
The Lost Princess of Vampire City

After struggling through many hardships in life, me and my best friend, Sadie, settled down into a little apartment. It wasn't big, and it wasn't exactly in the safest part of town, but it quickly became our home. One day, after being attacked in our home, I woke up in a hospital. A strange man had greeted me at my bedside, and he told me I'm a vampire. Not just any vampire, though. Apparently, I'm a Vampire Princess. I thought my life was crazy before, but crazy couldn't even begin to describe the events unfolded after that day.

niffyboo · 奇幻言情
13 Chs


Jay's POV

Immediately upon seeing David's presence, my heart began to race and my legs felt like they would give out at any second. I instantly bowed down, afraid to say or do anything. It was at this point, I knew I messed up big time.

After the breif introduction, I could already tell that Kay wasn't impressed by David. Just when I was coming up with a plan to peacefully solve the matter, Kay fully burst out her aura and began shouting at the top of her lungs.

"You asshole! You're the one I've seen in my visions! You're the jerk who took pleasure out of torturing Jay!"

After hearing those words, I forced my head to look up, using every bit of power I could to move since her aura was so strong. Thunder and lightning filled the sky outside, and heavy rain violently fell to the ground. The windows were shattered as well, and the clothes on her body were hanging on by a thread, nearly exposing her most intimate body parts.

In the next moment, Kay suddenly flashed over to David, throwing a punch with no aim or grace. It was a punch of a wild beast, fully intended to kill the person in front of her. David managed to dodge just enough to save his head, however, he wasn't fast enough and she managed to land a hit on his shoulder. He stepped black slightly and tensed his shoulder, slightly scrunching his face up.

"You sick freak! Do you enjoy whipping and starving innocent people? And even when you found out he didnt actually kill my parents, there was no apology! Instead, what did you do? You kicked him out of his home! Can you imagine how lonely and scared he must've felt?" Kay shouted in my defense.

Immediately upon hearing these words, I felt the blood drain from my face. She had another vision? Why didn't she tell me?

It was clear that Kay didn't know the full story, but she knew enough to shock everyone present. I discreetly glanced towards David to see his expression, but his eyes never left Kay; he seemed to be in shock.

Immediately after saying those words, the pressure in the room calmed down and the thunderstorm outside cleared up. I noticed both mine and David's clothes had been ripped, but not nearly too the same degree as Kay's.

I quickly rushed over to Kay, catching her before she landed on the floor. She was out cold, and had used up every bit of energy she had during her angry outburst.

"How frightening..." David said before looking in my direction. "You told her about your past?"

"No, all I've told her was that I'm a rogue." I answered. Since I was still in shock after such an incredible display of power, I had completely forgotton about any kind of formalities, and it seems David was in a similar mindset.

At that moment, with Kay still in my arms, I immediately jumled backwards by 5 feet. Given the fact that Kay had just attacked a member of the Vampire Council, I was expecting a fight to break out. If the circumstance required it, I was ready to teleport put of there in an instant.

"You can relax, I'm not going to attack you or the Princess. Actually, I'm impressed. She had so much potential, but she seems so weak as if she's been starved her whole life. I demand you to tell me what's going on?" David said, walking towards me.

In my gut, I felt a strong feeling to not say anything to him, and that if I did, Kay wouldn't like it. Instead, I stayed in my defensive position and immediately teleported to multiple different locations acrossed the country before finally teleporting to Kay's apartment. I did this to ensure that the Vampire Council couldn't follow the trail of my energy, and even if they did, the energy trail would disappear before they could find us.

As soon as we arrived at the front door to the apartment, I felt that my energy had been nearly completely drained. It took everything I had to rest Kay's body down onto the couch. I covered her up with the quilt that had been sloppily laying there.

"Clothes... She needs to clothes..." I mumbled, heading towards one of the bedrooms. I wasn't sure which one was hers, nor did I care. Before I could reach the door, though, my body dropped with a loud thud and my vision faded to black.


Sadie's POV

After work ended, I went home and undressed out of my work clothes. I planned to go to the bar, since there was nothing to do at home, especially since Kay wasn't here. The house felt naked without her, and it kind of hurt to see my best friend start to grow close with someone else.

Perhaps part of my disliking for Jay stems from jealousy, but that still doesn't change my mind about how shady he is. This morning, the neighbor across the hall, Glenn, had called me about a strange man at our doorstep looking for Kay. The description perfectly matched Jay down to every last detail. I shuddered at the thought of him knowing where we live, especially since I thought he was unaware.

When Kay told me she had plans with Jay after work, it took everything in my power not to stop her. I knew she would just go anyway since she doesn't listen to anyone, and I didn't have the heart to argue again.

After getting dressed and fixing up my makeup, I pulled my phone out to do some social media searches about this "Jay" person. It was difficult since I didn't know his full name, or if Jay was even his real name. After a while of a hopeless search, I gave up and sighed.

My mood went sour since I was thinking about that creep too much, so I decided not to go to the bar after all. I got undressed and changed into some comfy pajamas, and washed all the makeup off my face.

"What a waste..." I said, disappointed in taking down my hard work. I just didn't have the energy to drink and party, though, and it's pointless to dress fancy in a house by myself. Just as I was about to head out into the kitchen for a snack, I heard a loud thud in the living room. I froze and felt a strange deja vu sensation. After hearing nothing at all for a few minutes, I snapped out of whatever state I was in and decided to call Glenn to help me investigate.

"Hey there, Sadie. Is everything alright?" Glenn said, doing a terrible job trying to mask his excitement from receiving a phone call from me.

"I think there's someone in my house." I whispered, pressing my ear against my bedroom door.

"Shit, I'll be right there. Is the door locked?" Glenn asked.

"Fuck! Yes, I think so. Maybe not though, can you try it? I'm scared to leave my room." I said.

"Sure thing."

We stayed on the line while Glenn tried to open the front door.

"Yeah, it's locked. Are you able to arm yourself at all?" Glenn asked with concern.

"Yeah, I think so. I can spray the person in the eyes with some perfume I have just in case." I stated proudly.

Glenn sighed. "So, Sadie, you have to get like a knife or something. You can temporarily blind him, which is good, but you also need to be able to retaliate while he's distracted."

I looked around my room. I still didn't hear anything on the other side of my room, but you can neved be too careful. I grabbed one of my shoes from the closet; a black, 6 inch stilletto high heel.

I opened the door slightly to see if anyone was there. So far, I didn't see anyone, but the way my door opened only allows me to see the front door and part of the kitchen. I opened up the door a little bit more, but the door stopped. There was something in the way. I screamed in a panic, then slammed the door shut.

"Sadie! Are you okay? What's going on?!" Glenn shouted.

"There's something blocking my door! I can open it, just not all the way. Sorry, I screamed in a panic." I replied.

"Sadie! What if you alerted the intruder to your location? Be careful!" Glenn shouted. I could hear him outside my door, but also through my phone at the same time.

After a few seconds of waiting, still, nothing was happening on the other side of the door. No voices, no footsteps, and no sound of the doorknob jiggling to try to get inside. Slowly, I opened the door again.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?" I asked cautiously. I could hear Glenn slap his forehead with his palm through the phone speaker, but he didn't say anything.

After getting no respose, I decided to open the door really fast and hard to try and move whatever was blocking it out of the way.


The door didn't budge, but at the very least, it was open just enough for me to leave my room. I stepped outside and turned to see what was blocking my door, and to my surprise, it was a body.

"AAAHHHH! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" I shouted in a panic. It was probably an over reaction, but I was amped up on adrenaline and expecting literally anything but a body.

"Sadie! What's going on? If you can hear me, try and escape and unlock this door!" Glenn shouted.

Quickly, I sprinted towards the front door. The distance wasn't far, but the action still caused me to run out of breath. I unlocked the door and opened it, and to Glenn's surprise, there was no one chasing after me. I pulled him inside, breifly looked down the hallways to make sure no one was there, and then slammed the door shut.

"Sadie... This is the guy that was at your doorstep this morning." Glenn said cautiously.

We knelt down to inspect the body. There were numerous cuts across his skin throughout his entire body, and his clothes had been ripped to shreds. He had dark circles unded his eyes, and his skin had grown to be very pale as if he was losing a lot of blood.

"We need to get him to a hospital. I think I can still feel a faint heartbeat." Glenn stated.

"What the fuck happened? Where's Kay? She was with him!" I fumbled through my words. Examining the rest of the room, I saw a hand dangling from the couch, and following the hand, I saw Kay laying on the couch underneath her favorite quilt.

I quickly ran to the couch to inspect her to make sure she was okay. She had the same dark circles under her eyes, and her face was incredibly pale. She looked dead, honestly, and the sight was frightening. I started to cry.

"Kay! Can you hear me? Are you still with me? Wake up! Please, I need you to stay with me. Glenn! Call an ambulance!" I shouted, holding onto Kay's hand for dear life. I removed the blanket to inspect her body, and what I saw was shocking. She had barely any clothes on her body, and the little bit that remained had been hanging on by a thread. The clothes loooked to be torn apart as if she were attacked by a vicious beast. The strange thing was, though, that there wasn't a single scratch on her. Her leg cast had been ripped to shreds, but underneath it, her leg looked just fine. It was no longer broken, and there weren't even any signs of bruising.

"What the fuck is going on...?" I mumbled.

"Shit! My phone, it died while I was dialling 911. Sadie, we have to use your phone." Glenn said.

Fumbling my pockets, I searched for my phone but couldn't find it. "I just had it! Where did it go?!" I said in a panic.

Looking around, I found my phone on the floor by the front door. I must've dropped it in my panic at some point. I quickly picked it up, noticing the cracked screen. My heart dropped at the sight of my precious phone being destroyed. 'It's okay, I can fix it later. It's not important right now, there are lives on the line!' I thought to myself, trying to cheer myself up.

I turned the screen on, but the screen didn't flash awake like it normally would. Instead, there were green and white lines along the screen, as if the phone had been smashed to bits.

"Goddamnit! We must have stepped on it. This is bad. Glenn, my phone is broken. What do I do?" I said through tears.

At that moment, Jay lifted his head up slightly. "No... hospitals. Please." Jay begged softly as his head flopped back onto the floor.

"What was that?" Glenn said, miving his ear closer tl Jay to listen better.

"We're fine now... She's okay..." Jay said, panting with each work he spoke. "...On the couch... he's after us... lost him... won't.. find her... too many... to follow..."

After that, Jay passed out again. Glenn and I looked at each other with confusion.

"What did he just say? I couldn't hear him very well, he spoke so softly." I asked.

"I don't really know. It was hard to understand, and even the things I did hear didn't make much sense. Something about a couch, and losing a guy or something? Too many to follow? What does that mean?" Glenn said.

I walked over to Jay and gently slapped him on the cheek a few times to wake him up.

"Jay, you can talk to us, right? Did someone try to hurt you and Kay? What's going on?" I asked in the same gentle tone I used to speak with Kay when she has one of her mental breakdowns. Slowly, his eyes opened back up.

"She... attacked him... We're on.. our own now... for good." Jay said with a pained expression. "Thirsty.."

"Do you need some water? I'll go get you something. I can get you something to eat, as well. You look like shit, honestly. Glenn, can you go ask one of the neighbors to call an ambulance?" I said.

"No!" Jay tried to shout, but his voice was so weak it only came out as a harsh whisper. "No... hospitals... They... find us... Hungry..."

I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. Glenn stayed by Jay's side to make sure he didn't straight up just die on us. I gathered some drinks and snacks and brought them over to Jay. Immediately, like a vicious beast, he tore open the juice box and devoured it. He did the same to the snacks. Honestly, it looked like he had been starving and locked away somewhere. The color started to return to his face and he was able to now sit up, but he was still very weak and disheveled. There was a look of pure panic in his eyes, which immediately glanced over in Kay's direction.

Jay rushed over to Kay's side, pulling the blanket back over her exposed body. She felt cold to the touch, and if it weren't for her faint heartbeat, one might think she was already dead. Sitting on the floor, facing the couch, Jay grabbed Kay's hand and stared at her. He sat like that for a very long time, and nothing we said or did could make him move from that position.