
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · 奇幻言情
27 Chs



It was still on the horizon when Olivia called her family for breakfast. Their house grew about the two-story house. The house was funded by lord Terrowin before he resigned as the servant of the Crestfall family.

The Helewys heard that Winterspring has been governing by a non Crestfall that's why the lord left the city.

Olivia can't still comprehend how it worked. They made it look like the duchess was killed in the rebellion with her child. Without further investigation, the ministers hastily closed the case.

"Here we are." Said Elani.

She was still in her pajamas. Her hair is untidily tied in a ponytail. She rubbed her eyes and jumped at her mother and kissed her in the cheeks and sat on the side.

Her father gave a big yawn and sat in his chair. He grabbed his reading glass and the newspaper which is beside his coffee and began to read. He smiled at his wife and continued with what he was doing. Olivia went beside Elani but she remains standing.

"I thought you're going fishing today?" Olivia said while she was arranging the food in front of the two.

She cooked blueberry pie and a corn soup to match. She cut the pie and placed it on the plate of her daughter.

"I thought so too. But the Knights wanted to see me today." Raphael took a sip of his coffee.

"That's all of a sudden," Elani gave her mother a curious look. "Not to mention, our princess has been waiting for this day!"

"I'll be sending Elani to Malaya." He said nonchalantly.

"What for, dear?"

"She should start her training before she goes to Livonia." Eyeing on Elani. Elani answered with widened eyes.

"I should?"

"She's still young!" Demanded Olivia.

"I said it, Olivia. No more excuses." And to that, Raphael stood up and went upstairs.

Olivia sighed. His husband is right. Elani should be ready for Livonia's entrance exam. But to Malaya? She's too strict!

Considering the fact that she literally breaks the bones of his disciples still, the outcome of those broken bones is incredulous stamina and agility.

This is the start of Elani's training. First, tighten up her body so that it'll be immune to all types of powers she'll be taking up. Secondly, her logic, everyone who's fighting needs strategies. Finally, her inner self, should she build her inner core for everything's happening inside of them is unimaginable. Just thinking of all the hard trials Elani would be facing in the future makes Olivia want to faint. Sure, she was pampering Elani only because she is the only child they have.

"Hey, mom, why's dad always liked that?" Olivia was stupefied by the sudden question of her daughter.

"Like cold? Ahh . . ." She sat beside her daughter without glancing over her. "He doesn't know what it feels like being love so he treats us like what he was like treated when he was younger."

"He's not being loved? If he doesn't know how to love, why does he have you?"

"His parents died at his early age after that, he lived alone and because I loved him." She smiled and continued, "If you're not being loved, you need someone who will love you and understands you and your past." She then looks over at her daughter. Her smile precipitately fades and she gives her a death glare saying do-you-have-a-lover? glare.

"I'm just wondering!" Elani pulled her hands up like she was surrendering. "Are you not tired? Dad looks like he has a love issue. Like, he's apathy towards you."

"When you give love, you don't get tired. Now start eating or he'll leave you here. Chop chop!"

Elani rushed to get bathe so that she'll be with her father on their journey. Elani was excited about going to school. It means she'll get to meet a lot of people of different kinds. But she was also anxious about the world she's to explore.

After showering, she chooses to wear just jogging pants and a t-shirt. She wore her hiking shoes and she went off.

Her father was waiting for her outside. When Raphael saw that she was standing in front of their door, he started to walk. Olivia gave a backpack to Elani. She said it was a traveler's kit: blankets, pillows, food, and some water. It looks heavy. Elani placed a small kiss on her mother's cheek before hurrying to pace with Raphael.

Olivia waved goodbye to them and Elani waved back. Olivia smiled but when Elani and Raphael were gone, her smile incontinently faded. She was worried but she has to let go of her child. The child has its own destiny to face.

Raphael and Elani walked slowly as they pass through the Vally Forest. This was also hard for Raphael to let go of his daughter as she will spend most of her 15 years at Livonia's most prestigious school, the Prulesia Academy.

The school will teach Elani about guidelines and everything that surrounds her. After she graduates from the Academy, she will transfer and finish her studies at Ioel School of Winterstorm to enhance her capabilities.

The WinterSonata knew how hard it to be in the prestigious school. Everyone's expecting you to be the most resilient and intelligent.

Going to school really takes a lot of patience and hard work. That is why Raphael will send Elani to Malaya so that she can study the first basics in entering the Academy. Malaya's house is not that far away from them. She also lives in Vally Forest even though she's a Segnale.

Segnales or Seguvipers is known for its attack speed and strength. They are the ones whose patience should not be tested. They focus more on attacks rather than strategies. Segnales and Seguviper should only live at Azure.

Malaya Voera graduated from the same Academy as Raphael. She didn't become a Divine Knight because of her temper. She kills hastily without thinking of the damage it will cost. She judges everyone by the fault they did.