
Your choice.

Mateo is a ruler of a kingdom, and everything had been going well until Asaglor, a nearby kingdom, launched an attack on him.

The last thing Mateo remembered before blacking out was his throne room being invaded.

Mateo wakes up to see himself in some kind of jail cell. The sound of footsteps approaching grew louder and louder until a man stopped in front of Mateo, his arms folded across his chest.

"Mateo, correct?" He asked. "I'm Enzo. General Enzo of the kingdom of Asaglor."

(POV: Mateo) I look at him, in a slight daze still, trying to get a feeling of my surroundings.

Description-> Mateo, 5'9, Africa American and Hispanic, well built and pretty strong, hair color is black and my hair is curly, soft, silky, and smooth, eye color is pure golden and a male and very handsome.

His voice is naturally deep.

(POV: Enzo)

Enzo nods. "You're still a bit dazed, I see," he says, his voice calm and collected. "Well, to save you the suspense, I've come to offer you a deal."

He steps closer to Mateo and looks down at him. "Asaglor has conquered your kingdom, and we have your entire royal court in our captivity as well. In short, my king, Julius, has given me two options."

Enzo hesitates for a moment, thinking about the words he is going to speak. "Option one…"

(POV: Mateo) As I looked up at him, my knees, my legs, my back, it felt like everything was hurting.

Maybe it was from the way they took me hostage? I didn't know.

As he told me I had options, I wait for him to say the Options.

(POV: Enzo)

Enzo clears his throat and continues. "Option one is that you will immediately surrender and become one of my king's loyal subjects. Your people will be treated fairly, of course, but your land will belong to Asaglor from now on."

He pauses, taking a moment to study Mateo. "Option two…"

(POV: Mateo)

*N..no way. Why would I want to surrender to him.. Julius must be insane.* I thought to myself and looked down to the Jail cell floor.

After I heard I had a second opinion, my head quickly lifted up and looked back up at Enzo, "What's my second opinion.." I said softly as I waited for him to say the second opinion.

(POV: Enzo)

Enzo pauses for a moment and then continues. "Option two is that my king, Julius, has given you the option to fight me in a duel." Enzo reaches for his sword at his side. "If you manage to defeat me, you and your royal court will be allowed to return to your kingdom as free people."

Enzo gives Mateo an unreadable look and then nods his head. "However, if you lose…" Enzo unsheathes his sword and holds it against his chest, letting the blade rest against his heart. "Then you and your entire royal court will be executed."