


THE POLICE PUT AWAY THE STRAP so that Greg and Fernando could enter the house. Nothing had been touched, everything remained the same as found when the body was discovered.

Fernando Dante stopped to examine the books scattered on the floor. A shiver ran down his spine as he observed one of the engravings that leaped into view, coming from one of the open books: it was a gigantic demonic figure half man, half dragon.

— It was exactly here that they found the body — said the policeman who accompanied them, showing a chalk drawing reproducing the victim's body.

Greg glanced over the drawing, then took a long look at the surroundings. It was a simple room, sparsely furnished, a wardrobe, a bed and a small table, whose drawer was thrown in a corner. He opened the wardrobe, and saw that it was empty, as the clothes had been ripped off and were now thrown on the floor. Greg realized that his pockets had been searched.

What could they be looking for?

The detective's eyes scrutinized every detail. He bent down, picking up a framed portrait in which a seminarian could be seen with an old priest at his side. Greg noted the date in the corner of the photo:

May 1968.

— Does he have any relatives here in Padua? — Greg asked.

— He was a French cleric, sir — replied the policeman.

— A French cleric? What would a French religious be doing here in Italy, where we already have so many priests?

— As far as I know, he had a very special gift.

Greg turned around paying more attention to the cop

— They say he was an exorcist.

— Greg — said Fernando entering the room — look what I found!

— What is this? — Greg asked when he saw the small sheet of paper.

— These are some notes, similar to a study guide.

— A study guide? But what does that have to do with this case?

— See for yourself — said the agent, handing him the sheet annotated in pencil.

There were a series of biblical verses linked by arrows to names Greg had never seen: Samael, Abaddon, Apollyon, dates that predated the beginning of the Christian Era through various other important dates, like 1789 — French Revolution; 1914 — Russian Revolution; European unification, and at the end, as a convergence of all this in the middle of a circle in red letters was the word antichrist.

Greg raised his eyes, fixing them on Fernando.

— Where was this here?

— I found it in the middle of one of the books on the floor.

— This is very interesting! See, it seems this priest has been investigating what he shouldn't have: European Union, antichrist...

— Is it possible that this priest has discovered the Brotherhood of the Serpent's plan?

— Anu's cross to his body may be proof of this, moreover, these notes reveal several important dates converging on the antichrist. It is very likely that he was killed for finding out what he shouldn't have.

— But how did it come to the attention of the Brotherhood of the Serpent that a modest country priest came to discover the greatest of its secrets?

— This is easy to answer, Fernando. If you were in his shoes and discovered a terrible plan that could change all the structures of Western civilization with the implantation of the Antichrist's kingdom, what would you do?

— I would try to notify my superiors.

— Okay, this man died for exactly that. He made his appalling discovery known to the wrong man. What we have to do is find out who this man is.