A story of reincarnation of an orphan boy of fifteen years who died due to cancer with only a vague idea of magic from watching Harry Potter movies once and reading one or two fanfictions being reborn as Harry Potter in an alternate universe to the Harry Potter universe.
Lily Potter was forlornly cooking breakfast along with her mother in law Dorea and Amelia in Potter Manor as it was the weekend and everyone was spending it in Potter Manor. While the ladies were cooking the gents and children were all sleeping in. She was feeling quite depressed over the past one week as she missed her baby boy, this was the longest that she had gone without seeing him ever, she missed him following her everywhere and asking all sorts of questions and their weekly potions tutoring sessions or teaching him how to cook.
Lily was broken out of her pondering when she saw Harry's beautiful snowy owl Titania knocking on the kitchen window. Lily rushed to the window and unlatched it and let Titania in. Lily softly stroked her feathery head as she retrieved Harry's letter tied to her leg and gave Titania a bowl of bacon which she gorged herself on, she blamed Harry for that as he pampered his owl too much.
Lily forgot all about that as she remembered that she had Harry's letter in her hand and immediately tore it open and started reading it. It basically consisted of Harry missing them, his sorting into Ravenclaw and how he was earning loads of points for Ravenclaw and how he was getting bored in all his classes and complaining about History of magic, Defense against the dark arts and Potions classes. Lily made a point to eviscerate Snape if she met him and he kept harassing Harry, really what kind of a professor asked a first year student NEWT level questions, she wondered what Albus had been smoking when he made Snape a Professor.
As everyone came down and had their breakfast, Lily announced, " Harry sent a letter this morning and guess which house he was sorted into James? " she asked her husband. James readily replied, " with all the stunts he pulls on his broom, he will definitely be Gryffindor. "
But Lily joyously replied, " no, he is my son, Harry was sorted into Ravenclaw, here Harry sent some pictures using his camera, " showing them some pictures of Harry in Ravenclaw robes with Hogwarts in the background. James moaned in defeat having lost his bet with Lily about which house Harry would be sorted into. But as he read the rest of the letter he happily exclaimed to Lily , "see, Harry takes after me he is a transfiguration prodigy he earned sixty points from McGonagall in his first Transfiguration class itself and also it seems that Harry also finds Snape to be a prick, good thing he takes after you in Potions as I am absolutely crap at it. "
Amelia was happy to read a section of the letter addressed to her as she had missed Harry greatly, as her son was usually always their to cheer her up when she was stressed out from her job and she was happy to see some photos of Harry and Susan.
Sirius and James were delighted to read about a prank Harry had pulled on Draco malfoy, who from what they read had insulted Lily and everyone knew that Harry was a Mama's boy so he had slipped a potion into Malfoy's pumpkin juice which made him bald for a day. Lily didn't no whether to scold Harry for pranking someone or hug him for defending her. Harry had also included photos of different places in Hogwarts for his sisters which they were excitedly looking over.