
The Lord of All Dungeons

Jason Reynolds has always been different. Growing up in a society where the strong rule over the weak, he was taught from a young age to always be cautious of other people's actions and he, therefore, grew up with few to no friends. Even the few people some may consider his friends are actually just acquaintances who he can get rid of at any moment. Calm and collected, he weighs the pros and cons of every situation. Why then did he choose to have the core of an unknown creature when he had the option to choose kobolds, goblins, elementals and more? Perhaps he saw their potential. Perhaps he knows something others do not. An unknown core, a core nobody has seen before. What could make it special?

FilledWithHope · 奇幻
10 Chs

Goblins Versus Spiders

Jason thought for a while before approaching a group of spiders and goblins and he watched as the environment changed to that of a spider's lair with webs everywhere and spiders covering the walls, ground, and ceiling.

after a few minutes of watching Jason noticed that both sides seemed to be around evenly matched, with countless numbers of goblins and spiders filling each direction. The spiders would have had the advantage, but the goblins had a size advantage and worked together remarkably well.

Suddenly, a group of giant spider queens came screeching towards the front line of goblins with an angry expression on their faces. Poison could be seen dripping from their mouths and large, sharp legs. As they ran they occasionally shot out webs and slashed out towards a nearby goblin. The goblins quickly formed into groups of five, with each group gathering in a small line and tensed up in preparation for a large impact.

When a spider queen reached a line formation, the goblins would hold hands and charge forward to meet the queen before wrapping themselves around it and allowing goblins in the back to take aim at the spider with stones and other weapons. The first wave would usually get knocked back, but the second was usually able to slow down the spider queens.

After a while, the spiders were replaced with giant spiders and the goblins were replaced with better-equiped goblins. Unlike the previous battle between the undead and elementals, the leaders of the factions didn't charge towards each other. The goblin leader was physically weak and more based around intellect and the spider leader was based around laying eggs. The teamwork of the goblins under the orders of their leaders was a lot better and their armor helped defend them from the poison of the spiders. The goblins that did get poisoned had a much worse fate than the ones that got poisoned from the small spiders from before, though.

There were a few spiders who sat in the back with their leader laying eggs that produced countless small spiders. These spiders relied on the front wave of spiders and the webs hanging off the walls for protection from the goblins. The main leader of the goblins gathered a group of three hundred goblins and had them charge beyond the front line and sent a small group of fifty goblins to take advantage of the opening made and attack the spider queens.

The goblins managed to hold their own for a while but were eventually overwhelmed by the on the site reproduction ability of the spiders and were all killed. The leaders of the goblins were all brought towards the main queen and the queen devoured all their bodies before laying countless giant eggs.

Soon the spiders and goblin corpses faded from existence and Jason once again turned towards a new group, this one a group of kobolds and slimes.

Read this book of Foxaholic to enjoy access to a chapter ahead of schedule.

FilledWithHopecreators' thoughts