
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · 奇幻言情
26 Chs

Chaos Awakens

After our long journey from the fortress, we arrived at a snow mountain. Sabastian said the next scroll was on top of it in a catacomb.

C: Old chapels, ruined forts, and now this? A catacomb on top of this crap. Next time can you choose something nicer? Like a beach or flower field?

S: I'm not the one who put it up there. Blame the angels who can fly.

C: I wish I could fly.

S: You will, don't worry. Lunari has wings. You will get them when you are much older.

C: Can I wait here until they grow out?

S: No.

After we climbed up the mountain, we finally arrived a the catacomb.

C: Wait just a moment.

S: Again? We just took a break.

C: Sush. I need to concentrate... There.

I pointed at the wall. A shard was buried in it like a bullet.

S: I will grab it for you.

Sebastian used his sword to pry the shard out of the small hole and hand it to me.

C: Thank you. Idihawak nhan.

S: How do you feel?

C: The same as before, but colder? If that makes any sense.

S: Colder? I don't know what it could mean. Anything else?

C: Nothing. I'll let you know if something comes up.

Walking into the catacomb was uncomfortable. Bones and skulls were everywhere.

C: Why would they hide anything here?

S: The bones here protect this place from unwelcome intruders. No one should be able to attack us here.

C: Is that it on that pedestal?

S: Yes.

When Sebastian tried to grab it, his hand was pushed back. Then I tried. But my hand was pushed away as well.

C: A barrier?

S: From the looks of it. I'll try to break it.

Sebastian slashed at the barrier with his sword but nothing.

S: Can you test your new powers on it?

C: I give it shot. Manahaj twas.

A whip made of blue flame formed in my hand. I trusted the whip forward, but nothing happened.

S: Hellfire whip. You are getting better, but nothing.

C: Sebastian. Ever since we entered this place, I started hearing voices. Whispers.

S: The Moon?

C: Similar. It's like her but a bit different. Like many voices speaking at once.

S: What is it saying?

I walked near the barrel and put my arm up.

C: Haim aadwafla. Azaqyatsa.

Black-gold cracks spread from the mark on my entire body, even near my eyes and fingertips. Liquid-like water dropped from fingers to the ground, forming wolf-like heads. They were black and gold, like the cracks on my body. They jumped at the barrier, shattering it the moment they touched it. It was like they were eating its magic.

S: What was that?!

After a few seconds, I felt a sharp, burning feeling. But it wasn't hot. It was cold. So cold it burned. I was screaming and crying in agony. Even after I dropped the spell, I still felt the pain.

S: Try to breathe. It will help...

C: Ugh... What was that? It hurts like hell.

S: That was the Sea Of Chaos. You summoned it. But you can't control it fully. Don't do that ever again.

I was shaking like a leaf. How can something take this out of me?

S: Rest. I'll carry you.

C: Thank... you...

I fainted and fell asleep on the spot. But even in my dreams, I was hunted by this power. It was suffocating. Even tho I don't even breathe. I don't know how long I was asleep, but it felt like forever.