Living in a house of eleven children could easily be chaotic, but the Loud's had a special kind of order to their madness, orchestrated mostly by Lincoln. The past few days had shown him the depths of his responsibility and also his ability to step up in any situation.

Today, his other sister, Lola, decided to join him and Lily in their shared room, fascinated with the camaraderie she saw being built. Lincoln taught her and Lily how to play an engaging video game together while also managing to prepare dinner for the family.

Chapter 7:

Lincoln was enjoying a rare, quiet morning when Luna, one of his older sisters, entered the room with her guitar. "Lincoln, I have a new song, and I'd love your help." She started strumming the strings, filling the room with music. Although he appreciated her music, Lincoln was slightly irked by the interruption. But instead of protesting, he decided to join the moment, converting it into a family jamming session.

Seeing Luna's fervour made Lincoln realise that every member of the Loud family contributed to the house in their unique ways. Luna serenaded them with music, Leni's impeccable fashion sense brought vibrant colours into their lives, and even little Lily, with her constant curiosity and enthusiasm, brought an undeniable joy.

Chapter 8:

Life in the Loud household was always loud, always colourful, and always unexpected, but each day strengthened their bonds further. Lincoln learnt new, invaluable life lessons, managing to juggle school, work, and family, all while sharing a room with his youngest sister.

During one instance, when Lincoln woke up from a rare quiet nap and found Lily scribbling in his notepad, instead of being angry, he laughed and took it as a chance to teach her to draw. That day, as he saw Lily successfully draw a stick figure for the first time, he realized how rewarding teaching and sharing could be.

Chapter 9:

As the days transformed into weeks, the initial struggles that Lincoln experienced when placed in charge of the house began to fade. He had fallen into a steady rhythm of life, managing both his work schedule and school while also looking out for his younger sisters.

Chapter 10:

Lincoln was a pillar for the Loud Family. On days when it seemed like chaos would win, he provided the balance they needed. Whether it was making them laugh with one of his comic books, helping solve an argument, silently listening to one of Luna's songs, or providing help with homework and school projects, Lincoln embodied the role of the big brother perfectly.

His parents' prolonged absence marked a testing period for the Louds, but with Lincoln at the helm, festering chaos was molded into peaceful coexistence. Life was hectic, but with love, patience, and understanding, Lincoln and his sisters managed to navigate the current Carnage and find harmony.

What new challenges and adventures await the Loud family in the absence of their parents? Lincoln already has his hands full, but is there room for more? Discover in the next set of chapters. Watch this thrilling family saga unfold.Chapter 11:

The house had finally settled into a peaceful rhythm when a new challenge arrived for Lincoln: parent-teacher meetings at his sisters' school. It was a double-edged sword; he could gain valuable insights into his siblings' development, but simultaneously risk their rebellion if they perceived him as too much of a figure of authority.

Chapter 12:

Navigating the parent-teacher meetings was an eye-opener. From Lola's contradictive nature of being a spitfire at home to a model student at school, to Lana's adventurous streak getting her into trouble, Lincoln began to understand more deeply why his sisters behaved the way they did at home.

Chapter 13:

With newfound perspective, Lincoln adopted a balanced approach between being a brother and a responsible figure in their lives. He employed tactics of empathetic listening, communication, and understanding, fostering a sense of responsibility in each of his sisters.

Chapter 14:

The transformation was not immediate, but the Loud household felt a subtle, positive shift. Fighting reduced, collaboration increased, and the house began to resonate with love rather than rivalry. Lincoln was a testament to the saying, "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," as he bore the responsibility with grace and determination.

Chapter 15:

The weeks rolled into months, and the Louds had become a tight-knit clan, fostering a close bond based on shared training, joy, and laughter. Lincoln facilitated this connection without letting his responsibilities rob him of his childhood, maintaining a delicate balance.

What follows next in the Loud universe? Has Lincoln found a permanent solution, or are there more storms the young man will have to weather? Let's find out as the story unfolds further. The compelling saga of the Loud family continues.Chapter 16:

Despite the serene picture the Loud household painted now, conflicts were inevitable. When Lola's competitive nature began testing the bond between the siblings, Lincoln had to step in. He recognized that each sister, even amidst unity, held unique traits that required distinct strategies.

Chapter 17:

Using his newfound wisdom, Lincoln tackled Lola's scenario with patience and tact. He initiated a family meeting—conducting an open discussion on the importance of fair competition and understanding each other's perspectives. It was essential to him that his sisters didn't lose their individuality in the pursuit of unity.

Chapter 18:

Simultaneously, Lincoln continued his scholastic endeavors. His well-rounded personality, combined with a high level of comprehension, ensured he maintained a strong academic performance. The dual responsibility was challenging, but the young man bore it with a surprising level of maturity.

Chapter 19:

Challenges didn't cease from just within the house; external issues arose as well. When Lincoln's best friend Clyde confessed to feeling left out due to Lincoln's increased responsibilities at home, Lincoln had to confront the problem head-on. Balancing personal life and duties was proving to be a juggling act.

Chapter 20:

Despite the challenges, Lincoln never shied away from responsibility. He managed to reassure Clyde that their friendship was intact, and he continued to strategically handle family problems. The Loud household was far from perfect, but Lincoln had proven himself to be a guiding light, illuminating a path toward a more harmonious existence.

As we journey further into the world of the Loud family, we find Lincoln continuously evolving and maturing, building a cohesive unit from a clash of personalities. But how long can this harmony last under the slight tremors of teenage rebellion, growing up, shifting friendships, and academic pressures? The next chapters will reveal just that. Be prepared for a thrilling journey as we delve deeper into the life of the Louds.Chapter 21:

The tremors began to surface with nominal disruptions in the Loud household as puberty hit. Lola was becoming more conscious about her looks, Lana was rebelling against the norms, and even baby Lily started to assert her own will. Each sister was growing up, their personalities starting to mature and flourish, bringing their own conflicts and complexities into the light.

Chapter 22:

Lincoln found himself often in the role of a peacekeeper, trying to find common ground among the increasingly divergent viewpoints of his sisters. As the only brother in a house of ten sisters, he was a unique intermediary - the common denominator among the siblings. His stern, yet empathetic responses were often the glue that kept the Loud family together, even on the bumpiest days.

Chapter 23:

However, the constant demand for his intervention had Lincoln feeling the strains of burnout. The balancing act of being a brother, friend, and student was proving to be a burdensome feat. It was then that Lincoln made the decision to focus on self-care. He understood a healthy version of himself was essential if he wanted to continue being a pillar for his family.

Chapter 24:

His friendship with Clyde too underwent a transformation. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Clyde offered his assistance, even dividing some of Lincoln's responsibilities. This marked a significant shift in their friendship - Clyde wasn't just a faithful friend; he had become an integral part of the Loud household.

Chapter 25:

As the Loud unravel the challenges of growing up, Lincoln's journey as the fulcrum of the family continues. But how will Clyde's involvement change the dynamics of the family? Can the unity within the Loud household sustain the increasing pressures of adolescence? The compelling narrative of the Louds is about to unfurl further, revealing the story of an unconventional family grappling with the ordinary realities of life. Tune in for more twists and turns as we explore the intricacies of life inside the Loud home.Chapter 26:

Moreover, Lola's increasing obsession with appearances led to tensions with Lynn and Luan, who were not so concerned with such things, causing the ruptures in the house to widen. Circumstances demanded that Lincoln be more than just a brother, turning into a counselor and mentor for his sisters.

Chapter 27:

Lana, in her rebellion against the norms, started questioning the established practices of the house. Her defiance slowly forced the other siblings to reevaluate their own perspectives, resulting in interesting and sometimes uncomfortable conversations within the household walls.

Chapter 28:

A new chapter began when Lily started to assert herself more and more. Her burgeoning desire for autonomy was a constant reminder to everyone in the house that the youngest Loud was no longer a baby. The others had to negotiate and adapt to this unexpected change.

Chapter 29:

In Clyde's attempts to ease Lincoln's burden, the Loud household subtly began to change. His straightforward comments, instinctual empathy, and rigid adherence to rules stirred up the house dynamics. How these changes would shape the household was something none of the Loud family could have predicted.

Chapter 30:

As the waves of adolescence swell in the Loud home, the bonds amongst them all are tested and stretched. Lincoln, Lola, Luan, Lynn, Lana, and even Lily must navigate their journeys towards growth while maintaining the unity that defines the Loud family. With more trials and transformations in store, the captivating saga of the Loud household is far from over.