

A six-year-old boy with striking Black hair and pitch Black eyes, with a torn blue jacket that was many sizes too big for him and black shorts, entered the ninja village known as The Village Hidden in the Leaves, or Hidden Leaf for short.

The village had taken a hit when six years ago when the Nine-tails fox had been released in village. It was through the power of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze that the fox was defeated and peace returned to the village. The price for peace was steep, however. Not only did Minato die stopping the fox but so did many other countless ninja and civilians. Along with the loss, life was the destruction of buildings and countless other things. The village had been weakened but thanks to the reinstated third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen the village had survived and was starting to rebuild.

The boy walked over to a female ninja and tugged on her sleeve,

"Ms. Ninja, I was told to give this letter to a ninja." He said with a smile. The ninja took the letter and as she read it her eyes widened. She grabbed the boy's hand and with a hand sign, they both disappeared and reappeared in front of the Hokage tower.

The boy looked at her with wide eyes, "That was awesome can we do it again?" He asked. The woman gave a smile, and a quiet maybe left her lips.

In the highest room in the tower sat the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen trying to finish the mountain of paperwork, his pipe in his mouth. A knock on the door broke him from his thoughts.

"Enter," he said

The female ninja and the boy entered the Hokage's office, and the ninja handed him the letter.

'If someone is reading this we can only hope that Hoshiro has made it to the Hidden Leaf village. What I will tell you may seem hard to believe, but know that it is the truth. Six years ago, when we returning through the way of Tsumujikaze no Kuni, I and my wife came upon a young woman who was heavily pregnant, but also heavily injured. My wife who herself was a med-nin could tell that see that the woman was in labor. Hoshiro was born on the side of a dirt road. His mother lived just long enough to name her child, tell us that she was from the Hidden Leaf village and that Hoshiro must never make it back to Hidden Leaf Until Unless his life is in absolute danger, She then died and we buried her there on the side of the road. It was my wife that recognized the symbol she had on the blanket that she gave to Hoshiro for covering the little newborn child, It was the symbol of the Senju clan. We had wrapped Hoshiro in it for warmth. The next action was purely selfish on our part, but we had been trying to have a child of our own but we could not. We thought that the child's mother did not wish for the newborn to return to Konoha Anyway. We thought that we could tell him the truth at a later date and he could decide to return or not on his own, but one year led to the next and that thought drifted farther away. But all good things must come to an end; recently the Mizukage has started a bloodline purge in Water country. Hoshiro doesn't know his origins but for his own safety, I and my wife have given him this letter in case the worst should happen. We fulfill the request of Hoshiro's Mother and make him, return to the Hidden Leaf Village since his life is in Absolute Danger, We hope that the Village treats him well.

Hiruzen then with a soft smile and his voice gentle asked, "Hoshiro how did you get here?"

Hoshiro bowed his head. "Ninja came to the door and then dad started yelling, then mom told me to run so I ran. I hid from the ninja with a camouflage jutsu. They left but I saw mom and dad's bodies there was blood everywhere and- and I –I." Hoshiro had tears in his eyes.

The Hokage put his hand on his shoulder, "It's okay Hoshiro. You've said enough. Please take Hoshiro to the hospital and have him checked out, tell the nurses to include a blood test as well. Then please contact Kurenai Yūhi she is too watch over the boy. This is an S-Class secret, and you know what to do with that"

"Of course Lord Hokage." The ninja replied as she and Hoshiro left.

As the door closed the Hokage spoke to the ANBU hidden in the room. "Get me, my advisors, we have quite a bit to talk about." With not even a shadow they had left the room to carry out the order.

Hoshiro had just gotten his blood drawn, and was about to leave the hospital when a beautiful woman approached him. She had black shoulder length red lips and light red eyes.

With she asked, "Hoshiro my name is Kurenai. Are you hungry we can go get something to eat?" Hoshiro nodded as they left the hospital.

Night had descended on the village as Hoshiro and Kurenai walked toward a place to eat. As Hoshiro looked toward a back alley he saw a flash of blonde hair running from a mob of people. He looked to see that Kurenai was distracted and with a hand sign he had left her side and was on a roof tracking the flash of blonde hair. He tracked it to a side alley where the blonde hair had stopped to rest well the mob had lost sign of it. The blonde hair turned out to be a boy his own age with bright blue eyes and dressed dirty clothes. As he jumped down the boy nearly bolted but stopped seeing it was a boy his own age.

"Why are they chasing you?" He asked

"I don't know" The boy whispered fear evident in his voice.

"I heard it the demon is this way!" A voice shouted

Hoshiro grabbed the boys shoulder and whispered, "Camouflage jutsu" They melded into the wall of the alley, and waited until the mob ran past.

As the jutsu ended Hoshiro turned to ask the boy his name only to see that he had left. He felt a presence to his right and looked to see Kurenai with a look of annoyance on her face.

Hoshiro rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.

Kurenai rolled her head, "It's late so I'll make you some dinner at my home." With that, they both left the back alley.

While this was going on the Hokage was meeting his advisors Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, and Danzō Shimura. Danzo had just finished reading the letter and threw it back on the desk.

"This had to be faked. We would have known if a Senju Other than Tsunade was Alive all this time," He said slamming his cane on the ground.

"Actually since the third World Shinobi War, the Senju nearly perished, it is not out of the realm of possibility one escaped," Homura said as Koharu agreed with him.

"Well, then we should go and arrest these people for keeping a clan child from the village," Danzo replied.

"I'm afraid that would be impossible Danzo if the child is to be believed then they are dead. Killed by water ninja under the order of the Mizukage." As the Hokage finished speaking an ANBU appeared and handed him a file. Hiruzen smiled as he read the file, "It appears Tsunade has a Nephew huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"According to this file, Hoshiro indeed has the Senju Blood flowing inside of him, Apparently he is the great-grandson of Lord Hashirama"

"Tsunade must be informed immediately." Koharu urged

The Hokage nodded, "I have already sent a message to her. I expect her to be here by mid-day tomorrow."

"So the Senju clan is alive and well. That's indeed a piece of huge news." Said Danzo. All four elders stood in silence wondering what this meant for the village.

Meanwhile, Hoshiro and Kurenai had eaten and been preparing for bed. Kurenai slept in her bed and Hoshiro took the couch. Hoshiro wondered what his life would be like here in the village but he shrugged he would deal with it tomorrow.